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Beyler selamın aleyküm, Normalde mta oynarkan böyle bir sorun olmazdı fakat 26 ocak cuma gününden itibaren fpsim 80-90dan birden 1 düşüyor ve bu oyunda 4-5 saniyelik takılmalara neden oluyor. Çözümü nedir acaba?
Boa noite! Estou com um problema o qual começou após eu instalar uma placa de video nova em meu computador. A placa de video em questão é uma ADM Radeon RX 6650 XT. O problema é o seguinte... Quando estou no menu percebo que o FPS em meu jogo fica dando algumas quedas de 60 para em torno de 25. Esse problema ocorre também quando eu mexo a camera dentro de qualquer servidor, seja local ou publico. Isso me faz pensar que o problema é referente a algo envolvendo o mouse, no entanto ao pesquisar em alguns outros lugares não encontrei nada sobre. Reinstalei o MTA para a versão 1.5.9-rc-21244 porém o problema continua. Para viés de informação: Processador AMD Ryzen 5 1600af 3.2Ghz Placa Mãe AsRock B450M Steel Legend Memória XPG D41 8GB Tuf Gaming Placa de Video AMD Asrock Radeon RX 6650 XT 8gb Phantom Gaming D OC SSD NVME XPG S41 512gb HDD Western Digital Blue 2tb Fonte EVGA 450BR 80 Plus Bronze Desde já aguardo resposta e agradeço a ajuda de todos!
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- lag
- lag no menu
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Hello, when i just open MTA and join any server i have ping spikes from 30 to 250 for example... But after some minutes (10/15 minutes) my ping becomes normal. How can i fix this? It's really frustrating.. Thanks,
Estou tendo um problema com otimização de um script, tenho um script de TXD compartilhada, que muda a txd da viatura para todos por meio de um triggerClientEvent em serverside em todo mundo com o "root" quando o cara digita um comando, porem fiz uns testes e todos os 35 players que estavam online no momento do teste tiveram uma queda de FPS bem grande no momento que a textura foi trocada para todos quando eu dei o comando de trocar na minha viatura, tem algum metodo de otimizar isso ou resolver essa queda de fps? (Utilizo applyShader de uma imagem PNG trocando a imagem da txd original assim alterando ela)
Hola. ¿Alguien conoce algún host con baja latencia para LATAM en general? He probado varios host ubicados en distintos lugares y siempre pasan de extremo a extremo, por ejemplo: - Canadá: va "bien" con países como Colombia, Perú, México, Rep. Dominicana, etc (PING: 80-105). Pero va mal con Argentina, Chile y Uruguay (PING: 180-240). - Brasil: solo da bajas latencias con ARG, URU y el mismo BR (PING: 30-60). En los demás países va +170ms - USA: lo mismo que Canadá, varía muy poco y no es notorio. ¿Habrá algún host (no sé dónde podría alojarse) que brinde una latencia "intermedia" y no exista tanta diferencia de ping entre estos países? (entre " " porque no sé el término correcto). Gracias ?.
i have so much lag/drop in game i did not understood what is the reason is and i decided take a look to logfile i saw this error in my logfile: Localization: D:\Mta\MTA\locale\/ar/client.po:21: warning: unknown Plural-Forms given: 18:40:50 - [DEBUG] Localization: D:\Mta\MTA\locale\/ar/client.po:2148: warning: msgstr[N] seen, but no Plural-Forms given: 18:40:50 - [DEBUG] Localization: D:\Mta\MTA\locale\/ar/client.po:2162: warning: msgstr[N] seen, but no Plural-Forms given: 18:40:50 - [DEBUG] Localization: D:\Mta\MTA\locale\/ar/client.po:3218: warning: msgstr[N] seen, but no Plural-Forms given: 18:40:50 - [DEBUG] Localization: D:\Mta\MTA\locale\/ar/client.po:3229: warning: msgstr[N] seen, but no Plural-Forms given: 18:40:50 - [DEBUG] Localization: D:\Mta\MTA\locale\/ar/client.po:3240: warning: msgstr[N] seen, but no Plural-Forms given: what is this? and How can i solve this? thanks...
ao entrar no mta no menu principal um grande lag e demora para resposta do mouse, ao entrar no servidor eu jogo tranquilamente mas ao virar a visão (mouse) tem uma queda imensa de fps, de 50 fps eu fui pra 30 e ao virar vai para 10 e volta normalmente eu jogo mta a 4 anos é a primeira vez que isso acontece, começou do nada ja reinstalei o mta e gta sa !!!!
When i playing MTA:SA, the FPS decrease random with 5-10 FPS and freeze the game a little bit for 1-2 seconds. And this again after 5-10 mins.. my pc more than enough for MTA:SA.. here is my specs: i5-9600K 2x8GB 3200MHz RAM GTX 1070 I tried change the settings in nvidia control panel, in mta settings but didn't help.. I playing MTA in windowed mode without border, if that matters Anyone can help? Sorry for my bad english..
