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Everything posted by orappa

  1. Right, we've now established that this rumour is FALSE so I'm going to lock this.
  2. You might not but others will.
  3. Paying won't necessarily make it faster. Donations will not cover the money that the devs earn from their day jobs.
  4. Nope, sorry. Why can't you patch it? Is it because you have an illegal version of the game?
  5. No, they'd never legally be allowed to charge for it.
  6. To be honest, no one has played both so no-one can compare them accurately until they are released.
  7. That video was created a few hours after they had synced vehicles. It shouldn't be used to judge what the final sync will be like (in fact, it shouldn't be used to determine what anything will be like in the final release). Also bear in mind that Blue is more complicated than SA-MP's core because it was designed with customisability in mind. Kyeman left the team because he wanted to go in a different direction to the rest of the team. I do agree that the current core has perhaps been milked more than it should have been though.
  8. Guys, if you want to continue flaming, please do it via PM.
  9. I've just closed a thread about that debate. Please don't bring it into this one.
  10. Why must you persist? You say you won't bother to argue and then you argue again. Thanks for the suggestion, but we will not be switching from PHPBB. IPB may possibly be faster and more secure but we have no reason to switch as we have had few security issues with this board and no-one has complained about the speed. This thread is going nowhere.
  11. Oh yeah, we all think it's a good idea which is why the next core will support mods (it's better to call them mods rather than cheats as people may misunderstand what you mean), however the current version does not support them.
  12. A Blue release would solve the former and the latter could be balanced at the server admin's discretion. I really don't see why GTA3 is so unpopular. Granted, it doesn't have motorbikes or helicopters as well as some other features from Vice, but it's still a great game.
  13. Actually it was released nearer to February. I don't know what you mean when you saw "it will be 0.5 all over again" though.
  14. orappa


    I thought stats were global.
  15. I think it would be good to have a mod with 5 or 6 of these game modes and when one finishes, the next one begins. This would keep people playing it by providing a regular change.
  16. These are great ideas that sound really fun, however I can't imagine playing them for hours on end.
  17. orappa


    This has been discussed before and the problem was that you'd be tied to a specific server because you wouldn't want to lose your stats. On the other hand, you could easily cheat if the stats were stored on your machine.
  18. Also bear in mind that the test forum isn't running any custom scripts either. Btw, most of the attacks to the site and forum have been DOS / DDOS ones. I've found that PHPBB fix problems pretty quickly after they are discovered.
  19. Probably because they don't keep it updated. Most hackers attack non-patched websites using details provided by the fix. That's the mistake that was made with the old support board, which is why we only have one centralised forum now.
  20. It was http://forums.hl2central.net but they've restructured it now into a centralised forum so the original topic may not be there any more.
  21. They really think we'll download it? No Thanks. Yeah, just like no-one bought the version of XP without WMP, as requested by the EU.
  22. The forum's just as fast as it ever was. Also, PHPBB is just as secure as any other board software, providing that you keep it updated.
  23. orappa

    Windows Vista

    Dictionary definition: Long narrow opening?
  24. orappa


    They are actually releasing mods. If they don't, you'll have to sit around after the release waiting for someone to create a gamemode so that you can actually play the game. There are no "built-in" gamemodes, just mods that ship with it.
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