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Everything posted by orappa

  1. Have you... 1. Enabled AdminServer in the mtaserver.conf file? 2. Opened port 4003 (or whatever you set it to) on your router / firewall if applicable?
  2. orappa

    I cant kill anyone

    Try this: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=6451
  3. Luigi's making a Mafia mod for VC anyway: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=10383 They've converted several weapons and vehicles so far. Also, MTA:Blue is just a codename. It doesn't mean that that will be the final name, and it also doesn't mean that future versions will be named after primary colours.
  4. People generally don't have a problem with carkillers - it's persistent carkillers. The kind of people who run off to find another car to run you over with when you blow up their first one.
  5. Woah... I just realised I'm only 40 posts away from being Mr. 3000 as well. *applies to join the club*
  6. Yeah, but hardware normally comes before game support, so there are unlikely to be many games that will make full use of 512MB cards as soon as they come out (Doom 3 being the only exception I can think of).
  7. Why can't you have more than 10?
  8. I suppose it all depends on how well received the MTA:LC mod is (presuming there will be one, of course).
  9. *votes for GTA3: Blue after MTA:SA*
  10. A lot of the problems with MTA are due to the fact that it is client-side. When you shoot someone on CS, the server notes that they've been hit without the client's intervention. With MTA, the client notifies the server that the player's been hit. This makes the game more susceptible to lag. It also makes it easier to cheat because you can prevent the packet saying that you've been hit from reaching the server. It also explains why people can pause to avoid being hit. The problem is that they're hacking a game that's not designed for multiplayer. If it was server-side, the server would need to know a LOT more about GTA. At the moment, it basically relays packets and keeps score. It's a beta. The idea is that the public are testing it. MTA's been in development for over 2 years now, and I'm glad that they released imperfect versions rather than keeping us all waiting until the final release. http://www.mtablue.info
  11. Yeah, you need to get XP or 2000.
  12. There are no AI players, as these would cause terrible lag.
  13. Could you not import one (e.g. via eBay)?
  14. It would only be called roadkill in America though. I've never heard anyone over here call it that.
  15. Surely a car kill is when you kill someone with a car, no matter what they're doing at the time?
  16. I believe you need to copy some of the files from Disc 2 in order to get the crack working, which you can't do as you don't have it any more.
  17. orappa

    Seting up a server

    You mean the Rich Text thing in the client? Upload a .rtf file to your webspace somewhere (you can create them in Word or Wordpad). Now edit the mtaserver.conf file and edit the MOTDURL bit to give the address of the file.
  18. Well, Easter's over (although religious people are still talking about it), so I'm going to lock this as it's turned spammy.
  19. where did you get this from? Oh dear. I dread the day that SA is released if Blue isn't out (although they could claim that they were talking about the European release and steal 3 extra days).
  20. orappa

    I cant kill anyone

    How fast is your internet connection? MTA isn't very friendly for people with slow connections and / or slow computers.
  21. orappa

    A weird error

    Woah.... never seen that before. Looks like a graphics driver problem. You could try updating your drivers to the latest version.
  22. orappa

    Seting up a server

    Do you think you could post the contents of your mtaserver.conf file? Also, open port 2003 on any routers / firewalls (if you have any).
  23. orappa

    Seting up a server

    You're trying to play on the machine that's acting as the server, right? If so, just type localhost in the IP box. The default port is 2003. The 4003 port is for admin functions via the separate admin utility.
  24. You told it to find gta-vc.exe, didn't you? If you're talking about GTA3, you need the v1.1 patch.
  25. orappa

    Seting up a server

    Oh... I thought you had the same error as the guy who started this topic. It's possible that you have this one instead:
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