Have you ever experienced some lag while gaming ? We have some common issues between us ... like someone else is using your internet ?, or you might be downloading some files ( like games ?️ or movies ? ), or you might be streaming some music ? or videos ? while playing or using another device like PS4 ? or your mobile phone ?. Well .. those issues can be resolved since that person can leave your network , or you can stop your downloading progress , or stop using your browser to get the best ping and loss in your gaming ??. However, your permanent ping and loss cannot change easily because it depends on how far your location is from the server ?, and the speed of your internet connection ?, yet ... i discovered a software which can MINIMIZE and not entirely stop this lagging and i think its kinda effective ?. Its called WTFast , and i think it can somehow help in lowering your ping or at least disabling the effect of loss. You have to pay in order to have a subscription?to this software, but there is a trial to see if this software is useful for you or not and its important to know how to use it because its different in every game ( according to the location of the server ), and for MTASA you MUST follow this tutorial in order to know how to use it in the game. so if you're interested .. go on and download the trial of this software How to use it in MTASA ? For other games, you can search Google or YouTube ?for tutorials on how to use it on those games. For MTASA ( idk if it works for SAMP ) you just have to follow this tutorial and i hope it will help ? 1. You have to download it from 2. install the software and then launch it 3. login to your trial account ( might be already logged in ) 4. In the picture below, when this screen appears for you ( my version is 4.12, you have to search for a way in order to reach custom games if you have a TOTALLY different version ) the box in red that i drew shows the listed games, this is direct as the popular games can be directly accessed from this box, but MTASA is not a listed game now, for this step you have to press Manage Settings in the green box i drew and go to step 5. 5. Now that you reached the settings, press the checkbox Enable custom games and then press save 6. Now you should be back to the main panel, press Custom games 7. Press ADD 8. Now for the most important step i will just insert a photo to explain everything for it to be easier Only for those who don't know how to copy MTASA server address 9. After you clicked OKAY, follow this picture to know everything next 10. If you want to know the location of your MTA:SA server, just type the name of the server in and you will find the location of the server, then choose the nearest location of the server to your MTASA server " and this if the auto detection does not work " At the end I wish this tutorial helped you guys and feel free to ask any question in the replies ? Good Luck ?
Well, the point is my laptop is not the biggest thing (it´s a normal laptop) so, i play in a server called SX Project, in this server was recently implemented a mod for the vehicle coach voted by the mayority players , that was the last year, but , the mod are presenting these days certain nonconformities because that cause a destabilisation in its balance, also the mod low fps (in my case). I was searching how i can remove the mod whitout being an admin, for real, that mod is the worst :~ i could imaginate. Srry for my english, i´m venezuelan :)
Que onda gente ! Un día me harté de mi papa con cables así que decidí crear este simple sistema y compartirlo para todas aquellas personas que se hayan cansado de tirar su teclado por la ventana por algún bajón de FPS. La verdad es que este recurso ya lo había subido hace tiempo a la comunidad pero actualmente lo modifiqué un poco. DESCRIPCIÓN: El sistema trae 8 funciones que serán modificadas según el gusto del usuario. También, como detalle, trae un visor de FPS que lo agregué recientemente y funciona a base de la función útil getCurrentFPS. La gui la hice con el recurso GUI Editor ya que así me resultaba más fácil y rápido. Acá les voy a dejar algunas imágenes que muestran un poco su funcionamiento: IMÁGENES: El código está %100 descompilado pero les recomiendo no editar mucho los valores ya que el usuario podría recibir algún daño en su juego. Muchas gracias por su tiempo. Espero que les sirva !! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> RESOURCE <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- sistema anti-lag
- lag
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Hi for evernyone, my mta open but if i'm enter in anyone server, the frame is too low, locked in 6 fps, I reinstalled the mta and gta but don't work! My anti-virus don't block apps, just scan if i'm start some app. (sorry for the bad english i'm brazilian and speak a little bite of english)
Hello, I've been experiencing menu lag for two weeks now. I was just playing some Owlgaming, and my game crashed when I got back into the MTA the menu is very laggy. I've tried to changed the video and advance settings and I'm still lagging. I'm a mid spec gamer with a NVIDIA GTX card, Intel Core i5 7th gen proceccor, and 8 gigs of ram. I've REINSTALLED GTA SA and MTA many times, and I'm still lagging like a bitch. I'm using the STEAM version of GTA SA, and I've been using the STEAM version to play on MTA SA, I was running from 30-50 fps before this issue, and now I run 3-7 FPS with the menu lag. Please help me
I just got myself a new Lenovo laptop, which I know is not firmly made for gaming, but since it has an i5 processor, 8 GB of rams and a dedicated Nvidia video card, I decided to give it a try. Even though this hardware runs MTA with stable 60 or 60+ fps on maximum settings in full HD resolution (Fraps is on, so I can continuously check it), playing the game still feels a little bit laggy, which is weird and so damn annoying. This phenomenon only happens when playing MTA, every other game runs perfectly smooth. Lowering the reso won't help, neither will setting my laptop from 'balanced' to 'performance'. GPU drivers are updated, and I have no further ideas. Hope you can help me, thanks alot.
