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MTA Anti-Cheat Team
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Everything posted by Dutchman101

  1. I found out it's not a leak, you just edited this script: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=720 so don't worry about the accusation. However, you're selling the resource off as scripted by yourself in the description, and you're also compiling someone elses work. Please fix that or measures will still be taken.
  2. Dutchman101

    I need help

    I can't see any modified GTA audio files. 1) Restore gta_sa.exe to default (yours is unknown) 2) Some of your drivers have an error code, this indicates underlying system problems that result in driver components failing, first download https://www.dropbox.com/s/9yrjnjrkrkg7c6n/servicing.bat?dl=1 (and Run as Administrator + restart your PC) before installing any of the following drivers. Driver corruption in your case may happen during/after installation, that's why you can only install them after running that .bat file which tries to solve the device error codes. 3) Update with these drivers: - https://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobiles/9ulk01af.exe - https://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobiles/9ulv01af.exe (both are slightly different links..) - https://downloadmirror.intel.com/20775/eng/SetupChipset.exe - https://downloadmirror.intel.com/27058/eng/win64_154605.4771.exe (graphics drivers just to make sure, as Intel HD also has a sound integration that may affect the issue) @Mixes If all that doesn't fix it, first record the problem and send a video so I can see what happens, and also go into Control panel > sound settings, and make sure only your Conexant HD audio is set as active/default play device. (or better, take a screenshot of the sound settings tab)
  3. Yes; add the included .php file, instructions: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31538747/where-to-upload-my-php-files-on-web-hosting-server and for your question #4, correct: change the example URL to location of your hosted .php in the script. yes, and if you want resource to not only flag/log listed hostname connections but also block them, also add kick ACL access. I would advise only blocking VPN services that are problematic to your server, like a few harsh evaders keep using them (the same VPN app with just 1 or a few select hostnames bound to its datacenter)
  4. I released a fixed version @Mohamed Asad that detects Hydra and hunter-on vehicle kills (with rocket as you described...) and some other types of kills. Get it here, https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=14801 Anyways, clientside; local explosionVehicles = { [432] = true, [520] = true, [425] = true } local possibleKillers = {} local killerTimer = false addEvent ("onClientPlayerKillMessage",true) function onClientPlayerKillMessage ( killer,weapon,wr,wg,wb,kr,kg,kb,width,resource ) if wasEventCancelled() then return end outputKillMessage ( source, wr,wg,wb,killer,kr,kg,kb,weapon,width,resource ) end addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerKillMessage",getRootElement(),onClientPlayerKillMessage) function outputKillMessage ( source, wr,wg,wb,killer,kr,kg,kb,weapon,width,resource ) if not iconWidths[weapon] then if type(weapon) ~= "string" then weapon = 999 end end local killerName local wastedName if not tonumber(wr) then wr = 255 end if not tonumber(wg) then wg = 255 end if not tonumber(wb) then wb = 255 end if not tonumber(kr) then kr = 255 end if not tonumber(kg) then kg = 255 end if not tonumber(kb) then kb = 255 end if ( source ) then if isElement ( source ) then if getElementType ( source ) == "player" then wastedName = getPlayerName ( source ) else outputDebugString ( "outputKillMessage - Invalid 'wasted' player specified",0,0,0,100) return false end elseif type(source) == "string" then wastedName = source end else outputDebugString ( "outputKillMessage - Invalid 'wasted' player specified",0,0,0,100) return false end if ( killer ) then if isElement ( killer ) then if getElementType ( killer ) == "player" then killerName = getPlayerName ( killer ) else outputDebugString ( "outputKillMessage - Invalid 'killer' player specified",0,0,0,100) return false end elseif type(killer) == "string" then killerName = killer else killerName = "" end else killerName = "" end --create the new text if not killerName then killerName = "" end return outputMessage ( {killerName, {"padding",width=3}, {"icon",id=weapon}, {"padding",width=3},{"color",r=wr,g=wg,b=wb}, wastedName}, kr,kg,kb ) end function