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Everything posted by Towncivilian
Please install the following: Graphics driver Chipset driver Touchpad driver Optical drive firmware Latest patch of MTA:SA Latest DirectX runtimes Provide another dxdiag log after installing.
Please install the following: Graphics driver Audio driver Latest patch of MTA:SA Latest DirectX runtimes Provide another dxdiag log after installing.
MTA doesn't have support for OS X. You will need to install Bootcamp and Windows XP or newer to play MTA.
Please install the following: Audio driver Chipset drivers Ethernet driver (do a Repair install if prompted) Wireless driver Latest patch of MTA:SA Latest DirectX runtimes Provide another dxdiag log after installing.
Please install: BIOS A07 In the MTA:SA main menu, go to Settings -> Interface tab -> click Skin -> click Default and try running map editor again.
OK. It seems the graphics driver was up-to-date and the audio driver updated successfully. I'm not sure about the Ethernet driver, however, since the dxdiag log doesn't list the driver version. Go to Settings -> Advanced -> change "Single connection" to "On" and see if that helps.
Please use 1.0.5 until a fix can be created for this black screen issue. My apologies for the inconvenience.
Okay, that's fine. Is your MTA still nonfunctional? Your computer's hardware specifications are very close to not even being able to run MTA:SA, so it's possible that you may not be able to run 1.1. You may need to stick with 1.0.5 at least for the time being, until a fix can be devised.
Please install the following: Graphics driver Audio driver Ethernet driver Extract the latest resources into the \mods\deathmatch\resources directory of your MTA:SA installation folder. Provide another dxdiag log after installing.
[09-08 00:17:18] <%Robpol86> http://hugeurl.geeks.org/?ODZhMWEwMzgwNWI2YTcxNDBmMjRlYTBhN2FjNDhjNzAmMTImVm0wd2QyUXlVWGxXYTJoV1YwZG9WVll3Wkc5alJsWjBUVlpPV0Zac2JETlhhMUpUVmpGYWMySkVUbGhoTWsweFZqQmFTMk15U2tWVWJHaG9UVmhDVVZadGVGWmxSbGw1Vkd0c2FsSnRhRzlVVjNOM1pVWmFkR05GZEZSTlZUVkpWbTEwYTFkSFNrZGpTRUpYVFVad1NGUlVSbUZqVmtaMFVteFNUbUY2UlRGV1ZFb3dWakZhV0ZOcmJGSmlSMmhZV1d4b2IwMHhXbGRYYlVaclVsUkdXbGt3WkRSVk1rcElaSHBHVjJFeVVYZFpWRVpyVTBa [09-08 00:17:18] <%Robpol86> T2NscEhjRlJTVlhCWlZrWldhMVV5VW5OalJtUllZbFZhY1ZscldtRmxWbVJ5VjI1a1YwMUVSa1pWYkZKRFZqQXhkVlZ1V2xaaGExcFlXa1ZhVDJOdFNrZFRiV3hYVWpOb1dGWnRNSGRsUjBsNFUydGthVk5GV2xSWmJHaFRWMVpXY1ZKcmRGUldiRm93V2xWb2ExWXdNVVZTYTFwWFlrZG9jbFpxU2tabFZsWlpXa1prYUdFeGNGbFhhMVpoVkRKT2RGTnJaRlJpVjNoVVZGY3hiMWRXV1hoYVJFSmFWbXN4TkZkclZtdFdiVXBJWVVoT1ZtRnJTbWhaTVZwVFZqRmtkVnBGTlZOaVJtOTNWMnhXYjJFeFdYZE5XRXBZVmtWd1dGbHNhRk5sYk [09-08 00:17:18] <%Robpol86> ZsM1YyMUdVMkpGTlhwWlZWcHJZVWRGZUdOR2FGaGlSbkJvVmtSS1QyUkdUbkphUmxKcFZqSm9lbGRYZUc5aU1XUlhWMWhvV0dKWVVrOVZiVEUwVjBaYVdHUkhkRmRpVlhCSldWVm9UMVp0Um5KT1ZsSmFUVlp3ZWxreWVIZFNWa1p5VDFkc1UwMHlhRmxXYlhCS1pVWkplRmRzYUZSaE1sSnhWVzE0ZDFkR2JITmhSazVyWWtad2VGVnRkREJWTWtwSVZXcENXbFpXY0ROWlZXUkdaV3hHY21KR1pHbFhSVXBKVm10U1IyRXhaRWRWYmtwaFVtMW9jRlpxVG05V1ZscEhXVE5vYVUxWFVraFdNalZUVkd4YVIxTnRSbGRpV0U0MFZHdGFhMk5z [09-08 00:17:18] * Robpol86 was kicked by maple.nl.eu.gtanet.com (Channel flood triggered (limit is 3 lines in 1 secs)) [09-08 00:17:26] * Robpol86 ([email protected]) has joined #mta [09-08 00:17:27] * Oranje sets mode: +h Robpol86 [09-08 00:17:28] <%Towncivilian> lol Robpol86 [09-08 00:17:30] <%Towncivilian> thats funny [09-08 00:17:33] <%Robpol86> it didnt all fit [09-08 00:17:37] <%Towncivilian> that's what she said [09-08 00:17:41] <%Robpol86> hheeeeehhhh [09-08 00:17:43] <%Towncivilian> heh
Install the latest DirectX runtimes Install the latest patch of MTA:SA Could you provide a dxdiag report? Press the Windows key + R, type dxdiag, press Enter, click Save all information... and post the contents of the saved log here within Code tags. Also provide the contents of both mta\CEGUI.log and mta\logfile.txt.
Install the latest DirectX runtimes Install the latest patch of MTA:SA Could you provide a dxdiag report? Press the Windows key + R, type dxdiag, press Enter, click Save all information... and post the contents of the saved log here within Code tags. Also provide the contents of both mta\CEGUI.log and mta\logfile.txt.
The ethernet and storage drivers installed properly. Did you try installing the chipset drivers, BIOS update, and optical drive firmware?
OK, the audio driver installed successfully and the graphics driver was already up to date. Please install: Chipset drivers Ethernet driver Storage driver BIOS update Optical drive firmware Provide another dxdiag log after installing.
Please install the following: Graphics driver Audio driver Latest patch of MTA:SA Latest DirectX runtimes Provide another dxdiag log after installing.
Try installing the latest patch of MTA:SA. Please provide the contents of both mta\CEGUI.log and mta\logfile.txt.
Please install the following: Graphics driver Audio driver Ethernet driver (do a Repair install if prompted) Latest patch of MTA:SA Latest DirectX runtimes Provide another dxdiag log after installing.
Towncivilian replied to SATAN's topic in General MTA discussion
b& -
Towncivilian replied to SATAN's topic in General MTA discussion