---------------Detectar idiomaAfrikáansAlbanésAlemánAmáricoÁrabeArmenioAzerbaiyanoBengalíBielorrusoBirmanoBosnioBúlgaroCanarésCatalánCebuanoChecoChino (Simplificado)Chino (Tradicional)CingalésCoreanoCorsoCriollo haitianoCroataDanésEslovacoEslovenoEspañolEsperantoEstonioEuskeraFinésFrancésFrisón occidentalGaélico escocésGalésGallegoGeorgianoGriegoGuyaratíHausaHawaianoHebreoHindiHmongHúngaroIgboIndonesioInglésIrlandésIslandésItalianoJaponésJavanésJemerKazajoKirguísKurdoLaoLatínLetónLituanoLuxemburguésMacedonioMalayalamMalayoMalgacheMaltésMaoríMaratíMongolNeerlandésNepalíNoruegoNyanjaPanyabíPastúnPersaPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSamoanoSerbioSesotho meridionalShonaSindhiSomalíSuajiliSuecoSundanésTagaloTailandésTamilTayikoTeluguTurcoUcranianoUrduUzbekoVietnamitaXhosaYidisYorubaZulúEspañol hello good afternoon, I do not know if someone else happens to that but when I start playing the first minutes the game is going great, but some time after an inexplicable lag, I mean, if I move my character or I'm in a car my fps drop for example from 50 to 14 or less, and that my pc is not bad, I start to play with 50 fps without getting off or up, and after a while they start to download me just to move
- lag
- character movement
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Greetings, fellow gamers! I recently started having this really annoying issue with MTA:SA 1.5. Basically, servers that should give me two-digits ping give me three-digits. These servers are close by (in my country). When I say recently, it means that it wasn't like this before. In the following list (screenshot) the first 5 servers had around two-digits ping. Discarding the obvious: -My PC runs GTA:SA perfectly fine, with an average of 40fps in highest graphics. No problem on that. -No applications - those that connect to the internet - are opened in the background while playing the game. -Anti-virus not running scans, nor updating. Updated mind information: Now that I think about it, I did modify a few things when I tried to host my own server, a couple of weeks ago. Gave up after finding no way to enter my router's settings to foward ports. I remember modifying IPv4 and IPv6 to find a way into my router. I can't quite remember which were the defaults. At the moment, both are in "Obtain IP automatically". I also used a program called "Port Foward Utilities" that the MTA Wiki recommended. I will try modifying a few things, see if that changes anything. If I do find a solution, I'll edit this post. If no updates are seen, anyone is free to lend a hand. Thanks in advanced! Moony -
Already in the game menu starts to crash constantly, already tried everything you have in the forum, updated drivers, I ran as administrator, I ran in compatibility mode, I used MTADIAG and nothing worked. I played it a few months back normally, now when I came back it started. Thanks in advance for any help.
when entering the mta in the main menu a great lag and delay for response of the mouse, when entering the server I play quietly but when turning the vision (mouse) has an immense drop of fps, from 50 fps I went to 30 and when turning it goes for 10 and back normally I play mta 4 years is the first time this happens, it started out of nowhere I already reinstalled mta e gta sa !!!!
Hello there i play MTA since 2015 and that's the first problem i got on it. After 30 minutes of gameplay i get bizarre Low FPS (4fps) and vehicles, textures, any object from the game starts to disappear and the lag just get more and more and more present, After 10 minutes with that lagging i got a Crash, MTA stops working... That never happened to me and i don't even changed my computer hardware since 2015. It's not my computer the problem. What happening to MTA? i alrealdy tried Open Limit Adjuster, Silentpath, MixSets, nothing works. I just can't play anymore MTA with my friends... Kinda sad... But what's happening? 1.5 issues? I'm trying a fresh installation of GTASA and MTA now... (sorry for the bad english)
I want to remove fog weather completely from game. I removed smoke9 from models after installing overdose effects(i read that this removes fog) . It did remove the fog but then i realized that its just not visible but it still lags sometimes in mta pubg servers that means its still lagging in fog weather. I dont want the game to load the fog particles. How to do that. Fog weather destroys my game. Please Help.
I have lag in foggy weather and i want to completely remove fog from my game. I play on mta pubg server and game lags whenever I get fog weather. I have replaced the models of smoke with empty png files and the smoke and couds vanished , but lag is still there. I want to remove fog completely. Please help.
