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Everything posted by darkdreamingdan

  1. This isnt really a bug. Just give some ammo for melee weapons.
  2. If you setup votemanager and mapcycler properly you can set it so that the map only changes at the end of a round
  3. Personally i prefer the armour bar as it is, its not bulky and integrates well with the current nametags. Adding another bar or something would look ugly
  4. Yeah, you can change the 'type' attribute from "script" to "gamemode" in the tag. Should work.
  5. I can't confirm it for DP2 i'm afraid. Chances are this might be enabled by script - so gamemodes such as race where framerates are more relevant might have it. Can't say anything right now
  6. i've unlocked it for you. Please inform us when you're done
  7. All gamemodes are flagged as the type "gamemode". This means when you use the command "gamemode " it will auto stop the previous gamemode, and start the new one. This is not the case if you use the "start" command. Unfortunately, broph is not marked as a gamemode (mainly so that people cant vote to play it), since its more like a sandbox environment. In other words, if you had the gamemode "stealth" started, you could do "gamemode cdm cdm-ls" which would stop stealth, and start CDM. Broph is an exception, you need to start it using "start broph", and the gamemode command wont stop it, so you need to do "stop broph". I hope that answers your question.
  8. Yeah i would have thought you swim faster at the very least.. Not that swimming faster is fair either
  9. Install this http://talidan.littlewhitey.net/settings.xml
  10. You can install this settings.xml as a temporary fix http://talidan.littlewhitey.net/settings.xml
  11. I've passed this on to the relevant parties.
  12. I'm locking this. I dont see how this topic is helpful or constructive towards the running of the FMJ server.
  13. That's very easy for you to say. Unfortunately this is not going to happen, and is MUCH harder(to the extent where you're better off deleting everything to do with Race mod) than improving the current Race gamemode. MTASA is not going to take a step backwards over the Race gamemode, when the DM version can be improved.
  14. 1) Use the console 2) This can be done in script, but could be done internally 3) Already possible, but not with that crappy system - something much more flexible. Use onClientPlayerDamage 4) This is noted, something that can be done in future. 5) Something that will be addressed in future DP releases.
  15. There are probably legality issues when removing advertisements. And since you dont need to load the game multiple times to switch servers, i dont think its a major issue. That's just me though.
  16. The intention is that all settings will be added to the menu. Dont think this was left out on purpose just to piss you off. There are other priorities - and since this can be done in single player, and generally isnt something that you need to change often - this can wait.
  17. Yeah, tasks are more powerful than animations. Something that can be looked into in future.
  18. This has been asked a million times, please use the Search function, and feel free to post in one of the topics that are already open.
  19. I think DarkDragon[GER] did a good job of summarising this . The atttachElementToElement function allows attachment both ways. And yes, this calls for a lock.
  20. Write a resource to do it.
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