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Everything posted by orappa

  1. I remember that it was originally called "Core 0.4" which confused everyone because MTA:VC 0.3 was out at the time, and they got it mixed up with MTA 0.4, the next version that combined GTA3 and VC but still used the old core. That's why they changed it to Blue.
  2. What player in the Hunter? All players have the same radar icon, and checkpoint radar colours depend on the colour of the checkpoint, set by the person who created the map. ChrML tried to set the player icons to an obscure turquoise colour that people would be unlikely to choose as a checkpoint colour. No, it's because the race hasn't finished yet. The clock keeps ticking by their name until a player finishes. It's a very low bandwidth XML page that lists the headlines from the site. An RSS reader can be set to update this page every so often, notifying you when new headlines appear.
  3. People would play as grocery clerks if the reward for doing so was sufficient.
  4. No, the first release will be a race mod with deathmatch coming later. Swimming will probably be synced at the same time as the foot code.
  5. Ha ha. Nice one Toreno I'm not sure littlewhitey should be giving out that information but everything is being made ready for the public beta so that it can be released straight away if there are no issues discovered.
  6. It seems like a lot of work if it only supports 2 or 3 players. I'd personally prefer to have no peds at all and just have lots of players, as the players are more intelligent (in theory) than the AI drones.
  7. Where you've used two images in a userbar (e.g. SARL v2), I think it would look better if you blended the edges so that they weren't so hard. Other than that, keep up the good work
  8. orappa

    Help on MTA 0.4

    Why can't you download 0.5? Works for me. http://www.gonnaplay.com/fileInfo.php?g=201&f=23
  9. Blue is the new core (the part that interfaces with the game). A lot of the problems with MTA 0.5 are due to the old core which is in need of replacement. For more details about Blue, see http://www.mtablue.info (note that this is Vice City-centric but Blue will be released for SA first). The first MTA:SA release will be a race mod, with foot sync coming later. For more details, see http://www.mtasa.com/videos/ and http://www.mtavc.com/blog/
  10. How does the server decide where the peds go when it has no information about the map? Peds would be walking through walls. You can set them to predefined paths but what happens if someone parks a car in front of their path? Of course, you could run the game on the server but most server owners would not want the performance hit caused by running it. A couple of team members have ideas of how to sync peds in the future though, and Blue is the perfect platform with which to test them out.
  11. http://www.gtasanandreas.net/screenshot ... image=2331 That's not MTA Blue, is it?
  12. Actually... yeah it could have been. A lot better. ... for example (bearing in mind this is a preview to a review)?
  13. The race mod is actually quite fun in comparison to 0.5, 0.4 or indeed any MTA version in my opinion. There are no glitchers, no stubby whores, and if you die, it's normally your own fault and so people don't cry "OMG hax! Bant!" like little girls. Just give it a chance when it comes out, instead of flaming it when you haven't even played it.
  14. Yeah, we crashed in the vehicular sense into the barrels.
  15. Ah yeah, another game I bought after playing the episodic demo (same with Doom). I love Duke 3D, although not as much as Quake.
  16. We've just released Release Candidate 2 to the QA team. The main change in this RC is a fix for the crash I mentioned earlier - it turned out this was caused by a small mistake in someones code that managed to cause very erratic crashes. Glad that's out of the way! We've also fixed a couple of other minor issues too... We've also got some information on server bandwidth usage, which I know some of the companies that provide game server renting are interested in. These are not final and may be inaccurate, but they should give you some idea. The average upload to players is about 35 kilobits per second per player. This clearly is lower for a smaller number of players and higher for a larger server. Interestingly, when testing, it appears that many races are best played with a smaller number of players. Obviously this is up to the map creator, but a standard race seems to work best with under 16 players, whereas free-roam races can have many more. This is from my experience of our testing, I'm sure some map creators can make some really good 32 player races too, many of them just get too crowded (particularly at the start) with that many players.
  17. I don't see why not, unless technical reasons stand in the way.
  18. Mine was Quake. I got addicted to the demo and had to purchase the game and its expansion packs. In those days, they'd give you a whole episode away free as a demo, so you'd spend days playing it and would have a good idea of whether or not the game was suitable for you. Now most demos can be completed in half an hour. Quake had such a good atmosphere, I thought. It also had realistic monsters, some of which were genuinely creepy. My favourite was the Shambler - the giant who sent out bolts of lightning and frightened the hell out of you when he suddenly came round the corner. Graphics were pretty decent too. It's still fun to play today, which is a testament to the excellent gameplay. Some people said that Quake 2 surpassed its predecessor but I never really liked Quakes 2 or 3 as much as the original (haven't played 4 yet).
  19. This option will never be added. Multiplayer in TA was created by the developers themselves, so there were no legal issues with using 1 CD for 4 players.
  20. I'm happy to say that we just this minute release the first release candidate to the QA team for them to test. We obviously hope this release candidate is the only one required, but it’s too soon to say if that’s the case or not. As far as I'm aware, there are no open issues that require fixing, so anything that does get changed that requires a new release candidate will either have been introduced in this release candidate or will not have been found previously. We fixed 24 issues in this release almost all were minor. In total over this QA period for the first public beta we've fixed 439 issues - we never guessed when we started out 7 months ago to the day that this would take so long, but we all hope we've built a stable base for future developments and a couple of fun mods for you to play with. That’s not to say the public beta will be bug free, of course, not even release quality software is. There’s quite a few issues that we've "suspended" for future patches, either because we can't track down their origin (which I'm sure the community will be able to help with), because they're too trivial to spend the time on or because they would delay the release by too much. We'll update you on how the release candidate is received soon.
  21. Er... ok. This sounds like one of those posts that was written in anger with no forethought.
  22. Wow, nice. So much for a PSP exclusive as they originally claimed But this is easy for them to do because both the PS2 and PSP are made by Sony. It remains to be seen if their contract will allow Xbox and PC releases. Hopefully.
  23. Which one? The one considered to be most suitable for the site.
  24. As always happens with such topics, this has gone round and round in circles for 5 pages so I'm locking it. If someone can think of something that hasn't been said before in this topic and all the ones before it (unlikely), PM me and I'll reopen it.
  25. mIRC - http://www.mirc.com and the IRC server is irc.multitheftauto.com. The main channel is #mta.
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