Alguién me ayuda a solucionar el NETWORK TROUBLE?... =( Siempre que refrescan los items me da un lagaso... local h1,h2,h3 = debug.gethook() debug.sethook() timetorefresh = math.random(2700000,3600000) local itemTable = { farm = { { "Madera", 1463, 0.4, 0, 13 }, { "Vendaje", 1578, 0.5, 0, 4 }, { "Cantimplora de Agua LLena", 2683, 1, 0, 6 }, { "Lata de Pasta", 2770, 1, 0, 6 }, { "Lata de Judías", 2601, 1, 0, 6 }, { "Hamburguesa", 2768, 1, 0, 6 }, { "Latas Vacías", 2673, 0.5, 0, 12 }, { "Basura", 2675, 0.5, 0, 12 }, { "British Assault Pack", 2406, 1, 0, 2.5 -- }, -- { -- "Patrol Pack", -- 2407, -- 1, -- 0, -- 3.5 }, { "Vest Pouch Pack", 2408, 1, 0, 2.2 }, { "Coca Cola", 2647, 1, 0, 9 }, { "Bidón de Gasolina Vacío", 1650, 1, 0, 10 }, { "Cuchillo", 335, 1, 90, 4 }, { "Caja de Cerillas", 328, 0.4, 90, 8 }, { "Revólver", 348, 1, 90, 0.2 }, { "Morfina", 1579, 1, 0, 4 }, { "Tienda de Campaña", 1279, 1, 0, 0.5 }, { "Makarov PM", 346, 1, 90, 4 }, { "Analgésico", 2709, 3, 0, 3.5 }, { "M14 AIM", 357, 1, 90, 0.3 }, { "Remington 870", 349, 1, 90, 0.3 }, { "Rueda", 1073, 1, 0, 2 }, { "Depósito", 1008, 1, 0.8, 2 -- }, -- { -- "Civilian Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 2.5 -- }, -- { -- "Civilian[F] Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 2.5 -- }, -- { -- "Survivor[F] Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 2.5 }, { "Mapa", 1277, 0.8, 90, 6 }, { "GPS", 2976, 0.15, 0, 2 } }, residential = { { "Caja de Cerillas", 328, 0.4, 90, 5 }, { "Madera", 1463, 0.4, 0, 5 -- }, -- { -- "Civilian[F] Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 2.5 -- }, -- { -- "Survivor[F] Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 2.5 }, { "Makarov PM", 346, 1, 90, 1.5 }, { "British Assault Pack", 2406, 1, 0, 1.5 -- }, -- { -- "Patrol Pack", -- 2407, -- 1, -- 0, -- 1.5 }, { "Vest Pouch Pack", 2408, 1, 0, 1.2 }, { "M9 SD", 347, 1, 90, 1.9 }, { "Remington 870", 349, 1, 90, 0.1 }, { "PDW", 352, 1, 90, 1 }, { "Cuchillo", 335, 1, 90, 3 }, { "Hacha", 339, 1, 90, 1 }, { "Pizza", 1582, 1, 0, 7 }, { "Coca Cola", 2647, 1, 0, 7 }, { "Bidón de Gasolina Vacío", 1650, 1, 0, 9 }, { "Bengala", 324, 1, 90, 9 }, { "Leche", 2856, 1, 0, 7 }, { "Assault Pack (ACU)", 3026, 1, 0, 4 }, { "Analgésico", 2709, 3, 0, 7 }, { "Latas Vacías", 2673, 0.5, 0, 12 }, { "Basura", 2675, 0.5, 0, 12 }, { "Granada", 342, 1, 0, 0.01 }, { "Revólver", 348, 1, 90, 0.4 }, { "Escopeta Recortada", 350, 1, 90, 0.3 }, { "SPAZ-12 Combat Shotgun", 351, 1, 90, 0.4 }, { "MP5A5", 353, 1, 90, 0.4 }, { "Reloj", 2710, 1, 0, 3 }, { "Bolsa Térmica", 1576, 5, 0, 6 }, { "Alambrada", 933, 0.25, 0, 1 }, { "M14 AIM", 357, 1, 90, 0.3 }, { "Alice Pack", 1248, 1, 0, 1.5 }, { "Rueda", 1073, 1, 0, 1 }, { "Depósito", 1008, 0.8, 0, 1 }, { "Morfina", 1579, 1, 0, 2 -- }, -- { -- "Civilian Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 9 }, { "Mapa", 1277, 0.8, 90, 10 }, { "GPS", 2976, 0.15, 0, 3 }, { "Lata de Pasta", 2770, 1, 0, 7 }, { "Lata de Judías", 2601, 1, 0, 7 }, { "Hamburguesa", 2768, 1, 0, 7 }, { "Palo de Golf", 333, 1, 90, 3 }, { "Bate", 336, 1, 90, 3 }, { "Pala", 337, 1, 90, 3 } }, military = { { "Caja de Cerillas", 328, 0.4, 90, 2 }, { "Makarov PM", 346, 1, 90, 5 }, { "M9 SD", 347, 1, 90, 4 }, { "Remington 870", 349, 1, 90, 3 }, { "PDW", 352, 1, 90, 4 }, { "Cuchillo", 335, 1, 90, 2.4 }, { "Hacha", 339, 1, 90, 2.1 }, { "Pizza", 1582, 1, 0, 2 }, { "Coca Cola", 2647, 1, 0, 2 }, { "Bidón de Gasolina Vacío", 1650, 1, 0, 4 }, { "Bengala", 324, 1, 90, 4 }, { "Leche", 2856, 1, 0, 1 }, { "Analgésico", 2709, 3, 0, 4 }, { "Latas Vacías", 2673, 0.5, 0, 12 }, { "Basura", 2675, 0.5, 0, 12 }, { "Granada", 342, 1, 0, 0.5 }, { "Escopeta Recortada", 350, 1, 90, 2.3 }, { "SPAZ-12 Combat Shotgun", 351, 1, 90, 2.3 }, { "MP5A5", 353, 1, 90, 2.8 }, { "Reloj", 2710, 1, 0, 4 }, { "Bolsa Térmica", 1576, 5, 0, 3 }, { "Alambrada", 933, 0.25, 0, 1 }, { "M14 AIM", 357, 1, 90, 3.5 }, { "Alice Pack", 1248, 1, 0, 4 }, { "Visión Nocturna", 368, 1, 90, 4 }, { "Prismáticos", 369, 1, 0, 4 }, { "Rueda", 1073, 1, 0, 2 }, { "Depósito", 1008, 0.8, 0, 2 }, { "Morfina", 1579, 1, 0, 4 -- }, -- { -- "Camouflage Clothing", -- 1247, -- 2, -- 0, -- 4.5 -- }, -- { -- "Civilian Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 3 }, { "AKS-74 Kobra", 355, 1, 90, 3.8 }, { "GPS", 2976, 0.15, 0, 3 }, { "Mapa", 1277, 0.8, 90, 7 }, { "Caja de Herramientas", 2969, 0.5, 0, 1 }, { "Motor", 929, 0.3, 0, 2 }, { "Tienda de Campaña", 1279, 1, 0, 4.5 -- }, -- { -- "Ghillie Suit", -- 1213, -- 2, -- 0, -- 0.3 -- }, -- { -- "Ghillie[F] Suit", -- 1213, -- 2, -- 0, -- 0.4 }, { "M4A3 CCO", 356, 1, 90, 2.4 }, { "CZ 550", 358, 1, 90, 