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Everything posted by Gamefreek

  1. Nice video..that is probably the worst chokepoint in MTASA.
  2. The program allows you to see who is talking in Teamspeak while your playing MTASA. EDIT: No there isnt an officilal MTA:SA TS Server.
  3. How many polygons is that detailed beast?
  4. At this time you cant write scripts for the game itself, only scripts that are possible are through mta:ma.
  5. Gamefreek

    New Clan

    Wrong section.... Try here: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewforum.php?f=9
  6. People always assume the person that cheats sucks at the game, when really they do it to piss off the other players and ruin their experience.
  7. Too bad i cant install it...says im missing some important files even though its a legit xp install.
  8. He isnt talking about detecting for FPS... The speed hack speeds up the players pc and doesnt change the fps of the players game.
  9. There is nothing to think about, its been known that there is a drive on water cheat for SA.
  10. Those are suggestions for future game modes that the MTA team or other people can make for future releases.
  11. Gamefreek

    a MTA lan?

    He is talking about setting up a giant MTA Lan so people here can play together with low pings.
  12. No there wont be peds in MTA:SA, someone might be able to add them via the SDK when its released.
  13. A: Nope im too busy Q: Any volunteers to help NosGoth?
  14. A: None because someone cut them off. Q: Who can reattach them?
  15. That will never happened, both mods have different goals and dont see eye to eye with each other.
  16. Right now what you are suggesting wouldnt be possible because collisions are done clientside
  17. A: As previously stated this mission is towards the sun. Q: Everybody in position?
  18. A: No we should send you to the Sun to burn a horrible death. Q: Who is gonna build the rocket?
  19. That link was in response to that, you said the needed a thread on it and there already was one.
  20. http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=15547
  21. Man this is so lame, every server i go in has car noobs. All they do is run into me constantly and never get out like a man and fight.
  22. http://www.xfire.com p.s. Slothman you smartass
  23. Happy 3rd Birthday MTA, seems like its been longer than just 3 years.
  24. It will prove that people who do this have absolutely no life.
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