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Everything posted by orappa

  1. To be honest, GTA isn't very realistic either. It'd be great in real life if you could get away from the police by respraying your car.
  2. I personally don't like doing lots of tutorials as they tell you lots of things that you will probably never use. My strategy would be to do a couple of tutorials to gain an idea of the basic format of the code and then research topics specific to what I wanted to achieve in the mod.
  3. I find it really annoying when (for example) I post a question saying I'm having problems running a game on my Nvidia card and ask for help and someone replies saying "OMG Nvidia sux!!1 ATI for teh win!". I mean, it doesn't answer the question at all and doesn't really help the situation.
  4. orappa


    This would be difficult over the internet, as the clientside physics system loses precision when lag is present. You've probably noticed this in MTA 0.5. It would probably work over a LAN though.
  5. That's not a bad idea for an RPG class.
  6. orappa


    I would seriously love to see a dance off in MTA:SA at some point.
  7. Now I remember why they were disabled in the first place
  8. I'd just like to add that you being unable to accept his apology doesn't necessarily make it false, and as such does not warrant a new topic. He's given his reason and stuck to it. End of matter.
  9. You definitely need cover though. Your team members are rubbish so you're essentially on your own against everyone else. Btw, that strategy doesn't always work. Sometimes the AI gets confused and remains at its spawnpoint, so you need to pick them off one-by-one with a sniper rifle if you have line of sight or move closer if you don't. Note that moving closer can fail the mission if you go to far because you'll be out of the designated war area.
  10. The AI's pretty crap so my strategy was just to outwit it. Camp in high places where they can't get to you or see you (e.g. on the middle of a roof) and they will all gather below you, doing absolutely nothing. Then you throw grenades down
  11. That's in MTA:SA, which hasn't been released yet. It's pretty self-explanatory, as you'll discover when we release it.
  12. Or even a real girlfriend.
  13. Some GPS devices use outdated photographs whereas it's pretty easy to update a hand-drawn map. Also, you implied that the hand-drawn maps would be less detailed when that isn't necessarily true.
  14. That wasn't me. I banned the IP.
  15. orappa


    What does it mean? It must be an American phrase.
  16. Er... btw, illegal and pornographic sites are not allowed in the list. Someone's bound to post some.
  17. You can connect to the server, so closed ports are not the problem. Your name is "HackJack" so the script could be kicking you because of the word "hack". Try connecting with different nicks that are unlikely to be blocked. Note: some scripts block "Player" and "MTAPlayer" as well, which I find a little excessive.
  18. orappa


    This is the greatest thread in the history of MTA.
  19. The map editor will most likely be incorporated into DM so you could create a map with only melee pickups. You may even be able to specify spawning weapons within the editor (possibly).
  20. 1) The race creator specifies the starting vehicle. If there was a selection screen, everyone would just choose the fastest vehicles each time. 2) You enter spectator mode until the next race.
  21. Another one of these legal topics... Considering that MTA is a high profile GTA mod, do you think we'd still be here if what we were doing was illegal? Rockstar's lawyers would have closed the site down years ago. The fact is that mods actually increase sales of GTA. Players who have bought it on PS2 buy it on PC for the mods. That's why Rockstar release console versions first. Even Hot Coffee increased sales of the game.
  22. Nope, but repair pickups are available. Domspy didn't mention that you can also have tank wars.
  23. Why did they email you though? This looks like a set up to me.
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