0.4 }, { "Visión Térmica", 369, 1, 90, 3 }, { "Assault Pack (ACU)", 3026, 1, 0, 5 }, { "Czech Backpack", 2472, 1, 0, 2 }, { "Dispositivo de Radio", 330, 1, 0, 6 }, { "Coyote Backpack", 1575, 1, 0, 0.9 }, { "CMRA Backpack", 2405, -- ID DO OBJETO QUE IRÁ FICAR NAS COSTAS, E O QUE NÓS IREMOS SUBISTITUIR PELA BACKPACK 1, 0, 5 -- NIVEL DE RARIDADE DA BACKPACK }, { "Army Backpack", 2404, -- ID DO OBJETO QUE IRÁ FICAR NAS COSTAS, E O QUE NÓS IREMOS SUBISTITUIR PELA BACKPACK 1, 0, 5 -- NIVEL DE RARIDADE DA BACKPACK -- }, -- { -- "Civilian[F] Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 2.5 -- }, -- { -- "Survivor[F] Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 2.5 }, { "Pala", 337, 1, 90, 1 } }, industrial = { { "Alambrada", 933, 0.25, 0, 7 }, { "Caja de Herramientas", 2969, 0.5, 0, 3 }, { "Rueda", 1073, 1, 0, 4 }, { "Motor", 929, 0.3, 0, 3.5 }, { "Depósito", 1008, 1, 0.8, 4 }, { "Remington 870", 349, 1, 90, 3 }, { "Cantimplora de Agua LLena", 2683, 1, 0, 4 }, { "Lata de Pasta", 2770, 1, 0, 4 }, { "Lata de Judías", 2601, 1, 0, 4 }, { "Hamburguesa", 2768, 1, 0, 4 }, { "Latas Vacías", 2673, 0.5, 0, 12 }, { "Basura", 2675, 0.5, 0, 10 }, { "Coca Cola", 2647, 1, 0, 4 }, { "Bidón de Gasolina Vacío", 1650, 1, 0, 6 }, { "Bidón de Gasolina LLeno", 1650, 1, 0, 1.5 }, { "Mapa", 1277, 0.8, 90, 3 }, { "Reloj", 2710, 1, 0, 2 }, { "Caja de Cerillas", 328, 0.4, 90, 5 }, { "Madera", 1463, 0.4, 0, 2 }, { "Makarov PM", 346, 1, 90, 1.5 }, { "PDW", 352, 1, 90, 2 }, { "Cuchillo", 335, 1, 90, 2 }, { "British Assault Pack", 2406, 1, 0, 2.5 -- }, -- { -- "Patrol Pack", -- 2407, -- 1, -- 0, -- 3.5 }, { "Vest Pouch Pack", 2408, 1, 0, 5.2 }, { "Hacha", 339, 1, 90, 1.5 }, { "Pizza", 1582, 1, 0, 4 }, { "Bengala", 324, 1, 90, 5 }, { "Leche", 2856, 1, 0, 4 }, { "Assault Pack (ACU)", 3026, 1, 0, 6 }, { "Coyote Backpack", 1575, 1, 0, 0.5 }, { "Dispositivo de Radio", 330, 1, 0, 6 }, { "Palo de Golf", 333, 1, 90, 1.5 }, { "Bate", 336, 1, 90, 1.5 }, { "Pala", 337, 1, 90, 1.5 -- }, -- { -- "Civilian[F] Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 2.5 -- }, -- { -- "Survivor[F] Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 2.5 }, { "Visión Nocturna", 368, 1, 90, 1.5 } }, supermarket = { { "Carne Cruda", 2804, 0.5, 90, 8 }, { "Caja de Cerillas", 328, 0.4, 90, 5 }, { "Madera", 1463, 0.4, 0, 5 }, { "Makarov PM", 346, 1, 90, 3.5 }, { "PDW", 352, 1, 90, 2 }, { "Cuchillo", 335, 1, 90, 3 }, { "Hacha", 339, 1, 90, 2.1 }, { "Pizza", 1582, 1, 0, 7 }, { "Coca Cola", 2647, 1, 0, 7 }, { "Bidón de Gasolina Vacío", 1650, 1, 0, 5 }, { "Bengala", 324, 1, 90, 6 }, { "Leche", 2856, 1, 0, 7 }, { "Assault Pack (ACU)", 3026, 1, 0, 6 }, { "Lata de Pasta", 2770, 1, 0, 7 }, { "Lata de Judías", 2601, 1, 0, 7 }, { "Hamburguesa", 2768, 1, 0, 7 }, { "Analgésico", 2709, 3, 0, 7 }, { "Latas Vacías", 2673, 0.5, 0, 12 }, { "Basura", 2675, 0.5, 0, 12 }, { "MP5A5", 353, 1, 90, 0.5 }, { "Reloj", 2710, 1, 0, 3 }, { "Bolsa Térmica", 1576, 5, 0, 6 }, { "Alambrada", 933, 0.25, 0, 1 }, { "M14 AIM", 357, 1, 90, 0.2 }, { "Alice Pack", 1248, 1, 0, 0.5 }, { "Rueda", 1073, 1, 0, 1 }, { "Depósito", 1008, 1, 0.8, 2 }, { "Morfina", 1579, 1, 0, 2 -- }, -- { -- "Civilian Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 3.5 }, { "Mapa", 1277, 0.8, 90, 4 }, { "GPS", 2976, 0.15, 0, 1 }, { "Dispositivo de Radio", 330, 1, 0, 6 }, { "Palo de Golf", 333, 1, 90, 1.9 }, { "Bate", 336, 1, 90, 1.4 -- }, -- { -- "Civilian[F] Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 2.5 -- }, -- { -- "Survivor[F] Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 2.5 }, { "Pala", 337, 1, 90, 0.3 } }, other = { { "Carne Cruda", 2804, 0.5, 90 }, { "Carne Cocinada", 2806, 0.5, 90 }, { "Bidón de Gasolina LLeno", 1650, 1, 0 }, { "Cantimplora de Agua Vacía", 2683, 1, 0 -- }, -- { -- "Survivor Clothing", -- 1577, -- 2, -- 0 }, { "Visión Nocturna", 368, 1, 90 }, { "Visión Térmica", 369, 1, 90 }, { "Remington 870 Cartuchos", 2358, 2, 0 }, { "Esc. Recortada Cartuchos", 2358, 2, 0 }, { "SPAZ-12 Pellet", 2358, 2, 0 }, { "MP5A5 Mag", 2358, 2, 0 }, { "30Rnd. AK", 1271, 2, 0 }, { "30Rnd. STANAG", 1271, 2, 0 }, { "Makarov Mun.", 3013, 2, 0 }, { "M9SD Mun.", 3013, 2, 0 }, { ".45 ACP", 3013, 2, 0 }, { "CZ 550 Mag", 2358, 2, 0 }, { "DMR Mun.", 2358, 2, 0 }, { "PDW Mag", 2041, 2, 0 }, { "MP5A5 Mag", 2041, 2, 0 }, { "Caja de Cerillas", 328, 0.4, 90, 5 }, { "Madera", 1463, 0.4, 0, 5 }, { "Makarov PM", 346, 1, 90, 3.5 }, { "PDW", 352, 1, 90, 2 }, { "Cuchillo", 335, 1, 90, 2.5 }, { "Hacha", 339, 1, 90, 1.8 }, { "Pizza", 1582, 1, 0, 7 }, { "Coca Cola", 2647, 1, 0, 7 }, { "Bidón de Gasolina Vacío", 1650, 1, 0, 5 }, { "Bengala", 324, 1, 90, 6 }, { "Leche", 2856, 1, 0, 5 }, { "Assault Pack (ACU)", 3026, 