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Everything posted by Dutchman101

  1. Do you have a way to tell the revision you had before the update? (like connection log in server.log) Also, your whole PC lagging as you describe, sounds more like a system issue.
  2. That MTADiag is from 1.5.3 so it ain't the most recent, please generate a new MTADiag or first update to 1.5.4 (it makes no sense a simple revision lift in 1.5.3 caused this) Got any resources in your local server that may contain a memory leak? Issue only happens on local?
  3. This is the exact script you're asking for (from screenshots).. it's on Community but I can't find because I forgot its title. function showPlayerSquares() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "state.hud") == "disabled" then return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) if not vehicle then return end if getElementModel(vehicle) == 425 or getElementModel(vehicle) == 476 or getElementModel(vehicle) == 520 then players = getElementsByType("player") for _, thePlayer in ipairs(players)do if thePlayer ~= getLocalPlayer() then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local cx,cy,cz = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z, cx,cy,cz) <= 1000 then sX, sY, sZ = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x,y,z) if(sX and sY and sZ)then color = tocolor(getPlayerNametagColor(thePlayer)) dxDrawLine(sX+20, sY+20, sX-20, sY+20,color, 2) dxDrawLine(sX+20, sY-20, sX-20, sY-20,color, 2) dxDrawLine(sX+20, sY-20, sX+20, sY+20,color, 2) dxDrawLine(sX-20, sY-20, sX-20, sY+20,color, 2) dxDrawText(getPlayerName(thePlayer), sX-20, sY+25, 25, 20, color, 0.9) dxDrawText(math.floor(getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z, cx,cy,cz)).." m", sX-20, sY+40, 25, 20, color, 0.9) color = tocolor(255, 255, 255) x,y,z = getPedBonePosition ( thePlayer, 8) x,y = getScreenFromWorldPosition( x, y, z) x2,y2,z2 = getPedBonePosition ( thePlayer, 2) x2,y2 = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x2, y2, z2) if x and y and x2 and y2 then dxDrawLine(x,y,x2,y2, color, 1.5) end -----------------SHOULDERS----------------- Hx,Hy,Hz = getPedBonePosition ( thePlayer, 4) Hx,Hy = getScreenFromWorldPosition( Hx, Hy, Hz) Sx2,Sy2,Sz2 = getPedBonePosition ( thePlayer, 22) Sx2,Sy2 = getScreenFromWorldPosition(Sx2, Sy2, Sz2) Sx3,Sy3,Sz3 = getPedBonePosition ( thePlayer, 32) Sx3,Sy3 = getScreenFromWorldPosition(Sx3, Sy3, Sz3) if Hx and Hy and Sx2 and Sy2 then dxDrawLine(Hx,Hy,Sx2,Sy2, color, 1.5) end if Hx and Hy and Sx3 and Sy3 then dxDrawLine(Hx,Hy,Sx3,Sy3, color, 1.5) end -----------------UPPER ARMS----------------- ERx,ERy,ERz = getPedBonePosition ( thePlayer, 23) ERx,ERy = getScreenFromWorldPosition( ERx,ERy,ERz) ELx,ELy,ELz = getPedBonePosition ( thePlayer, 33) ELx,ELy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(ELx,ELy,ELz) if ERx and ERy and Sx2 and Sy2 then dxDrawLine(ERx,ERy,Sx2,Sy2, color, 1.5) end if ELx and ELy and Sx3 and Sy3 then dxDrawLine(ELx,ELy,Sx3,Sy3, color, 1.5) end -----------------LOWER ARMS----------------- HRx,HRy,HRz = getPedBonePosition ( thePlayer, 24) HRx,HRy = getScreenFromWorldPosition( HRx,HRy,HRz) HLx,HLy,HLz = getPedBonePosition ( thePlayer, 34) HLx,HLy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(HLx,HLy,HLz) if ERx and ERy and HRx and HRy then dxDrawLine(ERx,ERy,HRx,HRy, color, 1.5) end if ELx and ELy and HLx and HLy then dxDrawLine(ELx,ELy,HLx,HLy, color, 1.5) end -----------------UPPER LEGS----------------- KRx,KRy,KRz = getPedBonePosition ( thePlayer, 52) KRx,KRy = getScreenFromWorldPosition( KRx,KRy,KRz) KLx,KLy,KLz = getPedBonePosition ( thePlayer, 42) KLx,KLy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(KLx,KLy,KLz) if x2 and y2 and KRx and KRy then dxDrawLine(x2,y2,KRx,KRy, color, 1.5) end if x2 and y2 and KLx and KLy then dxDrawLine(x2,y2,KLx,KLy, color, 1.5) end -----------------LOWER LEGS----------------- LRx,LRy,LRz = getPedBonePosition ( thePlayer, 53) LRx,LRy = getScreenFromWorldPosition( LRx,LRy,LRz ) LLx,LLy,LLz = getPedBonePosition ( thePlayer, 43) LLx,LLy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(LLx,LLy,LLz) if LRx and LRy and KRx and KRy then dxDrawLine(LRx,LRy,KRx,KRy, color, 1.5) end if LLx and LLy and KLx and KLy then dxDrawLine(LLx,LLy,KLx,KLy, color, 1.5) end end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), showPlayerSquares)
  4. Are you using a custom libc/gcc dependency on your distro? Linking against anything non-stock?
  5. Once again.. when your desktop freezes, do you see a stuck desktop image, or a black screen? And no, the dump didnt generate.
  6. Please make a screenshot in time, before it disappears/completes aborting.
  7. Dutchman101

