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Everything posted by orappa

  1. Yeah, it seems to me that if we all give our suggestions and constructive criticism to make it the best it could possibly be, they'd have no excuse not to use it.
  2. Not sure what you mean by that in relation to videocard drivers. Sounds more like fighting on a main road in mta when there are drivers around No, it's on SP (I don't play GTA3:MTA because no-one else does unfortunately). It usually occurs after I come out of the save game point on the first island and run down that slight incline. It seems to occur when it's operating slowly (i.e. juddering slightly), which could have something to do with the videocard.
  3. orappa


    That'd be nice. I can't ever see it happening though, for lots of reasons: 1. It may not be technically possible (GTA is fairly easy to hack) 2. The team are doing this because they love GTA. Considering the fact that Mafia has only ever been discussed once on these forums, I doubt that many people are fans. If they don't truly believe in what they're doing, it will turn out crap. 3. It would not be possible to run Mafia on the same core as GTA, so a new core would have to be constructed, and the team are already occupied with GTA3 and Vice City, and it looks as if San Anreas won't have multiplayer either.
  4. The tooltip says "Razz". WTF does Razz mean?
  5. I don't quite know what that is. I have a new Nvidia card (5900), and I get that on car headlights, with both stable and the latest beta drivers. I've found that the GTA3 engine's fairly buggy. I can see a blue area through the walls because the third-person camera's dodgy. I also hate it when you run and suddenly get thrown forwards and lose health.
  6. Just think - topics like this will (almost) disappear when 0.4 comes out...
  7. I heard that it's best to make sites Mozilla / Firefox compatible because they use the official W3C syntax. IE tends to be more forgiving of bad code, so any page that will work in Mozilla / Firefox will work in IE. And yeah, the images are a bit excessive. It would definitely load a lot faster if you scrapped the text images and just put plain text in.
  8. I think they've exceeded their bandwidth. It wasn't brilliant anyway, as it was just Vice City with San Andreas models.
  9. Is this a gimmick, or can you change your image Hitman-style to disguise yourself? It seems a lot more scripted - I'm not sure how this will affect gameplay. That's good. Looking through their back catalogue, they don't seem to have developed many titles with multiplayer, and from what I remember of GTA2's multiplayer, there's probably a reason for that. I'm presuming that MTA will do a version for SA. I heard about 2 years ago that GTA 4 was in development, just like I heard that Half-Life 2 was in development in 2000. Oh, and I didn't read the first one because there was WAY too much text, sorry.
  10. No, the drivers wouldn't make a difference unless you had an ATI card. We can't tell you where to get a US exe from either, unfortunately (legal reasons), so you'll have to use Google or something.
  11. It's quite good to use to make sure that someone doesn't take what you say the wrong way. The fact that you can't see the person means that misunderstandings happen often.
  12. orappa

    Should I...

    Not necessarily a week, Stanton. Don't forget that they've already been set back a few days by the attacks, plus it could take a long time to fix the final bug(s).
  13. Here's the link to the locked topic: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?p=111101
  14. Right...... but it's MTA, not GTA. It could mislead people, having pictures of games that aren't even supported.
  15. Yep, my thoughts exactly. GTA's always be pretty mindless and gratuitous, but that's bound to change with the RPG elements they've incorporated. You have to be careful with a winning formula that you don't change it too much.
  16. That's the European way of writing the date: dd/mm/yyyy I get incredibly confused when I see dates such as 1/3/2004 because you can't tell which format they're in.
  17. GTA 3, yes, but why the others? MTA doesn't support versions of GTA lower than GTA 3.
  18. L. Beck, nice to see that you've added some text. However, seeing that, I agree with Blokker that an inline frame isn't best for that situation.
  19. Lycos doesn't support hotlinking, so you need to go to: http://members.lycos.co.uk/gtamaniac/ and click the link.
  20. Willsradio, couldn't you just PM a member of the team via the forum?
  21. orappa

    Network Status

    What are you going to do with such info? I can't remember many details, except for the fact that he's in the USA.
  22. Yeah, but a large proportion of GTA is freeform driving, and it's not going to be much fun to have to keep filling up your car with petrol.
  23. so in short: More GTA3 and a bit less GTA:VC style... Yep, just a balance of each really. Thanks.
  24. Thanks. Another suggestion I have would be to colour the progress bars (similar to how they are on the current design), because it's difficult to tell the difference between 90 and 100%. Edit: Actually, now I come to think about it, there's one big problem with the design, and that's that it only shows Vice City. MTA 0.4 is all about finally bridging the gap between the two games to offer multiplayer for both GTA3 and VC in one client. With that in mind, these are my suggestions: 1. I love the intro page, but I reckon there should be some code to randomly choose either a VC or GTA3 intro pic. 2. On the main site, there are 3 pics at the top. I reckon one of them should be for GTA3. 3. On the main text bit, there's a vertical sliver of Tommy Vercetti. Perhaps there should be one of the guy from GTA3 on the other side.
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