1, 0, 6 }, { "Analgésico", 2709, 3, 0, 7 }, { "Latas Vacías", 2673, 0.5, 0, 12 }, { "Basura", 2675, 0.5, 0, 12 }, { "MP5A5", 353, 1, 90, 1.5 }, { "Reloj", 2710, 1, 0, 3 }, { "Bolsa Térmica", 1576, 5, 0, 6 }, { "Alambrada", 933, 0.25, 0, 1 }, { "M14 AIM", 357, 1, 90, 1.5 }, { "Alice Pack", 1248, 1, 0, 1.5 }, { "Coyote Backpack", 1575, 1, 0, 0.7 }, { "Rueda", 1073, 1, 0, 1 }, { "Depósito", 1008, 1, 0.8, 4 }, { "Morfina", 1579, 1, 0, 2 -- }, -- { -- "Civilian Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 3.5 }, { "Mapa", 1277, 0.8, 90, 4 }, { "Caja de Herramientas", 2969, 0.5, 0, 3 }, { "Motor", 929, 0.3, 0, 3.5 }, { "Remington 870", 349, 1, 90, 2 }, { "Cantimplora de Agua LLena", 2683, 1, 0, 4 }, { "M9 SD", 347, 1, 90, 5 }, { "Granada", 342, 1, 0, 0.5 }, { "Escopeta Recortada", 350, 1, 90, 2 }, { "SPAZ-12 Combat Shotgun", 351, 1, 90, 1.9 }, { "Prismáticos", 369, 1, 0, 4 -- }, -- { -- "Camouflage Clothing", -- 1247, -- 2, -- 0, -- 4.5 }, { "AKS-74 Kobra", 355, 1, 90, 0.9 }, { "M136 Rocket Launcher", 359, 1, 90, 0 -- }, -- { -- "Ghillie Suit", -- 1213, -- 2, -- 0, -- 0.01 }, { "M4A3 CCO", 356, 1, 90, 0.9 }, { "CZ 550", 358, 1, 90, 0.3 }, { "Heat-Seeking RPG", 360, 1, 90, 0 }, { "Vendaje", 1578, 0.5, 0, 4 }, { "Lata de Pasta", 2770, 1, 0, 5 }, { "Lata de Judías", 2601, 1, 0, 6 }, { "Hamburguesa", 2768, 1, 0, 2 }, { "Tienda de Campaña", 1279, 1, 0, 0.5 }, { "Makarov PM", 346, 1, 90, 3 }, { "Revólver", 348, 1, 90, 3 }, { "GPS", 2976, 0.15, 0, 1 }, { "Kit Médico", 2891, 2.2, 0 }, { "Bolsa de Sangre", 1580, 1, 0 }, { "Dispositivo de Radio", 2966, 0.5, 0, 5 }, { "Palo de Golf", 333, 1, 90, 1.9 }, { "Bate", 336, 1, 90, 1.4 }, { "British Assault Pack", 2406, 1, 0, 2.5 -- }, -- { -- "Patrol Pack", -- 2407, -- 1, -- 0, -- 3.5 }, { "Vest Pouch Pack", 2408, 1, 0, 5.2 -- }, -- { -- "Civilian[F] Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 3.5 -- }, -- { -- "Ghillie[F] Suit", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 2.5 -- }, -- { -- "Survivor[F] Clothing", -- 1241, -- 2, -- 0, -- 3.5 }, { "Pala", 337, 1, 90, 1.5 } } } weaponAmmoTable = { ["Makarov Mun."] = { {"Makarov PM", 22} }, ["M9SD Mun."] = { {"M9 SD", 23} }, [".45 ACP"] = { { "Revólver", 24 } }, ["PDW Mag"] = { {"PDW", 28} }, ["MP5A5 Mag"] = { {"MP5A5", 29} }, ["30Rnd. AK"] = { {"AKS-74 Kobra", 30} }, ["30Rnd. STANAG"] = { {"M4A3 CCO", 31} }, ["Remington 870 Cartuchos"] = { { "Remington 870", 25 } }, ["Esc. Recortada Cartuchos"] = { { "Escopeta Recortada", 26 } }, ["SPAZ-12 Pellet"] = { { "SPAZ-12 Combat Shotgun", 27 } }, ["CZ 550 Mag"] = { {"CZ 550", 34} }, ["DMR Mun."] = { { "M14 AIM", 33 } }, ["M136 Rocket"] = { { "Heat-Seeking RPG", 36 }, { "M136 Rocket Launcher", 35 } }, ["others"] = { {"Paracaídas", 46}, {"Satchel", 39}, {"Bomba de Humo", 17}, {"Granada", 16}, { "Cuchillo", 4 }, {"Hacha", 8}, {"Prismáticos", 43}, { "Bate", 5 }, {"Palo de Golf", 2}, {"Pala", 6}, { "Dispositivo de Radio", 1 } } } function getWeaponAmmoType(weaponName, notOthers) if not notOthers then for i, weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable.others) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return weaponData[1], weaponData[2] end end end for i, weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["Makarov Mun."]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "Makarov Mun.", weaponData[2] end end for i, weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["M9SD Mun."]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "M9SD Mun.", weaponData[2] end end for i, weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable[".45 ACP"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return ".45 ACP", weaponData[2] end end for i, weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["PDW Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "PDW Mag", weaponData[2] end end for i, weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["MP5A5 Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "MP5A5 Mag", weaponData[2] end end for i, weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["30Rnd. AK"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "30Rnd. AK", weaponData[2] end end for i, weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["30Rnd. STANAG"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "30Rnd. STANAG", weaponData[2] end end for i, weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["Remington 870 Cartuchos"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "Remington 870 Cartuchos", weaponData[2] end end for i, weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["Esc. Recortada Cartuchos"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "Esc. Recortada Cartuchos", weaponData[2] end end for i, weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["SPAZ-12 Pellet"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "SPAZ-12 Pellet", weaponData[2] end end for i, weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["CZ 550 Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "CZ 550 Mag", weaponData[2] end end for i, weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["DMR Mun."]