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Everything posted by orappa

  1. I suppose it depends on which weapon you use. Sometimes I can kill people really easily like you say, and other times it takes me ages to drain to yellow. And yes, I know all about the "trick" to inflicting damage...
  2. After much confusion, I actually get it now. *ripple of sarcastic applause*
  3. I didn't know MTA had a desktop shortcut put in by the installer. Try the start menu instead, or even better, use ASE as n!ckl245 said. Download link: http://www.udpsoft.com/eye2/index.html
  4. I don't know about that, but as it's been taken over by Gamespy, I'll say "most likely"
  5. You really ought to buy VC. You'll see a world of difference Or just wait until 0.4 comes out.
  6. One thing I'd like to see is a gradual colour change on the health bar. At the moment, it goes green > yellow > red suddenly. It would be better if it slowly morphed into yellow and then morphed into red. This sounds really pointless, but I think it would make it easier to see if it's registering that you're hitting the opponent. The problem at the moment is that you have to drain a certain amount of health before it flicks to yellow, and hence there are a lot of n00bs complaining that people are using invincibility cheats when their shots are actually draining health.
  7. orappa

    GTA VC Windowed?

    A lot of people run it in a window because their PCs are too slow to run it at a decent framerate full-screen, so it might reduce lag. Anyway, most people don't close programs before they start playing in full-screen.
  8. Oops... didn't notice that it was in this section of the forum When 0.4 comes out, will the VC and GTA 3 sections be merged into one (being that the client is the same)?
  9. Is this due to limitations in the GTA 3 engine, or are more characters likely to be included in future versions?
  10. Erm... it seems to me that you wouldn't find gta3.dir in Vice City...
  11. Why is this man a "celebrity"? His only claim to fame is that he wore a wedding dress. It's not exactly much to write home about really, is it? Anyway, back on topic: I got the impression that IGN wasn't particularly popular (especially since Gamespy's acquisition of it), or am I completely wrong? Anyway, regardless of how popular it is, any recognition, however small, is good (hey, a record number of commas in one sentence ).
  12. What the heck are you talking about?
  13. I don't know any left-handed people who use their left hands for the mouse - it's pointless being able to reverse it. It's like having left-hand drive cars for left-handed people and right-hand ones for right-handed people.
  14. It works out the flag from your IP address, so there's nothing you can do to change it.
  15. I quote: Well, the fact that the multiplayer menu is in there in the first place shows that there's lots of stuff that they wanted to put in but weren't able to, so I reckon that there was a sewer section planned but time / money constraints restricted its addition. Hey, it might still be there if you warp through the map *Sigh* I quote again: It's pretty complex, but there's a guide to unlocking the multiplayer menu in the readme.
  16. The passenger must press "Home" in order to get in the car. I've been asked this question hundreds of times. I reckon it should come up in one of those help boxes in the corner of the screen.
  17. I think you've hit the nail on the head. Commercialisation tends to stifle innovation as companies turn to "safe" ways of making money. The MTA team have no deadline and so don't have to cut corners. Also, they're doing it because they love doing it rather than getting paid to do something they care nothing about.
  18. I'm sure that you can't be the first person to have a proxy problem with ASE. ...And, after checking their forum, it seems that you're not. However:
  19. Nothing, I presume. There's no multiplayer code - just the menus.
  20. I looked, and this was the only one I could find: This shows the list of maps that you can play. To unlock the menu, try this tool: http://www.steve-m.com/?lang=EN&page=2&ID=9&act=details Remember: No mods with MTA, so please try this on a clean version of GTA 3.
  21. Where did the explosions come from?
  22. I don't remember him saying that. The only things I know for certain are that the Racer is gone and that 0.4 supports both GTA 3 and VC.
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