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Everything posted by orappa

  1. Sometimes crashes to the desktop can be caused by graphics card drivers. Try updating to your newest graphics, sound and chipset drivers and see if the problem persists. Also, do you have a censored version of the game?
  2. Yeah, I don't know what Oli does on the team either. One would assume it was either directly GRS-related or related to the skills he demonstrated whilst coding GRS.
  3. eAi said that the problem was that the error reporter hadn't been turned off, and was due to the fact that the database was overloaded. Now that he's switched it off, I presume that the message no longer occurs. Kantham, the Unhandled Exception is often caused by you having the wrong version of Vice City specified in the client. If you have the default version, it should be set to 1.0. Also, some no-cd patches and cracks can cause such errors.
  4. orappa

    MTA Colour Bug

    He means the text in the chat window of the client before you join the game.
  5. orappa

    MTA Colour Bug

    Do you have XP SP2? This was an issue with 0.4.1 and SP2. I never happened to come across a fix for it though.
  6. The only problem is that it's April 1st tomorrow, which means about 9 weeks until SA for PC. Assuming that Blue is still on target to be released before SA, that unfortunately doesn't leave very long.
  7. Yeah, all everyone seems to talk about these days is the mod support. As Talidan said, bandwidth has been reduced in addition to smoother animations as shown by these video clips: http://www.mtavc.com/archive.php?nummer=170 These features were meant to be in 0.4 but didn't make it. According to Kent, they've since made some other tweaks that results in them being even smoother.
  8. 1. Player drops are not necessarily for that particular reason. 2. I remember seeing some stats on CSports.net several months ago which showed that US players are by far a majority, so it would be logical that player count reductions would be proportional.
  9. You could try http://www.portforward.com/routers.htm . They have guides on router configurations.
  10. I think there's a little bit of confusion. When Bump said "vehicle handling method", many people assumed that he meant modifying the handling to make the cars faster or heavier for example. Does he actually mean something similar to this? http://www.mtavc.com/archive.php?nummer=170
  11. Yeah, I'd agree with that. That's what we do on HL2C.
  12. I have never ever seen that before. Weird.
  13. The trouble is, if you edit a topic that's a long way down the list, no-one will know that you edited it, so it's often better to bump it by double-posting. 4 days seems reasonable for a bump IMHO.
  14. orappa


    That doesn't seem to query LAN servers though. Feature for 0.5.1 perhaps?
  15. Lies! You can play on LAN without an internet connection. Not with 0.5's crash bug...
  16. Does that mean less lag for 0.5.1? P.S. It's good that Bump's back, as we seem to be getting more frequent updates.
  17. I think it was due to GRS more than anything else. Oh, and stop the flaming please. It's good to see that most people play 0.5 more than 0.4, even with VC DM's problems.
  18. orappa

    anti car hijacking

    That sounds like a feature for Blue: http://www.mtablue.info
  19. orappa

    A weird error

    From Known Issues:
  20. Some issues can be resolved by updating to 1.1, but I run 1.0 and haven't had any problems. Edit: They're drastically improving the netcode in the upcoming MTA: Blue btw - http://www.mtablue.info
  21. It's an error with the error reporter. Basically the database is overloaded (78,000 reports, which is more than enough) and so it displays that error because it can't report the error. To stop the error coming up, delete the file MTAErrorReporter.asi from your VC folder. When does this error occur? There are several solutions to errors in the Known Issues section: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=11098
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