    My MTA Crashes

    @LearN I apologize for the late reply, please read this: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/95090-cefwebdll-crash-doesnt-let-me-join-a-server/ for the likely solution
  8. Do you only have slow download when joining CIT, or also other servers? Try finding a server with external http download server just like CIT, (verify with ''sinfo'' in F8 if its external http) and tell me if that's also slow. Download this file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8kyfbievryrmyz1/netfix.bat?dl=1 and then Run as administrator. Check if that solved it. Your max open http connections may be limited by some fishy networking stack corruption and that .bat file could fix it.
  9. Dutchman101

    MTA lag on menu

    About that black screen which you didn't mention earlier - when does that happen, or how can you reproduce it? (is it by chance when you alt-tab?) For the menu still lagging outside of Settings menu - @ccw
  10. 1) Uninstall MTA (and manually completely delete the MTA San Andreas 1.5 install folder) 2) Temporarily disable your anti-virus/malware software (might silently quarantine cef files because of false positive.. or check Quarantaine or detected items first) 3) Re-download & reinstall MTA but in a different, non-default directory (don't deselect anything, keep complete install) 4) Before launching, rightclick MTA installation folder > properties > security tab, 'Edit' and select Full control over all checkboxes for ''Users'' group/and or your account name Try all that and let me know. I've seen several cases so far where cefweb.dll exists but is inaccessible for MTA, and what they share in common: systems all run AVG antivirus. My theory would be that you toggled all warnings for security threats to be silent (never pop out visibly when blocked) and that AVG is blocking because of a false-positive. So please make sure to follow step 2 properly, disable AVG completely for now. I know of one guy that likely hasn't: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/94197-my-mta-crashes
  11. You're talking about a hang making you need to hard-reset your PC. A hang, or do you mean a black screen instead of getting tabbed? If a hang, does the last frame from MTA hang indefinitely? (or is it your desktop you become stuck on) If it's MTA hanging, create a file named ''debug.txt'' in MTA installation folder, (root.. next to Multi Theft Auto.exe) and when it freezes after that, press left CTRL + right CTRL simultaneously. Then get the latest crash dump from MTA San Andreas 1.5\MTA\dumps\private and please upload to http://upload.mtasa.com @Sora btw the difference between fullscreen and borderless is just the con of borderless mode, brightness, contrast and quality is just different - so if you don't like that its important to keep troubleshooting.
  12. Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you in this topic.
  13. No, serverside the most you can do is adding a shader like: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=6134 ENB is a client mod..
  14. Check this out: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=13636 (you can set handling for vehicles as you desire) It might even be better, as vehicles react differently to the same handling parameter tuning. You will run into problems if you just raise acceleration + max velocity for each vehicle, better make a selection for custom speed handling and on a case by case basis by that script I linked. -- For handling flags and value range refer to https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetModelHandling -- Add any handling value type not included below, by simply adding its string in below format followed by = value as below. Get valid strings from https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetModelHandling local predefinedHandling = { [411] = { ["engineAcceleration"] = 14, ["dragCoeff"] = 0, ["maxVelocity"] = 100000, ["tractionMultiplier"] = 0.9, ["tractionLoss"] = 1.1, }, [415] = { ["engineAcceleration"] = 14, ["dragCoeff"] = 0, ["maxVelocity"] = 100000, ["tractionMultiplier"] = 0.9, ["tractionLoss"] = 1.1, }, --next model below etc (copy rows) } for i,v in pairs (predefinedHandling) do if i then for handling, value in pairs (v) do if not setModelHandling (i, handling, value) then outputDebugString ("* Predefined handling '"..tostring(handling).."' for vehicle model '"..tostring(i).."' could not be set to '"..tostring(value).."'") end end end end for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if v and predefinedHandling[getElementModel(v)] then for k,vl in pairs (predefinedHandling[getElementModel(v)]) do setVehicleHandling (v, k, vl) end end end function resetHandling() for model in pairs (predefinedHandling) do if model then for k in pairs(getOriginalHandling(model)) do setModelHandling(model, k, nil) end end end for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if v then local model = getElementModel(v) if predefinedHandling[model] then for k,h in pairs(getOriginalHandling(model)) do setVehicleHandling(v, k, h) end end end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStop", resourceRoot, resetHandling) Also by your question it seems you don't really understand how to achieve that ''speed boost'' you're talking about, so I will give you a bit of information: - In order to have a noticable speed effect by anything (like acceleration or max velocity) you better lower the Drag Multiplier value (the performance gain from all later tweaks will increase in effect with that, setting it to 0 will give practically infinite top speed and accel that reflects the new values) After lowering the Drag multiplier, you can raise the acceleration and possibly increase max velocity (say, to 600..) and aslong you don't set Drag multiplier to 0, it won't ever reach 600kph, so dont be afraid of that as you said a good top speed isnt what you want - however it's needed because max velocity, acceleration and drag multiplier co-interact (they decide the end result where all 3 are factors, although the values wont be practically achieved unless you tweak the next bottleneck - traction..) A good generic handling (for ''speed boost'' you want) using the linked/pasted script would be this table: ["engineAcceleration"] = 23, ["dragCoeff"] = 1, ["maxVelocity"] = 700, ["tractionMultiplier"] = 0.9, ["tractionLoss"] = 1.1, Because the bottlenecks (drag mult, traction) are already improved, you can easily just increase Acceleration if you want it even faster, from that template. @TorNix~|nR
  15. Download this file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c0yctvuaqh6zsp5/bankgothic-md-bt.ttf?dl=1 Then rightclick it > Install Let me know if it works after that. (seems your Windows is missing the font) @itamar248
  16. Dutchman101