getVehiclePassengerCount(vehicle) local n = 0 for _, v in pairs(getVehicleOccupants(vehicle)) do n = n + 1 end return n end function getNearbyVehicle(x, y, z) for _, vehicle in pairs(getElementsByType("vehicle", nil, true)) do local vx, vy, vz = getElementPosition(vehicle) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz) if dist <= 10 and getVehiclePassengerCount(vehicle) > 0 then return vehicle end end end function tableCount(t) local n = 0 for _, v in pairs(t) do n = n + 1 end return n end addEventHandler("onClientExplosion", root, function(x, y, z, explosionType) -- Check if it is a rocket explosion and if rocket creator has hunter/hydra/rhino if getElementType(source) == "player" and (explosionType == 2 or explosionType == 10) and getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) and explosionVehicles[getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source))] then local victimVehicle = getNearbyVehicle(x, y, z) if victimVehicle then -- Store occupants' possible killer only to occupants' client memory for _, occupant in pairs(getVehicleOccupants(victimVehicle)) do if occupant == localPlayer then if not killerTimer then killerTimer = setTimer(function() possibleKillers = {} end, 7000, 1) end if killerTimer and isTimer(killerTimer) then resetTimer(killerTimer) end possibleKillers = {} possibleKillers[getVehicleOccupants(victimVehicle)] = source end end end end end, nil, "high+10" ) addEventHandler("onClientVehicleDamage", root, function(attacker, weapon) -- Additionally check if weapon used to damage a vehicle was hunter minigun, which in that case, hunter is the real killer here if getVehiclePassengerCount(source) > 0 and attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "vehicle" and weapon == 38 and getElementModel(attacker) == 425 then for _, occupant in pairs(getVehicleOccupants(source)) do if occupant == localPlayer then if not killerTimer then killerTimer = setTimer(function() possibleKillers = {} end, 7000, 1) end if killerTimer and isTimer(killerTimer) then resetTimer(killerTimer) end possibleKillers = {} possibleKillers[getVehicleOccupants(source)] = getVehicleController(attacker) end end end -- Also check if killer had a rustler or rc baron if getVehiclePassengerCount(source) > 0 and attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "vehicle" and weapon == 31 and (getElementModel(attacker) == 464 or getElementModel(attacker) == 476) then for _, occupant in pairs(getVehicleOccupants(source)) do if occupant == localPlayer then if not killerTimer then killerTimer = setTimer(function() possibleKillers = {} end, 7000, 1) end if killerTimer and isTimer(killerTimer) then resetTimer(killerTimer) end possibleKillers = {} possibleKillers[getVehicleOccupants(source)] = getVehicleController(attacker) end end end end ) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", root, function(killer, weapon, bodypart) if source == localPlayer then if tableCount(possibleKillers) > 0 then local theKiller = false; for _, pkiller in pairs(possibleKillers) do theKiller = pkiller break end if theKiller then local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(theKiller); if veh then triggerServerEvent("outputKillFromClient", localPlayer, theKiller, getElementModel(veh)) end end if killerTimer and isTimer(killerTimer) then killTimer(killerTimer) end possibleKillers = {} end end end ) serverside; local config = { ["lines"] = 5, ["startY"] = 0.35, ["textHeight"] = 16, ["iconHeight"] = 20, ["iconSpacing"] = 4, ["defaultWeapon"] = 255, ["fadeTime"] = 5000, ["startFade"] = 15000, ["align"] = "right", ["startX"] = -10 } local default = { ["lines"] = 5, ["startY"] = 0.25, ["textHeight"] = 16, ["iconHeight"] = 20, ["iconSpacing"] = 4, ["defaultWeapon"] = 255, ["fadeTime"] = 5000, ["startFade"] = 15000, ["align"] = "right", ["startX"] = -10 } function KillMessages_onPlayerWasted(totalammo, killer, killerweapon, bodypart) local usedVehicle = nil local killerType = nil local killerweapon = killerweapon or 255 -- In very rare cases killer isn't nil or false but isn't an element. if (killer and not isElement(killer)) then killer = nil end if (killer) then killerType = getElementType(killer) end -- Sometimes the killer is returned as the driver instead of vehicle, like when driving a Rhino but we need the vehicle ID if (killerType == "player") then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(killer) if (vehicle and getPedWeapon(killer) == 0) then usedVehicle = getElementModel(vehicle) end end -- Change the killer into the vehicle controller if (killer and killerType == "vehicle") then usedVehicle = getElementModel(killer) killer = getVehicleController(killer) or killer killerType = getElementType(killer) end -- If killed by rocket and was on foot player turn it into their current weapon if (killerweapon == 19 and killerType == "player" and not isPedInVehicle(killer)) then killerweapon = getPedWeapon(killer) or 51 end -- Got a killer? Print the normal "* X died" if not if (killer and killerType == "player") then local kr, kg, kb = getPlayerNametagColor(killer) if (getPlayerTeam(killer)) then kr, kg, kb = getTeamColor(getPlayerTeam(killer)) end -- Suicide? if (source == killer) then local triggered = triggerEvent("onPlayerKillMessage", source, false, killerweapon, bodypart) --outputDebugString("Cancelled: "..tostring(triggered)) if (triggered) then eventTriggered(source, false, killerweapon, bodypart, true, usedVehicle) return end end local triggered = triggerEvent("onPlayerKillMessage", source, killer, killerweapon, bodypart) --outputDebugString("Cancelled: "..tostring(triggered)) if (triggered) then eventTriggered(source, killer, killerweapon, bodypart, false, usedVehicle) end else if killerweapon ~= 63 then local triggered = triggerEvent("onPlayerKillMessage", source, false, killerweapon, bodypart) --outputDebugString("Cancelled: "..tostring(triggered)) if (triggered) then eventTriggered(source, false, killerweapon, bodypart, false, usedVehicle) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, KillMessages_onPlayerWasted) addEvent ( "onPlayerKillMessage" ) function eventTriggered ( source,killer,weapon,bodypart,suicide,usedVehicle,ignoreExplosions ) --outputDebugString("after: source = " .. getElementType(source) .. "killer = " .. getElementType(killer) .. " weapon = " .. tostring(weapon) .. " bodypart = " .. tostring(bodypart) .. " suicide = " .. tostring(suicide) .. "usedVehicle = " .. tostring(usedVehicle)) local wr,wg,wb = getPlayerNametagColor ( source ) if getPlayerTeam ( source ) then wr,wg,wb = getTeamColor ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) ) end local kr,kg,kb = false,false,false if ( killer ) then kr,kg,kb = getPlayerNametagColor ( killer ) if getPlayerTeam ( killer ) then kr,kg,kb = getTeamColor ( getPlayerTeam ( killer ) ) end end if ( usedVehicle ) then weapon = usedVehicle end outputKillMessage ( source, wr,wg,wb,killer,kr,kg,kb,weapon ) -- local extra = "" if ( usedVehicle ) then extra = " (Vehicle)" end if ( killer ) then if suicide then local weaponName = getWeaponNameFromID ( weapon ) if weaponName then outputConsoleKillMessage ( "* "..getPlayerName(source).." killed himself. ("..weaponName..")" ) else outputConsoleKillMessage ( "* "..getPlayerName(source).." killed himself."..extra ) end else local weaponName = getWeaponNameFromID ( weapon ) if weaponName then outputConsoleKillMessage ( "* "..getPlayerName(killer).." killed "..getPlayerName(source)..". ("..weaponName..")" ) else outputConsoleKillMessage ( "* "..getPlayerName(killer).." killed "..getPlayerName(source).."."..extra ) end end else outputConsoleKillMessage ( "* "..getPlayerName(source).." died."..extra ) end -- end function outputConsoleKillMessage ( text ) outputConsole ( text ) end addEvent("outputKillFromClient", true) addEventHandler("outputKillFromClient", root, function(killer, model) if source == client then --outputDebugString("before: client = " .. getElementType(client) .. " killer = " .. getElementType(killer).. " model = " .. tostring(model)) local triggered = triggerEvent("onPlayerKillMessage", client, killer, 19, nil) if (triggered) then eventTriggered(client, killer, 19, nil, false, model, true) end end end ) function outputKillMessage ( killed, wr,wg,wb,killer,kr,kg,kb,weapon,width,resource ) if ( resource ) then resource = getResourceName(resource) end if not isElement(killed) then outputDebugString ( "outputKillMessage - Invalid 'wasted' player specified",0,0,0,100) return false end if not getElementType(killed) == "player" then outputDebugString ( "outputKillMessage - Invalid 'wasted' player specified",0,0,0,100) return false end return triggerClientEvent(getRootElement(),"onClientPlayerKillMessage",killed,killer,weapon,wr,wg,wb,kr,kg,kb,width,resource ) end function outputMessage ( message, visibleTo, r, g, b, font ) if type(message) ~= "string" and type(message) ~= "table" then outputDebugString ( "outputMessage - Bad 'message' argument", 0, 112, 112, 112 ) return false end if not isElement(visibleTo) then outputDebugString ( "outputMessage - Bad argument", 0, 112, 112, 112 ) return false end --Turn any resources into resource names if type(message) == "table" then for i,part in ipairs(message) do if