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Everything posted by orappa

  1. This should help you out: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?p=107913#107913
  2. Or indeed higher (Windows Me), as it only works with XP and 2000.
  3. All the key binds are customizeable, using the cfg file. I reckon there should be more GUI-based stuff, like in GTA3:MTA which had a dialog for server options instead of having to edit a file. Whilst I personally don't mind editing files, this may put off many newer players who are used to the simplicity of Battlefield and Unreal Tournament.
  4. orappa


    I think it's easier to just point you in the direction of the Sig Shoppe: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=8328
  5. Firstly I'd like to say that actually no, he's posting in the forum for the multiplayer mod for GTA3 - not the mod itself. Hmmm... I get the impression that you're actually serious about this ludicrous suggestion and not mad / drunk / tired / drugged. No comment.
  6. he means click the start game button, not connect button Yeah, whatever. I don't read things before I click them.
  7. Sometimes programs run a file and grab its handle to perform API calls on it. If so, setting it to a .bat file wouldn't work (you'd have to search for the window handle = unnecessary). Anyway, I can't see how 3D Analyzer (hideous spelling btw) can speed up games (and if it makes a large difference could this be counted as cheating like the frame limiter?).
  8. I got mine on eBay for 1/3rd of the retail price, and it's pretty much shop quality except for a couple of small disc scratches, but it's not worth paying an extra £25 for an unscratched disc when the scratches don't affect it anyway.
  9. It's not allowed by the EULA as far as I know, and we probably shouldn't be talking about it, so I'll just say that it's no different than hacking any other EXE.
  10. Oh, I didn't know that. I just put up with it. Will this be fixed in future versions?
  11. Er... to do that, you'd have to program the multiplayer that doesn't exist. Oh, and invent a whole new area called "the sewer". Good luck
  12. Look, if you like VC and MTA enough to warrant spending a lot of time trying to fix the thing, why don't you just buy it? You can get it on eBay - it's not expensive (I got mine for about 1/3rd of its retail price).
  13. Yeah, I get that all the time. Click Reset Game Path and the click Connect. A browse dialog will show, and you browse to your VC executable. Assuming that you have installed it to the default location, it should be: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto Vice City\gta-vc.exe
  14. orappa

    GTA VC Windowed?

    If anything, it reduces usage because it has to draw in a smaller area.
  15. Oops... didn't notice that. GTA3:MTA does put a desktop shortcut in. Assuming that you installed GTA 3 to the default location, the shortcut should point to: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTAIII\Launcher.exe
  16. orappa


    I can't explain why - I just get the impression that they'll never do it.
  17. Some of us like to play GTA3 still... Oh, don't get me wrong - I much prefer GTA 3 to Vice. I don't play it because: 1) Starting a game is hideously long-winded 2) It's buggy (way more so than VC - as you'd expect from an older client) 3) There's hardly anyone playing it (according to ASE)
  18. orappa


    Didn't there used to be a newsletter? I remember seeing something about it on the web archive I think. Can't see it happening, btw.
  19. Lol, it's on one of the pages of this thread. Idiot (AAD) posted a link to the pics (which is now down).
  20. I find that the normal servers are pretty speedy - I get about 68KB/s as opposed to about 45 on most servers. However, with at least a 30 min wait, the total download time is lower for the slower servers. We are waaay off topic, btw.
  21. I wasn't sure if Rockstar had taken the easy way out or not, so that's why I said "it seems to me".
  22. What's annoying is that they also own the Planet* network of fan sites, and having a coporation in charge of a fan site is the worst thing you can possibly do. The Planet* network has a good range of resources, but the only problems are: 1) The constant adverts 2) Every (and I mean every) download link points to FilePlanet, so you have to do a Google search for the files you want
  23. Well, something like that anyway. What annoys me about Gamespy is that they give you loads of features - yeah, pretty good value for money, but all I want to do is pay a small fee for getting rid of the ads, not a large one for stuff I don't want or need. (If that makes sense)
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