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Everything posted by orappa

  1. Processor's not too brilliant either. I have a 1GHz Athlon on my other PC (roughly equivalent to a 1.3 Duron probably) and it runs VC quite painfully. What you need to do is set a low resolution and reduce the draw distance to practically nothing.
  2. The fact that he says "works" and not the past-tense "worked" leads me to believe that both are installed at once.
  3. It's actually, but typing in localhost does exactly the same thing (and it's easier to remember too).
  4. Er... if you borrow it off a friend, it's not legit (in a legal sense).
  5. Sounds good, but er... That seems very... definite.
  6. Yeah, they've stolen a lot of mine too
  7. Considering they've already had one playtest, it shouldn't be too long after the second one (there are unlikely to be massive bugs).
  8. Well, it says he is located in the UK, but he may not actually be English. Anyway, I know lots of people like that
  9. Good. It's the attitudes driving MTA that make it so good, not just the technology, so it's refreshing to see a similar attitude reflected in a team with less experience. And yes, I'll try to stop my premature speculation until a formal release is made.
  10. he said u CANTrofl Oops...
  11. It's not just for lag reasons - it would be incredibly complex to sync hundreds of pedestrians. Didn't I hear somewhere about car hits being one-hit kills in MTA 0.4? Can someone verify this? You have no more and no fewer rights than anyone else, so of course you can suggest such features, but please search in the future as these have already been mentioned. MTA is only a beta. They are currently on 0.3, which is a long way from 1.0 (which is intended to be the "proper" release), so there are likely to be many things missing or not working as you'd expect.
  12. Can you? I never heard anything about that
  13. Oh, I wasn't saying that's what I think on the subject - I just said that it sounded suspicious.
  14. And this agreement has nothing to do with the fact that you have his site in your sig? Actually, yeah, I agree as well. It seems a little... inefficient to have all those packets, but that will be improved in subsequent core releases (btw, MTA 0.4 uses the old 0.3 core).
  15. Hmmm... I get the distinct impression that he's trying to create a cheater-friendly version of MTA. Maybe all the cheaters and lamers will use that instead
  16. orappa

    What is a "." ?

    Well, we've both learned something today then
  17. I'm just amused that something so simple has had 2 pages-worth of discussion. I mean, it's simple to incorporate and will take virtually no time at all for the devs, and, however small, there is a demand for it. So therefore I don't see what anyone has to lose by incoporating it, or indeed why there is such heated debate over something so trivial.
  18. Hear hear. Despite the fact that I would not have a use for such an option, I respect the fact that I do not represent the entire MTA community.
  19. Sorry, you've been beaten to it: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=8138 http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=8136
  20. too late You have to be careful when you give your email address out on public forums because a lot of spammers have spiders which search the web for email addys that they can spam.
  21. orappa

    What is a "." ?

    I think those are called either just dots, or aposiopetics How about stigma? I've never ever heard of the word "aposiopetics" before (and neither has Google it would seem ), but ellipsis is the correct term for "..." http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ie ... psis&meta=
  22. Strange. I was under the impression that the initial 0.4 release would be for GTA3 alone and MTA:VC would follow shortly after. If this is true, guess that kinda steals some from GTA3's thunder. I was really hoping to see a good part of the community turn to LC for a one month period or something. Pity... You make it sound as if no-one at all will play GTA 3. There was a poll somewhere where a majority voted that they would play that first before VC. Other people have their own preferences. I for one prefer GTA 3 but am forced to play VC due to the age of the MTA client (and lack of servers). I think that there will be a fairly equal division within the community (perhaps 60:40).
  23. True, true. I wont say any more to avoid turning this into a flame war.
  24. orappa

    What is a "." ?

    Full-stop Ellipsis (when you join 3 together)
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