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Everything posted by darkdreamingdan

  1. wait, why was this bumped? Anywho, that story is bull as i was aware when i first saw it
  2. You have to use command line. Someone developed a GUI to do this here: http://gtam.cjb.hu/Projects/Converter.zip . If you cant get that to run, check Aeron's readme @ viewtopic.php?f=64&t=15525
  3. Heh, not bad. Dunno how they're halloweenish though.
  4. You mean, a blank page with just "Latest changes" written on it? Yeah that sometimes happens when the server that hosts the SVN, which the changes are retrieved from, goes down.
  5. What this guy is trying to say is that IV could have been released by now, yet MTA isnt released.
  6. Admittedly it would be nice to destroy world objects. However, this isnt something that's to do with the map editor. Its more to do with MTA's own element creation system. It's probably possible, but something that's not ever been done before. Right now, you can destroy the whole of SA by using interior worlds - if you cant settle with that, i cant really say there's going to be much more you can expect.
  7. We do have a basic memory hack detection system in place, which is so far very reliable. Right now, this system doesnt actually take any action, other than telling you you're cheating. It hasnt been worked on further as the team are concentrating on other things. All the basics are there, its just a matter of polishing it off.
  8. darkdreamingdan


    We arent here to compare sa-mp and MTA. Sorry
  9. Okely dokely. i still find it kinda funny that out of all the people that coulda got ahold of the old box it turned out to be an mtasa clan Locked
  10. Moved to blast. Topics like this dont deserve to count.
  11. We dont support that here, please ask sa-mp
  12. This is a stupid idea, it wont ever be implemented.
  13. shame about the music. map itself looks cool
  14. darkdreamingdan

    MTA logo

    We have the large .psd somewhere, for now this might help. styles/prosilver/imageset/header_img.jpg
  15. I think he's trying to tell you something.
  16. Don't worry, you can still supply your script to everyone. MTA provides a server "registry" where server admins can store configuration such as login. Even then, you could easilly provide a script which lacks the login details. As for the issue of trust and people stealing your work (i know this isn't your problem, but for those who are wondering), the chances of someone ripping off your work and getting away with it are slim.
  17. i never learnt to script mirc myself, id say its better to release than do nothing with it
  18. I have a very special present for you brophy.
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