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "DMR Mun.", weaponData[2] end end for i, weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["M136 Rocket"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "M136 Rocket", weaponData[2] end end return false end function createItemPickup(item, x, y, z, tableStringName) if item and x and y and z then do local object = createObject(itemTable[tostring(tableStringName)][item][2], x, y, z - 0.875, itemTable[tostring(tableStringName)][item][4], 0, math.random(0, 360)) setObjectScale(object, itemTable[tostring(tableStringName)][item][3]) setElementCollisionsEnabled(object, false) setElementFrozen(object, true) local col = createColSphere(x, y, z, 0.75) setElementData(col, "item", itemTable[tostring(tableStringName)][item][1]) setElementData(col, "parent", object) setTimer(function() if isElement(col) then destroyElement(col) destroyElement(object) end end, 900000, 1) return object end end end function table.size(tab) local length = 0 for _ in pairs(tab) do length = length + 1 end return length end function math.percentChance(percent, repeatTime) local hits = 0 for i = 1, repeatTime do local number = math.random(0, 200) / 2 if percent >= number then hits = hits + 1 end end return hits end function createItemLoot(lootPlace, x, y, z, id) col = createColSphere(x, y, z, 1.25) setElementData(col, "itemloot", true) setElementData(col, "parent", lootPlace) setElementData(col, "MAX_Slots", 12) for i, item in ipairs(itemTable[lootPlace]) do local value = math.percentChance(item[5], math.random(1, 2)) setElementData(col, item[1], value) local ammoData, weapID = getWeaponAmmoType(item[1], true) if ammoData and value > 0 then setElementData(col, ammoData, math.random(1, 2)) end end refre:~emLoot(col, lootPlace) return col end function refre:~emLoot(col, place) local objects = getElementData(col, "objectsINloot") if objects then if objects[1] ~= nil then destroyElement(objects[1]) end if objects[2] ~= nil then destroyElement(objects[2]) end if objects[3] ~= nil then destroyElement(objects[3]) end end local counter = 0 local obejctItem = {} for i, item in ipairs(itemTable.other) do if getElementData(col, item[1]) and getElementData(col, item[1]) > 0 then if counter == 3 then break end counter = counter + 1 local x, y, z = getElementPosition(col) obejctItem[counter] = createObject(item[2], x + math.random(-1, 1), y + math.random(-1, 1), z - 0.875, item[4]) setObjectScale(obejctItem[counter], item[3]) setElementCollisionsEnabled(obejctItem[counter], false) setElementFrozen(obejctItem[counter], true) end end if obejctItem[1] == nil then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(col) obejctItem[1] = createObject(1463, x + math.random(-1, 1), y + math.random(-1, 1), z - 0.875, 0) setObjectScale(obejctItem[1], 0) setElementCollisionsEnabled(obejctItem[1], false) setElementFrozen(obejctItem[1], true) end if obejctItem[2] == nil then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(col) obejctItem[2] = createObject(1463, x + math.random(-1, 1), y + math.random(-1, 1), z - 0.875, 0) setObjectScale(obejctItem[2], 0) setElementCollisionsEnabled(obejctItem[2], false) setElementFrozen(obejctItem[2], true) end if obejctItem[3] == nil then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(col) obejctItem[3] = createObject(1463, x + math.random(-1, 1), y + math.random(-1, 1), z - 0.875, 0) setObjectScale(obejctItem[3], 0) setElementCollisionsEnabled(obejctItem[3], false) setElementFrozen(obejctItem[3], true) end setElementData(col, "objectsINloot", { obejctItem[1], obejctItem[2], obejctItem[3] }) end addEvent("refre:~emLoot", true) addEventHandler("refre:~emLoot", getRootElement(), refre:~emLoot) function createPickupsOnServerStart() iPickup = 0 for i, pos in ipairs(pickupPositions.residential) do iPickup = iPickup + 1 createItemLoot("residential", pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], iPickup) end setTimer(createPickupsOnServerStart2, 5000, 1) end function createPickupsOnServerStart2() for i, pos in ipairs(pickupPositions.industrial) do iPickup = iPickup + 1 createItemLoot("industrial", pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], iPickup) end setTimer(createPickupsOnServerStart3, 6000, 1) end function createPickupsOnServerStart3() for