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MTA Anti-Cheat Team
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Everything posted by Dutchman101

  1. If you got no user access while knowing how to get onto the router config page; No, unless your ISP (provider) offers some kind of self helper tool, like in my country one provider has a program ''self service troubleshooting'' and you'll just need to supply a few personal details from the contract holder and it can set things for you automatically. Maybe calling their support can do the same, as they can remotely set, but most of all I wonder why you got no router config access and it that'd be legit, (if it is, hard-resetting the router if you can physically access it, with the often tiny reset button with paperclip, will restore the password to default) But @willieisback, if you just don't know how to access the router config page in the first place; right click your network status icon on Windows taskbar, open networking center, click on the ''Connections'' connection name, select ''Details'' and then copy the ''DHCP-server'' address and browse to that IP address in your internet browser. Now you should be able to login there to your router's configuration.
  2. You must mean how MTA correctly hooks into the game, as there's no original GTA SA source in MTA codebase; your answer is that the GTA modding scene is so big that lists with offsets/memory addresses for SA functions are readily available, researched by other modders. SA modder pioneers' engine research made it possible..
  3. Also your latest posted crash is due to low video memory, please stop bumping as you clearly didn't take sufficient steps to fix the root problem. Your mods were pretty heavy as visible on the first MTADiag log, please provide a fresh log. If you did actually re-install GTA, maybe you should play on less demanding servers (with plenty of mods).. or buy a better video card/GPU with more memory and better performance. Also these crashes happen after a while playing with heavy mods, that's sure about the crash type, so you would know/have a feeling it has to do with something gradually eating up your video memory... (cannot be as you said while connecting)
  4. https://cit2.net/index.php?board=761.0
  5. I was about to say it rings no bells, but do you mean this maybe? https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=1354 although I'm not sure about how well that works today.
  6. It's no longer offered in the download link revisions, @willieisback use: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/?mtasa-1.3.5-full_rc-latest But after all, it's unlikely you cannot overcome compatibility issues with scripts, as each update valued backwards compatibility. So it's more likely to be another problem or just broken/badly written scripts or are you having issues with other integrations such as third-party modules or SQL? You can get help with any such problem in the Scripting section or server support. I advise you to not start using this ancient MTA 1.3.5, and instead try to fix what's broken
  7. Good luck then and no problem. And if you want to get help in client section, please understand that troubleshooting is a row of steps designed to follow up on each earlier steps' actions. If you fail to follow instructions then it's likely in the end it won't be resolved. I also offered to let you use commandprompt single commands if you're afraid of .bat, but I then hope you can sort it out yourself. The problem is related to Windows networking stack (or your router firewall / modem > router link) so these netsh commands are vital to use after all, FYI.
  8. The provided .bat files cannot do that. Also we're filling this topic up unnecesarily as it's not progressing to a solution due to you not following my instructions. Please start doing so or we'll need to stop here
  9. I just found out you're bull:~ting me, you haven't followed my advice to run (atleast the last) .bat file, as this would have disabled the Firewall service, resulting in you first facing inability to add these program exception rules if you were to do so. But you say you could just go in, which means the .bat file hasn't been used. Please start following my instructions or else I can't continue helping you. Also you responded way too early directly after I gave you the .bat file, for it to complete.. I hope you understand especially the first .bat file is really important to fixing this known problem, but if you're scared of bat files just say it and I will try to give you step-to-step command prompt
  10. Did you try the firewall instructions?
  11. You'll need to custom add it, already thought you didn't do it properly when you said you've already tried, and was about to give intructions to make sure anyways: 1) open Windows firewall, advanced settings, > ''New rule'' and search for Multi Theft Auto.exe in your program files/install dir, do the same with gta_sa.exe and eventually proxy_sa.exe and then set these newly created rules to Allow everything.
  12. Update with the drivers I linked
  13. Something is externally blocking MTA traffic and I find it hard to believe you already checked firewall(s) as you said. But ok; Please download and (run as Administrator) this file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9yrjnjrkrkg7c6n/servicing.bat?dl=1 Reboot your PC and try again, if it doesn't work get back to me. EDIT: Also update with these drivers: 1) LAN card, http://12244.wpc.azureedge.net/8012244/drivers/rtdrivers/cn/nic/0015-Install_Win7_7107_05182017.zip 2) chipset, https://downloadmirror.intel.com/20018/a08/infinst_autol.zip & https://downloadmirror.intel.com/22165/a08/Win7Vista_151719.exe 3) now we're at it anyways, update other outdated stuff; http://12244.wpc.azureedge.net/8012244/drivers/rtdrivers/pc/audio/0008-32bit_Win7_Win8_Win81_Win10_R281.exe
  14. Please download and run this file (run as Administrator in rightclick): https://www.dropbox.com/s/8kyfbievryrmyz1/netfix.bat?dl=1 (known to have fixed most CD16 error cases without ability to connect anywhere) and then restart your PC before trying again. Still not fixed? then.. Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you
  15. Pretty vague question but if you mean a resource called like that which you THOUGHT existed; it does not. but I suspect you mean a text editor to edit/write MTA scripts (.lua) for that I would advise using ''Notepad++'' (https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download) because of its versatility.
  16. DOWNLOAD: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=14512 This script allows you to detect Ban evaders who change IP or serial to try evade bans, it can fight:- Dynamic IP's (or static..)- changed (new) serialsHow? By resolving the IP hostname when they connect.You can choose to 'log' the connections (flag option) when a player connects with a defined hostname, which means Internet Provider hostname, so you can investigate if they are who you think they might be.VPN hostname: looks like; datacenter1.vpnworks.net (example; you would then block or log use of a specific proxy/VPN program if many ban evaders use it)Home internet connection; looks like: (develop a sense for how they often look) customer17135.ippool.t-mobile.com (you can both list the customer-or pool specific hostname (before the first dot); this to avoid logging or blocking innocent unrelated players, OR if they are (almost) the only using that Internet provider or VPN software, log or block general hostname ('ippool.t-mobile.com' as for fictive example) If you know one problematic ban evader uses one internet provider usually (ISP) you check the hostname of that IP and add it to the flag list, then when someone connects using this matching hostname, it will print a warning to server.log and you can investigate: - Does the player behave as the banned player? - Is he with the same friends or does he talk similarly, IS HE clearly the same person? This resource basically give you usable leads in order to identify these ban evaders; it provides you with suspects, based on Internet provider or customer account hostname, so you can start analyzing if they are the same person. It can also block the connection automatically instead of only logging a warning of the suspicious player connecting. Besides the lead-giving to investigate, if you got problematic ban evader(s) who mainly use the same VPN/proxy program that uses often specific hostnames of Datacenters/the VPN company, or the same Internet provider hostname or the evader himself has a Dynamic public IP, BUT.. a static hostname (like based upon f.e, customer82423.pool.telecomalgeria.com) you can define and nail them on this static hostname that belongs to the ISP provider customer who has the internet/DSL account. (aka, the same person). As said before, be careful by analyzing the specific use of hostnames to see how many potentially legit players you could hurt. It's the best choice to go for Flagging only and not refusing connections, so you can look on a case by case basis if the player seems to be the same as the ban evader; and then re-ban the new evading serial or IP's. This resource will prove to be a reliable tool. IMPORTANT!! You MUST have a bit of experience with web-hosting in order to get this resource working! It will NOT work straight out of the box, you'll need to host a resolver API (PHP) file on the web. This .php file is included, together with extensive README (documentation) for you to understand why this is required, and assist in setting the resource up. See below a copy of this documentation: (spoiler)
  17. Pure coincidence, corrupted DFF's in the way this crashfix acts on, can crash the game at any random moment (not instantly). It also has nothing to do with proxy_sa. So if you want this crash to never come back, upgrade away from Windows XP. FYI
  18. This crash ( 0x003F18CF ) was fixed here: https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/commit/eddacab44f71a62653e6033362791586e6bb34f6 You're using 1.5.4-r11411 and the crash was fixed earlier in r11352, however the fix doesn't work for Windows XP (due to a limitation in how XP handles unitialized memory and the MTA crashfix relying on that) For that reason I'm kinda sure you're still using Windows XP, upgrade your OS instead of using that ancient XP to solve this. I can imagine as you say the crash happens often, as it's caused by bad mods (bad DFF's) and clearly the servers you play on have alot of bugged mods, of which MTA can now avert crashing if you use a modern Windows version. @Vego
  19. Dutchman101

