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Everything posted by Gamefreek

  1. Gamefreek

    Random Map Vote?

    You dont need a script, just type "vote race *" in console.
  2. bloodeye, that is a side effect to one of the features implimented in R1.1. It should be removed in future versions.
  3. http://center.mtasa.com/ Thats where you can download people's maps or upload your own.
  4. Can you give any specific information? Such as: When did you get the error? Are you running any modifications? What version of GTA:SA do you have?
  5. R1.1 and R1.1.1 were both releases, even if R1.1.1 was a quick fix
  6. Gamefreek

    Report bug

    Race without checkpoints = freeroam
  7. That would be illegal, since they would have to supply a 1.0 gta sa exe.
  8. Locked before this turns into a mod vs mod flame war.
  9. Was this supposed to be funny? It seemed quite boring
  10. Moved to correct section. It could possibly be old drivers. I had this kind of issue on cs:s and updating my drivers helped.
  11. Please stay on topic or this thread will be locked.
  12. Might want to fix the images, they are just thumbnails.
  13. Why would the MTA team make a mp mod for a game that already has a multiplayer mode?
  14. If you would have looked 3 threads down you would have seen it.. http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=14850
  15. There are no secret commands...
  16. Rebel how did you grab onto the buildings while you were in the air? Ive tried many times to grab onto the ledge of a building but ive had no success.
  17. Gamefreek


    Moved to BLAST since its turning to spam.
  18. They arent going to update the current core that GTA3:MTA 0.5 uses, its simply too old and would take time away from working on MTA:SA (top priority)
  19. Well you could always try gamecam if fraps lags too much. I get no lag with it even though my video card isnt the greatest thing out there.
  20. Taking screenshots can easily be faked.
  21. Gamefreek

    ATS - Mut8tion

    Since it is a MTA forum and modding in mta is extremely frowned apon, i can see why that would only happen here.
  22. Gamefreek

    ATS - Mut8tion

    What are you getting so worked up over? I just said mods that DONT AFFECT the performance of the vehicles were used...ie the 24/7 sunshine mod. I never insulted you or anyone on the ATS team and yet you feel the need to flame me when i didnt do anything to provoke you. Maybe you should undestand my post before you try and flame me.
  23. Dont forget paying for gas, insurance and car parts that might need replacing.
  24. Game-monitor..a site used to locate people playing MTAVC/MTASA needs Diggs to help get it on the front page of the site. Your contributions would be very helpful. http://digg.com/gaming/Web_Game_Server_Favorite_s_List EDIT: Link was changed so make sure to visit the new one.
  25. Gamefreek

    ATS - Mut8tion

    If you look at the end of the video mods WERE used...just not ones that improve the performance of the vehicles.
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