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Everything posted by orappa

  1. What's 2126 for? I've always told people to forward 2003 only (and it worked).
  2. I can't see it at the moment, so I'm probably too late. It's better to post it again in about 5-6 hours, because that's when most people seem to log on.
  3. orappa

    Driver 3

    Yeah you really should... It's like a more indepth Grand Theft Auto... Much more detail, and a slightly more serious gameplay. are u repeating urself? /me thinks someone has spyware on their computer... On topic: Will swimming play a large role, because swimming around that pool doesn't really look much fun?
  4. I'm just amused that people are debating the legalities of MTA and no-cd cracks. If they both were illegal, do you think they'd stop using them?
  5. As I said ages ago, this thread is pointless because stuff we don't want is just a variation on stuff we do want. For example: You could say "I don't want any cheaters" Or you could say "I do want anti-cheat protection improved" They're pretty much the same (except that the latter is more realistic as it would be impossible to stop cheaters entirely).
  6. I seem to find that ASE filters out server(s) with the same IP as you (i.e. yours) from the list, but they should display on other people's machines. Maybe ASE thinks it's a bit pointless to send out a query to the machine that it's running on
  7. Is that supposed to work?! Are they even compatible... I'd suspect that you couldn't do that, just like trying to extract the server list from GameSpy into The All-Seeing Eye... Kquery can import Gamespy server lists, but ASE doesn't have a proper export function. Anyway, I doubt MTA support has been added.
  8. orappa

    Driver 3

    Surely that's realistic though? (not to mention fun )
  9. But surely with that attitude we'd still be using the command prompt to interface with the operating system (and I mean "popular" OS's like Windows, GUI-driven Linux variants and Mac OS).
  10. Didn't they say that they'd already fixed that?
  11. That wasn't my first post. I'm sure I posted ages before that. I mean, I registered in November
  12. Oh no, don't! Anyway, the link doesn't work.
  13. Oh dear. Here come the confessions. I'm on 900-odd posts, and I only started playing MTA when I reached 500-600 posts I have no idea why though.
  14. I don't see it as particularly weird, myself. I posted in the forum before I started playing the game.
  15. Oh, no, it's not hard - just annoying.
  16. orappa

    Speed running

    No. He's accumulated 1277 posts in just over a month.
  17. I only found out recently when I asked if it could be added For the benefit of less experienced people, of course
  18. i sure hope u were being ironic because if u have 300 posts and have never played the game there is sumthing wrong Why?
  19. Yeah, you "click Save Server List" and it saves it but doesn't tell you where Anyway, I'm not certain that Kquery has support for MTA because it doesn't have a proper master (only the one that ASE uses).
  20. What is GTA:LC? Is it that mod where they brought GTA3 to the VC engine?
  21. The bottom one looks more like something from Manhunt
  22. That's true, but just to give it a test run, I've tried it using my internet IP and it's not something I'd like to do often... hehe then ust dont do it lan speed is way faster than through the net Unless you have an ultra-fast connection (1Gbps+)
  23. It's also inefficient and somewhat pointless when you have a high(er) speed direct connection to the other machine
  24. Erm... I think we've confused the matter far more than was necessary. If you're running it across a LAN On the host PC: Go to Start > Run Type cmd and press enter Now type ipconfig and press enter Your LAN IP will be listed, and you just enter that into the other PC's MTA dialog. If you're running it across the Internet On the host PC: Go to http://www.whatismyip.org Your external IP will be listed, and you just give that to your friend to enter into his MTA dialog.
  25. Oh, well surely the MTA team could run it through a translator with the same result then?
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