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Everything posted by Towncivilian

  1. My apologies, I linked to the incorrect driver. Here is the correct one: http://www.nvidia.com/object/notebook-w ... river.html
  2. That's adequate. Please try installing this graphics driver and the latest DirectX runtimes.
  3. Thread pruned. Peacemaker already has two warnings, and the second was issued after he had already posted in this thread. If he continues provoking people with any new posts he'll be banned.
  4. Deleted. Strange he was able to reupload them, as his username is banned.
  5. What graphics card do you have? According to your dxdiag log, you have no drivers installed for your graphics card.
  6. Install the latest patch of MTA:SA Install the latest DirectX runtimes Topic moved to the Client support subforum.
  7. One was already banned, the other I banned just now.
  8. Yep, you need to obtain a 1.0 no-CD of VC.
  9. Try clicking "Start Game" again.
  10. Nope, it's long been offline.
  11. I fixed your pictures, but they're awfully small. Perhaps use something other than imageshack such as Photobucket.
  12. Topic moved to General subforum.
  13. Yeah, you probably had the wrong EXE or something. Glad you fixed it.
  14. Please try installing the latest graphics driver and Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Runtimes. Where did you get your copy of GTA:SA?
  15. Decompile main.scm with Sanny Builder and you'll be able to read the GF_SEX external script to find the rest of the animations used.
  16. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=332 Credit to our wonderful moderator Dark Dragon. Apparently, "cold coffee" installs of GTASA are missing the required SEX & BLOWJOBZ animations that are used, according to a comment for that resource. You can verify this yourself if you wish.
  17. Please update your graphics driver: http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7-winvi ... river.html
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