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Everything posted by Towncivilian

  1. A: Good enough. It's a Nissan Pathfinder, 1996-2004. Q: are we there yet?
  2. A: no, the correct answer is 1.00619848 × 10116 (Indian rupees / au) / century according to Google Q: which vehicle is in my signature?
  3. A: goldfish Q: sqrt(3**4.5) googol argentine peso/rod/fortnight in inr/au/century = ???
  4. I'm not too sure what the point of this topic is anymore. Locked.
  5. Towncivilian

    MTA Bug

    First of all, please install the following: Install the latest patch of MTA:SA Install the latest DirectX runtimes And as others posted, please provide some more details. Does your issue occur in single player GTA:SA?
  6. The uploader appears to credit the first two in his description (Thank you, etc). Removed the speedometer.
  7. Please close the "GIGABYTE OC GURU" application and try again. If that doesn't work, uninstall MTA completely and reinstall it using the installer from the homepage, then install the latest patch of MTA:SA.
  8. A. exactly 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 moons old Q. why is water wet?
  9. Verify your server is using port 22003 in mtaserver.conf. Also check that your ports are forwarded properly at https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ports/
  10. If your MTA crashes on startup or during game load, or complains "Your client has been modified," please try the following before starting a new topic: If MTA is claiming that you have a modified client, please be sure you are running MTA on a clean, unmodified installation of Grand Theft Auto. If you are unsure, reinstall both the game and MTA 0.5r2 and try again. Delete the gta_vc.set or gta3.set file located in the GTA Vice City User Files or GTA3 User Files (depending on which game you have issues with) in your Documents folder/library (Windows Vista and 7 users) or My Documents directory (Windows XP users). If you're getting an "Invalid Executable" error, try Talidan's Invalid Executable Patcher if you have a German or Australian copy of GTA:VC. Otherwise, try to find a 1.0 No-CD executable. If your anti-virus is claiming MTAClient.exe as a virus, add an exception and read here for an explanation. Install the latest DirectX runtimes. If your issue is not listed here, check the Known Issues with MTA 0.5r2 topic for more obscure issues and potential fixes. If none of the above help your issue, please try reinstalling both GTA and MTA 0.5r2. If that still doesn't resolve your issue, please post a new topic and describe in detail what your issue is. Thank you!
  11. Full installer (includes client and server) Windows server installer Windows server .zip archive Linux server .tar.gz archive
  12. Delete the gta_sa.set file located in the GTA San Andreas User Files in your Documents folder/library (Windows Vista and 7 users) or My Documents directory (Windows XP users) Check in your GTA San Andreas installation directory for a D3D9.dll. If one is present, delete it. Install the latest patch of MTA:SA Install the latest DirectX runtimes
  13. I don't think it's possible to run GTA:SA in a copy of Parallels. Perhaps try Bootcamp?
  14. Try setting the power plan in Control Panel -> Power Options to High Performance and see if that fixes your problem.
  15. Strange, GTA:SA's single player state should have nothing to do with MTA. Please try installing the following: Install the latest patch of MTA:SA Install the latest DirectX runtimes Could you provide a dxdiag report? Press the Windows key + R, type dxdiag, press Enter, click Save all information... and post the contents of the saved log here within Code tags.
  16. Sorry, we do not provide any support for anything SA:MP related.
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