    This is terrible!

    I'm certain it was something like a troll saying: ''write /bind w kill'' but then a variation causing what @homies describes (like a specific server script command + arguments that cause the lag and freezes he mentioned) The solution is simple: go to settings > binds, and reset to default.
  20. @Adiidas once you started asking a question in full english and appropiate English board, please don't switch to talking Portuguese in the midst. One more portuguese reply and it would've been moved, if you want to ask a question (mainly) in Portuguese then start topic in that language's board please
  21. Next time please include your serial (9D4898D737711F0D420745306905A0E2). You were reported by admins of server Trinity freeroam for DDOS'ing them, you admit it here and apoligize but I hardly think that's enough to get unbanned, as these acts are very malicious in nature; Maybe the ban can be commuted to temporary but for that please send a PM to @ccw and once again I think you won't easily get a new chance after doing something like this, as others also said. As you can send a PM to who I mentioned to try resolve it, I'm locking this topic. Edit January 2019: you have been unbanned after a late re-appeal. Edit 2: you have been re-banned (also on your second serial D61AEE621266CAC6719FACE16DEB7394) shortly after said unban, because you're under investigation of a new DDoS attack on player(s) from your server "R9 Freeroam". Refer to the PM you received.
  22. Please be more detailed, also when looking through your previous topics in Scripting section; all of them are lacking detail and even when people ask you to improve it, you usually don't. So I expect you improve it here before I move this and all following topics lacking detail that you start, to Trash right away. Thanks for your understanding
  23. The included infernus.dff isn't UV mapped. Everything works, you'll just need to add a wrap compatible vehicle model. As I said, those who know how to work with these kind of resources can have it up and running pretty fast.
  24. Please open a new topic in Scripting section if you need help locating the memory leak, instead of posting code here. Thanks and good luck
  25. Dutchman101

    netc.dll problem

    Follow ccw's advice and also; Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you
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