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Everything posted by Gamefreek

  1. Hmm lets see a car made by Plymouth in the 70's, hmm lets all think real hard now....... A MUSTANG [/sarcasm] ye that "hint" wasnt that hard to firgure out it was obivously Cudda Kine.
  2. Yes rtfm, its what most ppl use in the servers and in irc. rtfm = read the fucking manual
  3. Well the spectator mode would be good for the admins, if someone says someone else is cheating the admin could look into it by using the spectator mode, it would be easier for the admin to prove someone was actually cheating. just my 2 cents
  4. Ye i agree with rebel they should use the arrows from MTA:VC 0.1 and make them different colors for each team, would be alot easier then shooting someone then realized he was a teammate
  5. On the 11th day of MTA, R* gave to me 11 stupid n00b gangs, 10 blowed cars, 9 dead cops, 8 S.U.V.'s, 7 yelling n00bs, 6 Studed tires, 5 GOLDEN BULLETS, 4 offended gangs (in the game), 3 keys (kilos) of coke, 2 matching pythons and a dodo through a building
  6. On the 9th day of MTA, R* gave to me 9 dead cops, 8 S.U.V.'s, 7 yelling n00bs, 6 Studed tires, 5 GOLDEN BULLETS, 4 offended gangs (in the game), 3 keys (kilos) of coke, 2 matching pythons and a dodo through a building
  7. On the seventh day of MTA R* gave to me, 7 yelling n00bs, 6 Studed tires, 5 GOLDEN BULLETS, 4 offended gangs (in the game), 3 keys (kilos) of coke, 2 matching pythons and a dodo through a building
  8. There is a BF injector in stunt mode, not sure about dm mode
  9. Yay i nice little teaser vid, about to go watch it EDIT: Nice cant wait till its out, u tested with out me
  10. Gamefreek

    Merry Christmas!

    Ye i hope everyone here has a nice Christmas, and TermNL dont get drunk and delete the BLASTA V4 thread
  11. I think Chaoswolf should, one of the best stunters and video editors here.
  12. lol Rob i have to agree with u on that
  13. ARG! u do know this is the wrong thread, u already posted ur record in another thread, plz dont post it in more.
  14. Ye sounds like a good idea. How about Capturing a certain area on a map, sorta like a gang war Attack & Defense. One place is chosen at random and a team goes to defend it. After all of the ppl from a team are dead the other team wins and it gets repeated
  15. I dont think anyone has posted a record for barrel rolls, so feel free to make one
  16. Who knows, but the Faggio isnt a front wheel drive vehicle
  17. The only thing they are replacing is some of the dialoge from the game, one of the lines is "Kill all the Hatians", or something like that
  18. There is an easy way to solve this whole thing, there is a Camera Hack out there that Racer_S made which has a built in Speedometer. Check http://www.planetgta.com they should have it on their site
  19. Um well how about u read his post before u start accusing ppl, dunno if its too late but go to http://www.planetgta.com and under tools and d/l the IMG Tool
  20. Well um to bad the Faggio isnt front wheel drive, its rear MOPED 350.0 1.1 1.7 1.2 0.0 0.0 -0.1 103 2.0 0.9 0.49 3 190.0 30.0 R P 14.0 0.50 0 35.0 1.0 0.15 0.1 0.11 10000 0.12 -0.17 0.5 0.0 10003 1 1 If u just look at the data line under the handling file u can see that the R in the line stands for Rear wheel drive, so that shot ur theory down.
  21. Well they have talked about putting boats in MTA:VC but they said it was too buggy atm, so maybe later they will put them in.
  22. Hmm i think something is wrong with my VC, the color is messed up everytime i spawn here is a pic when Turbob landed a heli and fell to the ground when he got out, luckly i was there to get a pic
  23. Well im d/ling atm and to warn u, put the file in the right place. Dont put a .zip in the videos section its doesnt go there, put it in the others section cuz the zip file might be deleted.
  24. [KFC]Wheelman ur just feeding the fire, its better to just stop and let a mod take care of it.
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