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Everything posted by Towncivilian

  1. You're saying we should try to restart from 0.4.1's scm? Blokker_1999 said the same thing in this thread. I'm starting to wonder whether I should try that; although I wouldn't be able to do anything about the client. I'm just an scm coder. Looking at the MTA 0.5 manual, it looks like the majority of the changes since 0.4.1 are client-based. Meh. The respawn code as in the actual skin selection part of the spawn menu? It's because VCC has no 055F "max_armor" opcode, right? I've gotten the actual VCC bug fixed that way, but when I spawn VCC then Cop, Cop has 206 armor? I didn't modify the armor portion of the code, only the spawn portion. Doesn't make sense.
  2. Correct. The only thing in that entire list that's fixable in scm is the VCC bug. To those who have said I violated EULA: I've sent a request to the MTA team via the contact form asking whether I have permission to continue with this project.
  3. About the VCC bug; I'm just going to restart with the original code and try with that. But I don't understand about looking in the wrong place; the armor code is the wrong place to look? I wouldn't think of looking anywhere else considering this bug deals with armor. The interiors/roof accesses seem to work fine thus far, but they consume quite a lot of memory in MAIN. I can't really do much except remove bits of code to rectify that problem... assuming we don't add any more interiors/doors (I think we have them all), we have around 256 bytes of memory to work with. That's not a whole lot. I'll do some testing with a few other people later. What sort of problems did you encounter? I'm not sure what you meant by player/actor desync. Can you clarify?
  4. I've been going through mtad.scm and mtas.scm (Deathmatch and Stunt gamemodes, respectively), fixing various bugs, adding new features, and optimizing code. See also my GTA3:MTA Development Thread. Vice Changelog: Fixed death upon exiting a helicopter as a passenger. Implemented a check for players being dead inside vehicles. GTA continues to execute in the pause menu, no more lame pausers during deathmatch! Replay is disabled to prevent desync. Inter-island loading time shortened. Game now loads automatically after pressing "Start Game" in MTAClient. Widescreen aiming fixed. screenshot 1 | screenshot 2 Draw distance doubled from default. screenshot Frame limiter forced on to avoid certain unwanted behaviors and prevent side effects of some new memory patches. All Pay’n’Sprays functioning. Color changing is disabled since it’s not synced. Do note that other players and passengers may not see the car “repaired” after spraying (even though you do), but it will have full health. Any vehicle, including emergency vehicles, is sprayable. All interiors implemented: Print Works, Rifle Range, Lawyer's Office, Apartment 3C, VROCK Recording Studio, Love Fist "Temple of Rock", Biker Bar, Auntie Poulet's house, and Café Robina. Lifts implemented: Hyman Condos, Gonzalez' house (directly behind the Malibu; Gonzalez was the guy you had to kill in the single-player mission "Treacherous Swine"), the VCN building, and the Bank Vault lift. Added all of the missing objects from Cortez's boat: furniture on the deck, door textures, the getaway boat, and the gangplank. No more drowning! Players no longer receive a golf club when entering a Caddy. Players no longer receive 5 shotgun shells when entering a Police car. Players no longer receive 20 health when entering an Ambulance. Players no longer receive armor when entering an Enforcer. Pausing on alt-tab is now disabled. GTA3:MTA’s altimeter implemented. screenshot Opened the Vercetti Mansion doors. Fixed many door and lift Z-angles to stop infinite loops if you hold down the "forward" key. All garages opened. They just open and close, no function at all otherwise. Help text for commands added to the Spectator screen. screenshot Weapon pickup message box moved out of the way of the chatbox for readability. screenshot MTA 0.4 help marker removed. Enabled second newspaper type. screenshot Player no longer receives $12 upon entering a Taxi/Cabbie. Radar is no longer visible in the “wasted” screen (the player’s blip would change direction 180º every few seconds; it looked annoying). Hospital treatment is now free (i.e., no more -$100 upon death). Wanted stars moved off-screen. screenshot Time advance disabled after you die to prevent a minor visual bug. Fixed an exploit where you could control Tommy from the spawn roof with the spawn menu still active. Optimized a massive amount of code and removed unused/debug code. VC DM Changelog: Vice City Crusader having 200 armor after respawning. The skin is now usable. Stubby and nade/molotov jumping re-enabled. Disabled drive-by in vehicles since it’s unsynced. The Machete is not synced. Changed VCC's melee weapon to the Hammer. Yellow Rancher at North Point Mall now respawns properly. Silenced Ingram (Tec10) at Leaf Links fixed (it gave you negative ammo, thus rendering the weapon unusable in most cases). Stunting and unique jumps implemented. Works just as in the Stunt gamemode, except your money (score) does not show up in the scoreboard, and money has no purpose at this time. Yellow Cheetah moved into "Sir, Yes Sir!" garage (in other words, into the garage it was in front of in stock 0.5). Moved Maverick and PCJ600 (yellow) spawns. The Maverick spawns on the Helipad of the building near its former spawn, and the PCJ nearby the small pier next to the bridge. Looks more realistic. The said PCJ600 also had random colors sometimes, and colors are not synced, so this bike has been given a permanent color of its typical yellow (thanks lil_Toady for pointing that out!). Ambulance replaced the red BF Injection downtown. It can be found at Vice Point Hospital. Fire Truck moved to the Fire Department downtown. Again, looks more realistic. Removed the Cleaver from the tool shops as it isn’t synced, and added the Hammer at the North Point Mall and Downtown tool shops. Golf Club spawns near the Caddy at Leaf Links. Secret Service striped suit skin spawn moved to the bottom of the stairs. “Known Rivals” text in spawn menu removed. screenshot Tweaked some spawn points’ z-angles. Corrected some pickups that had incorrect Z coordinates. VC Stunt Changelog: Fixed an exploit where a player would spawn in a vehicle if they pressed action/enter key during environment loading. Removed an unsynced Bloodring Banger from the Bloodring. Unique jumps implemented. If you have the time and are bored enough to do all 36 unique jumps in one game session (and your game doesn’t crash!), then you get the money/score bonus as you would in single player.
  5. Towncivilian

    RPG Haters

    xGj has a point; what are you trying to achieve anyway?
  6. Towncivilian

    RPG Haters

    I don't see us bugging you, only you bugging us. But whatever, if you want to get banned on Ankeborg be my guest.
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