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Everything posted by Gamefreek

  1. You can view the manual and everything you need on http://www.linksys.com. Just search around and you'll find it
  2. Yes you need to CD to install it or you could always get the drivers from off http://www.linksys.com Moved to General
  3. Thats because in MTA:VC you had to aim off to the side of the person a bit to actually hit them. If you aimed straight at them then chances are your shots wouldnt hit them.
  4. You can make the map with all Cops or robbers and manually change them after you have saved the .map file.
  5. Too bad it says Los Angeles and thats nowhere near New York
  6. Well we use to get a 2 week spring break until they changed the grading setup. Instead of six 6 week grading periods its four 9 weeks. When they did that they took away a week of spring break and a week of winter
  7. Some spring break this year..its rained all week and its supposed to rain this weekend too. My 4wheeler is broke so that means no fun in the mud
  8. He had a / next to the race map id so it was an invalid id. Try the link now, it should be fixed.
  9. SDK means Software Development Kit. It will help people create game modes and/or add ons for MTA:SA
  10. Amount of ram wont give you any speed boost in the game. Dual core CPUs are one reason for people to be faster than normal, but that can be fixed by upgrading drivers or forcing SA only run off one core
  11. Heh i did read the post but it must've not have registered fully with my brain.
  12. Your friend probably doesnt get the full 25fps or he had a lag spike
  13. Fixed the images for you.
  14. Moved to correct section When you place a spawn point put a vehicle change in the same spot. The person who spawns there should turn into the vehicle that you placed on the spawn point.
  15. Depends on your pc Low specs = shitty fps while recording high specs = fps stays the same while recording
  16. Gamecam wont work with MTA since it uses directx hooks. I had trouble with fraps working. All i did to get it to work was uninstall, delete the FRAPS folder then reinstall. It would always quit working for some unknown reason and i had to do that everytime it quit working.
  17. Reinstall SA and then copy and paste your SA folder. You can then rename the one you are going to mod to whatever you want
  18. Read the rules before you post in the forum So thats a no
  19. err if they didnt released it on that day i think it it would be a "Flaming War" Why would there be a flaming war when they would release it 5 days before they said they would? Makes no sense
  20. This wouldnt work to well in the current release...you'd have to wait till DM came out
  21. Gamefreek


    Yeah it wont let you play MTA due to a mod you might have installed. Reinstall VC and try again
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