type(part) == "table" and part[1] == "image" then if part.resource then message[i].resourceName = getResourceName(part.resource) else part.resourceName = getResourceName(sourceResource) end end end end return triggerClientEvent ( visibleTo, "doOutputMessage", visibleTo, message, r, g, b, font ) end function setKillMessageStyle ( startX,startY,align,lines,fadeStart,fadeAnimTime ) if ( not startX ) then startX = default.startX end if ( not startY ) then startY = default.startY end if ( not align ) then startY = align.startY end if ( not lines ) then lines = default.lines end if ( not fadeStart ) then fadeStart = default.startFade end if ( not fadeAnimTime ) then fadeAnimTime = default.fadeTime end config.startX = startX config.startY = startY config.align = align config.lines = lines config.startFade = fadeStart config.fadeTime = fadeAnimTime for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType"player") do triggerClientEvent(v,"doSetKillMessageStyle",v,config.startX,config.startY,config.alignX,config.lines,config.startFade,config.fadeTime) end return true end addEvent ("onClientKillmessagesLoaded",true) addEventHandler ( "onClientKillmessagesLoaded", getRootElement(), function() triggerClientEvent(client,"doSetKillMessageStyle",client,config.startX,config.startY,config.alignX,config.lines,config.startFade,config.fadeTime) end ) @Mohamed Asad Today 22th september i fixed a few bugs in code (bad outputting aka wrong killfeed data) i suggest you update version (or just watch the community resource page i linked regularly)
  5. Dutchman101

    I need help

    Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you @Mixes Also do you know of any 'codec' problems you had in the past, with any other app or game? Did you install custom codec packs?
  6. I would like to hear experiences using this script for who started using it. The caveat for the average server owner would be knowing how to host the included .php resolver on a webhost, if anyone has unused hosting capacity and likes to volunteer and offer to host it for the default resource (so it can work on the go for anyone) please contact me, so I could change the source to use your mirror. (please note that depending on the amount of server owners who'll use it, it could result in hundreds of queries a second..)
  7. That (from your screenshot) is just the built-in alternative theme, though. Esc > settings > inferface, select ''skin'' Lighter Black.
  8. I know you had network stack problems once before and they might play a role here too, so please download this file: https://mirror.multitheftauto.com/mtasa/utils/servicing.bat and run it as Administrator. When it completes, restart your PC, and after that; Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you Then provide the MTADiag link here, and see if it works again after running the .bat file. @Freezak
  9. I must admit everyone replying here is kinda on the right track, as you apparently don't know much about MTA culture and that this kind of propositions are against the generally accepted practises on server staffing. I've also never seen advertisements like this before.. but good luck.
  10. Please read https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/94790-guidelines-and-formatting-for-this-section-read-before-posting/ before posting; I'm sure you will receive help if you show effort understanding how to write what you need, just asking for guidance or help writing it yourself. You can also ask some code to be written for you, but we won't write the full script or patch for you. @Sami_~>
  11. Yes, we worked on it by reporting the false positives. Good to hear.
  12. I got to draw back my last words as I re-scanned it, the new virustotal layout doesnt make it apparent it won't re-analyze when it already knows the file; it will automatically show old results first. Once i re-scanned a file from your list of detected files, xmll.dll, it turned up these results: This is obvious a false positive, as MTA doesn't ship infected files. The point here is that it's a shared signature, which means one company considered having expertise in the antivirus industry creates a definition, and other AV adopt the detection, without further analysis. These definitions get automatically distributed to AV companies that sub to theirs, in mailing lists. By this method, a false positive found its way to multiple AV vendors, and currently we're working to report the false positive issues to the AV vendor responsible for the shared signature at fault. In the meanwhile you can safely unquarantine and whitelist the files in order to play MTA.
