Thats because in MTA:VC you had to aim off to the side of the person a bit to actually hit them. If you aimed straight at them then chances are your shots wouldnt hit them.
Well we use to get a 2 week spring break until they changed the grading setup. Instead of six 6 week grading periods its four 9 weeks. When they did that they took away a week of spring break and a week of winter
Amount of ram wont give you any speed boost in the game. Dual core CPUs are one reason for people to be faster than normal, but that can be fixed by upgrading drivers or forcing SA only run off one core
Moved to correct section
When you place a spawn point put a vehicle change in the same spot. The person who spawns there should turn into the vehicle that you placed on the spawn point.
Gamecam wont work with MTA since it uses directx hooks.
I had trouble with fraps working. All i did to get it to work was uninstall, delete the FRAPS folder then reinstall. It would always quit working for some unknown reason and i had to do that everytime it quit working.
err if they didnt released it on that day i think it it would be a "Flaming War"
Why would there be a flaming war when they would release it 5 days before they said they would? Makes no sense