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Everything posted by orappa

  1. Jani, you act as if helping people is a real chore, so why do you do it?
  2. Back on topic please. No more MTA vs other mods.
  3. orappa

    need help....

    This can also be caused by selecting the wrong VC version in the client (you'd be surprised how often people do that). I can see that you've set it to 1.1, so you could try setting it to 1.0. Also, whilst we don't encourage warez, some no-CD cracks will not work with MTA (causing errors like that), particularly those with "extras" such as blood patches. A similar error used to be a frequent problem amongst ATI users, but if you say that you've got the latest graphics card drivers, it is unlikely to be due to that.
  4. Wouldn't it be a problem in stunt mode with Nitro though?
  5. I think it may also be due to the fact that new players may not be able to get a kill (at least at first) in any other way due to sync and aiming problems in the current core. If they get moaned at and / or kicked, that may well put them off MTA for life. As another topic states, a large problem with MTA is the people who play it.
  6. Ok, I think this has been spammed enough. Locked.
  7. Just to add to what Bump said, you can get more info on the new core here: http://www.mtablue.info
  8. Just email one of the devs at the addresses shown on the team page: http://www.mtavc.com/team.php It might be best to email IJs as he is the team leader or Cray as he is the lead coder I believe.
  9. Check his post history and you'll see that most of his posts are requesting source code.
  10. So if jumping off cliffs was popular, you'd follow that craze? I think what he means is that because it's popular, he'd be disadvantaged by not using it.
  11. Some people say it's difficult to make other people take damage now. Imagine what they'd be saying if there were unsynced peds contributing as well.
  12. I wouldn't have said the whole version was bad - just the VC DM part of it.
  13. ... but there's a stunt mode for racing / stunting. I think this would balance things a little bit more considering that Blue has synced drive-bys. It would also be good for GTA3.
  14. I think this deserves a lock unless anyone has anything worthwhile and on-topic to add.
  15. orappa


    Stop bumping old threads asking for source code.
  16. They're good for effect, but what happens if someone starts interacting with them? What happens if someone shoots at you and there are pedestrians in the way on your screen? Do other players just float through pedestrians on your screen or would they run into them (in which case they'd be in a completely different place on their screen to where they are on yours)?
  17. I think the team owe you an apology. I see now that you know better than they do what goes on, despite the fact that they are in the team and you are not (but perhaps want to be). You really don't know what you're talking about. For a start, the progress bar was updated 5 or 6 months ago, not a year. Secondly, the progress bar is not a true indication of progress. The fact that it has stayed the same for the past 6 months or so would imply that they have made absolutely no progress whatsoever in that time which is untrue. Also, it is difficult for them to gauge progress and they do not rush out to update it as soon as they complete it. I think when the next update comes, it will be reasonably large. Btw, I'd just like to point out that a double negative means that you realise that he has a clever reason.
  18. To be honest, MTA has enough "effects" at the moment (e.g. helicopters falling out of the sky, only to reappear in the sky moments later) without people shooting invisible pedestrians and driving invisible cars.
  19. I'm not talking about games that have few / no cheaters because they have few / no players. The potential for cheating is still there - the developers didn't eliminate it.
  20. orappa

    MTA question

    LOL. DragonForce, there is no way of doing this at the moment other than the method njr1489 suggested. Of course, this will only disable the radar on your screen, so if you were thinking of having a stealth game, you'd have to play it with some trustworthy people who won't switch theirs back on again. When Blue comes, game mode creators will have a lot more flexibility, and such a mode would be easy to implement. More info: http://www.mtablue.info
  21. Yeah, email Cray or IJs (email links on the homepage).
  22. You and I seem to have a different understanding of how people can help. You think that more coders can speed up the process whereas I think that the mass beta makes it easier for the existing coders which leads to greater efficiency. Throw in too many programmers and they'd interfere with each other's work and it would also be difficult to manage a larger group of people. These factors would actually slow down the process.
  23. Well they don't just pick anyone, as you're suggesting. They did only recruit Oli within the last 2-3 weeks though.
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