i, pos in ipairs( do iPickup = iPickup + 1 createItemLoot("farm", pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], iPickup) end setTimer(createPickupsOnServerStart4, 7000, 1) end function createPickupsOnServerStart4() for i, pos in ipairs(pickupPositions.supermarket) do iPickup = iPickup + 1 createItemLoot("supermarket", pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], iPickup) end setTimer(createPickupsOnServerStart5, 8000, 1) end function createPickupsOnServerStart5() for i, pos in ipairs(pickupPositions.military) do iPickup = iPickup + 1 createItemLoot("military", pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], iPickup) end end createPickupsOnServerStart() vehicleFuelTable = { {422, 80},-- {542, 45},-- {479, 60},-- {470, 100},-- {593, 60},-- {548, 160},-- {483, 80},-- {471, 30},-- {402, 30},-- {468, 30},-- {433, 140},-- {437, 140},-- {509, 0},-- {500, 40},-- {487, 60},-- {497, 60},-- {496, 60},-- {531, 80},-- {453, 60},-- } function getVehicleMaxFuel(loot) local modelID = getElementModel(getElementData(loot, "parent")) for i, vehicle in ipairs(vehicleFuelTable) do if modelID == vehicle[1] then return vehicle[2] end end return false end function onPlayerTakeItemFromGround(itemName, col) itemPlus = 1 if itemName == "Makarov Mun." then itemPlus = 7 elseif itemName == "M9SD Mun." then itemPlus = 15 elseif itemName == ".45 ACP" then itemPlus = 7 elseif itemName == "PDW Mag" then itemPlus = 30 elseif itemName == "MP5A5 Mag" then itemPlus = 20 elseif itemName == "30Rnd. AK" then itemPlus = 30 elseif itemName == "30Rnd. STANAG" then itemPlus = 20 elseif itemName == "Remington 870 Cartuchos" then itemPlus = 7 elseif itemName == "Esc. Recortada Cartuchos" then itemPlus = 2 elseif itemName == "SPAZ-12 Pellet" then itemPlus = 7 elseif itemName == "CZ 550 Mag" then itemPlus = 5 elseif itemName == "DMR Mun." then itemPlus = 10 elseif itemName == "M136 Rocket" then itemPlus = 0 elseif itemName == "M4A3 CCO" or itemName == "AKS-74 Kobra" or itemName == "CZ 550" or itemName == "Remington 870" or itemName == "SPAZ-12 Combat Shotgun" or itemName == "Escopeta Recortada" or itemName == "Heat-Seeking RPG" or itemName == "M136 Rocket Launcher" or itemName == "M14 AIM" then removeBackWeaponOnDrop() end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local id, ItemType = getItemTablePosition(itemName) setElementData(source, itemName, (getElementData(source, itemName) or 0) + itemPlus) destroyElement(getElementData(col, "parent")) destroyElement(col) end addEvent("onPlayerTakeItemFromGround", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerTakeItemFromGround", getRootElement(), onPlayerTakeItemFromGround) function onPlayerChangeLoot(loot) local players = getElementsWithinColShape(loot, "player") for theKey, player in ipairs(players) do triggerClientEvent(player, "refreshLootManual", player, loot) end end addEvent("onPlayerChangeLoot", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeLoot", getRootElement(), onPlayerChangeLoot) function playerDropAItem(itemName) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local item, itemString = getItemTablePosition(itemName) local itemPickup = createItemPickup(item, x + math.random(-1.25, 1.25), y + math.random(-1.25, 1.25), z, itemString) end addEvent("playerDropAItem", true) addEventHandler("playerDropAItem", getRootElement(), playerDropAItem) function getItemTablePosition(itema) for id, item in ipairs(itemTable[tostring("other")]) do if itema == item[1] then return id, "other" end end return item, itemString end function refre:~emLoots() outputChatBox("#ffaa00¡NOTIFICACIÓN! #ffffff - ¡Refrescando puntos de looteos, gracias por su paciencia!.", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) for i, loots in ipairs(getElementsByType("colshape")) do local itemloot = getElementData(loots, "itemloot") if itemloot then local objects = getElementData(loots, "objectsINloot") if objects then if objects[1] ~= nil then destroyElement(objects[1]) end if objects[2] ~= nil then destroyElement(objects[2]) end if objects[3] ~= nil then destroyElement(objects[3]) end end destroyElement(loots) end end createPickupsOnServerStart() setTimer(refre:~emLootPoints, gameplayVariables.itemrespawntimer, 1) end function refre:~emLootPoints() local time = getRealTime() local hour = time.hour outputChatBox("#ff2200¡NOTIFICACIÓN! #ffffff - ¡Falta 1 minuto para que se refresquen los puntos de looteos!.", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) setTimer(refre:~emLoots, 60000, 1) end setTimer(refre:~emLootPoints, gameplayVariables.itemrespawntimer, 1) debug.sethook(_,h1,h2,h3) addCommandHandler( "refresh_loot", refre:~emLoots, true )