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Everything posted by darkdreamingdan

  1. We are aware of this, and apologise for the inconvenience. Its something that the team plan to address as soon as possible, so yes it will almost certainly be in the final version (probably before due to demand). In the mean time, http://www.xpadder.com can offer you a temporary solution. One thing, i think this can be implemented faster if its only made compatible for vehicle controls - do you think this is reasonable? In other words, controllers wont work on foot.
  2. All of this is in the new editor already. As for Z lining, cant you use the clone element? Also, the editor offers repositioning ingame using co ordinates.
  3. Whenever this happens, its actually because the ctrl button is stuck - so its "Select All" then overwriting it. Pressing the ctrl buttons/or alt gr should fix this.
  4. He was referring to the last comment in his post, norby. Please note we do not support piracy in this forum, so such "rewards" are not allowed.
  5. What's your issue of having clientside?
  6. Clientside scripts are seperated from serverside scripts, and as such, are optional. Clientside scripts are downloaded to clients and can be viewed, while serverside scripts are not downloaded. Therefore, sensitive information should be left to be validated with the server and not the clients. This is what MTA's "registry" system is designed for, as i mentioned earlier. The registry provides an external source to retrieve and write information without actually modifying the script files. This means you could setup a script to read the "adminPassword" registry setting, and use that, rather than defining the password in the script itself. This is not only more secure, but means that the password is easily changed in the registry without having to modify the script itself.
  7. Looks like someone already summarised this. Locked.
  8. Just bear in mind not all weapons work with drivebys.
  9. http://www.vces.net/info/index.php That provides a set of useful IDs (for San Andreas, mind)
  10. Its within the race installer, after you launch MTA
  11. No Windows 2003 as part of the default poll. disgrace.
  12. Haha yeah, i've seen so many of those in real life. I really dont understand why anyone would buy them, it looks like a mutant car experiment gone wrong.
  13. As far as i remember, crossings trigger earlier in MTA (intentionally 'fixed')
  14. moved to general =p p.s. hi
  15. Just so you know, if you have something actually important, you should be able to PM opers(i would try halfops first, though).
  16. No, the vehicle type limit is currently at 100, and the total vehicle limit is unknown - though we've tested ~2200 vehicles successfully. (for MTA DM, not race-which doesnt need to worry about vehicle limits =p)
  17. Dont turn this into another spam topic. As for ingame radio while dead, its possible, but probably wont be implemented.
  18. We have discussed this within QA somewhat, and it would be great to get a TC in. There are a number of issues that have to be overcome. The first is converting it into MTA format - which is actually a lot cleaner than GTA's own system. The trouble is, since GTA's system is so fiddly it takes some work to convert it over into MTA format. (Just so you know, with MTA you would use a .map file to place all the objects, and import your models in raw .dff and .txd form) Secondly, there's the object limit. This is somewhat of a barrier for many non-custom modelled mods. However, if the models are fairly large in size, and therefore the object limit (of approximately 225) will be able to handle the map comfortably, then in theory it should work (especially with recent streamer changes). Its yet to be proven, but it would definitely be nice to try and get this working. Right now no one in QA has had the chance to really try and push custom models support to its maximum. As far as d3d9, that's a no-no. They're bound to interfere with MTA and are likely to be blocked. Everything else, remains incompatible. Though, the only thing left that's really relevant to multiplayer is handling files.
  19. it goes like this: Your mods must be in a certain format to work with MTA. They dont go into your .img or anything, but you keep your .txd and .dff (and .col where applicable) and MTA can load them on the fly. However, they are part of the resource. This means that a gamemode, map or script includes some models which are imported via scripting from the server. Clients will NOT be able to have their own custom mods - you have to get them from the server as part of a resource. All of this uses MTA's own engine to import mods. At this time, it can load and unload object and vehicle models on the fly upon request. Unfortunately, handling currently cannot be modified. Its something QA have requested, but has been postponed for R2 because we have other issues which much higher priority. I for one certainly look forward to handling support - expect to see it soon (after first release).
  20. Yes its possible with a bit of scripting. It'd work very similar to nametags - 2D text that appears in the 3D world but is not actually 3D.
  21. Uh what? Since when? This 'fix' pretty much facilitates downgrading in a manner that we dont support. And yes, im pretty confident in saying that basically ALL of these fixes are in .exe, besides stuff like "Improvements to dance game timings. ", which is in SCM - and only affects single player. If you want to tweak the single player slightly by updating your scm, then this could be called a solution. Otherwise, i'm afraid to say that this doesnt seem all that useful. Hopefully MTA will eventually support 1.01 due to its close similarities to 1.0. 2.00 is another story however. I know you're just trying to help, but we do provide support for 1.01 and 2.00 users within the forums.
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