  13. That's weird, because while I am on the same revision as that update ships, i ran the files it lists through virustotal.com (which also includes Bitdefender scan results) and it returned not a single detection, not even from Bitdefender. Are you sure nothing external is modifying files as soon you download them? Another infection on your PC could inject malicious parts as soon your PC finishes downloading any file. Please un-quarantine all detected files belonging to this MTA update, and whitelist them for a while so you can move them all to one folder and zip them up. Then, upload the .zip or .rar archive to http://upload.mtasa.com and provide me the link in this topic. @Pilovali
  14. Please read https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/94790-guidelines-and-formatting-for-this-section-read-before-posting/ before posting next time, but you can still clarify the actual problem that needs to be solved. @armyk
  15. Please make sure you follow the section rules (https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/93567-rules-and-formatting-for-this-section/) @Gengar
  16. MTA can use a GTA SA installation from USB stick, if that's what you mean. So you'll only need to install MTA separately on that PC. @Zorgman's method sounds promising but I'm not sure if that works at all (sounds fishy and shouldn't be able to theoretically) and if so without significant problems, you'll have to try. (he means dropbox folder just like OneDrive that comes with Windows 10, that acts like it's a physical drive/station but it's just synced files from the cloud in reality)
  17. MTA cannot be portable, but GTA SA and SA-MP can. MTA works with too many vital registry keys, also to ever work with software like ''PortableApps'' suite. If you just want to play San Andreas online from USB stick, I advise you to do this: 1) Install SA-MP into a GTA SA installation folder (say, C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas) 2) Copy the GTA SA install directory including the SA-MP you installed into it through a PC, to your USB stick or removable disk. The GTA San Andreas folder should already have the SAMP launcher and files once you move it. Now, you can launch SA-MP from the USB stick, by clicking the SAMP launcher. You can also play SA single player from there. We usually don't recommend SA-MP, but I want to help you achieve what you're looking for. @AuLif
  18. You didn't provide a valid link to stolen resource, only for original.
  19. Dutchman101


    Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you
  20. Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you
  21. I find it hard to believe UAE already unblocked MTA as we had no reports of that so far. So first try using a VPN instead of assuming that.
  22. DOWNLOAD: https://community.multitheftauto.com/?p=resources&s=details&id=14725 The nametag near healthbar is now colorcode-compatible from HEX code in nicks with this resource. Any player name containing HEX code will have it show just like in chat with colorcodes enabled, physically infront of you (so the rendered tag on player ped). So unlike most 'nametag' resources, this is the first one to actually do this. - When colorcoded, names will be a cursive font so it looks nicer and colorcode nicks express themselves well. Wonder why resources like this didnt exist yet? Well, technical limitations. Now, we removed the MTA default healthbar and had to re-integrate it (it looks exactly the same so you won't notice). So it's now a custom healthbar that's a replica of MTA's, too. Just good to know. CREDITS: Collaborative effort by me and @John Smith
  23. Since your problem indicates underlying OS issues, please also download https://www.dropbox.com/s/9yrjnjrkrkg7c6n/servicing.bat?dl=1 (and Run as Administrator) after you followed ccw's instructions. I suspect WMI store might be damaged, and WMI is heavily integrated with MTA, calls from it hanging have caused freezing before. The .bat file attempts to repair WMI components. @Aachan
  24. Besides doing what ccw said, also: - Open notepad and paste in this.. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps\CEFLauncher.exe] "DumpCount"=dword:00000002 "DumpFolder"=hex(2):63,00,3a,00,5c,00,64,00,75,00,6d,00,70,00,73,00,00,00 "DumpType"=dword:00000001 File > Save As, crashdump.reg (save as All files, so extension is correct .reg) Now, doubleclick this file where you just saved it, and click Yes to merge it into registry. After that, launch MTA and get to the point CEFLauncher crashes again. Take the .dmp file from C:\dumps that was just generated and upload it to http://upload.mtasa.com, post the link here so I can check.
  25. What's the path of your GTA installation? Make sure that when installing, you enter the right location into the GTA directory field. (the dir that contains gta_sa.exe) Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you @Focus
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