    MTA lag on menu

    There was a fix atleast for the lag @Mega9 mentioned, update to: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/?mtasa-1.5-rc-latest and @wgnsy123 please let me know if that fixed it for you (as you're not complaining about exclusively the Settings menu)..
  17. You're using an outdated version of Freeroam, that warning was fixed here: https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-resources/pull/40/files Either manually update that script line with the patch, or even better, update Freeroam completely. (https://mirror.multitheftauto.com/mtasa/resources/mtasa-resources-latest.zip) @[EDITOR]Song
  18. There are reasons old versions aren't working, and it's a long-accepted fact you gotta use the latest version. And if your favourite third-party ENB isn't working (eventhough its developer uploaded it recently as his ''new version'') the best you can do is ask the creator to update their underlying ENB version, so it's based off the latest official one. Small effort for them to update the dependency.
  19. Note that we don't allow sharing of leaked gamemodes (since you're talking about ''SAES, SAEG'') but if you want just a similar gamemode that's fine. But please don't explicitly ask for leaks..
  20. Zones.. exactly what kind of zones? Something like this.. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=12414 or https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=12240? Both contain the core for defining and detecting zones if that's what you need. Also please be more clear if you want a scripter to work a request for you (then it needs to be in Looking for staff section) or you simply want them to point to their existing work or any resource. @FiGo
  21. Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you in this topic. Is it only FFS that you cannot connect to? I see you had a similar issue a longer time ago (topic) where servers wouldnt show up in list. Do you know how to login to your router's configuration page and look for a firewall? But in order to guide you in that, please first provide the MTADiag and answer if you only have it with FFS. If you do, please open commandprompt (cmd) and enter: ''tracert [FFSserver-IP here] and post the output here once it's finished. @Urangutan
  22. From the log I can see there's some system problems related to component store/system files, please take these steps: 1) Make sure the Windows Update & Firewall services are running (start > run > type services.msc > rightclick both, set 'Automatic' then ''start'' the services and restart your PC) 2) Open commandprompt (cmd) as Administrator 3) Type in cmd: ''DISM /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth'' press Enter and let it finish. Then restart your PC. 4) When your PC rebooted, open up cmd again, this time type: ''sfc /scannow'' and also let this complete. Restart your PC one last time following that. (After DISM & SFC steps listed above) There's a problem code on your display driver, please first run Display Driver uninstaller (DDU) to make sure all traces are removed (as you already got a recent driver but the problem is still present, the 'clean install' option from Nvidia isn't enough) - download from here: http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html After running DDU, re-download and install the driver from Nvidia.com. Another question, how often does the MTA launcher crash with KERNELBASE error, outside of the MTA crashhandler (Windows crash dialog).. One time, rarely, or didnt notice? @Midzi
  23. It's a known crash related/bound to this one: https://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6200 and actually is https://bugs.multitheftauto.com/view.php?id=1438 that so far cannot be fixed. I don't believe it happens everytime or often when you ''hing to my sniper quickly and scope / zoom in''. You suffer from it just like anyone else, and that's typically not often for each user. I personally haven't had it in more than a year performing the same swap/zoom action.
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