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Everything posted by Gamefreek

  1. Well has u can see i said it was my opinion, Winamp5 doesnt work for me when i watch vids. It shows the vids upside down, different color and slow as hell. Yes i have all the new codecs for it and Divx
  2. Explain to me why it isnt stupid. Cheaters can easly come in here and see what names ppl reported and change there name, its not that hard
  3. lol When he said boat he was talking about the Salior spawn. u can play it in either Windows Media Player or Divx, they imo are the best to use
  4. No u just have to unistall mta, then reinstall MTA:VC 0.3rc2.
  5. Ye, um Yamm wtf are u talking about. MTA 0.1 WTF?!?!
  6. no there are no boats, what made u think that. If u look on the main page it tells u what new features MTA:VC 0.3 has
  7. Yes they are gonna try and fix it but we dont know when
  8. We dont vote, if u read the first post u would see that the MTA Team judges the vids and picks a winner
  9. Ye but the only problem is they wont work in the Official servers and the MTA is against the color tags so if u do know them dont post them in here
  10. Hmm question for everyone who posts Cheaters names here Isnt it kinda stupid to post names here, when they can easly be changed?
  11. U dont need to anounce that to everyone here.
  12. god damn calm the fuck down. It could be that u or the server is dropping packets.
  13. MTA:VC doesnt support Win98 thats why u cant connect.
  14. Hrm well while watching it i saw "Disconnected: Suspected Trainer Usage" twice in the vid, ok that is just fucking stupid. Why did u even have a trainer running?
  15. Gamefreek

    MTA:VC 0.3 Release

    *walks in the thread stepping over Ransom* Ye im surprised it came out so fast like it did. Great job with MTA so far. I cant wait to see what is in the next release. *kicks Ransom on his way out*
  16. 1. Windows XP Home SP1 2. No 3. C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto Vice City 3. C:\Program Files\MTA 5. Yes 6. Yes 7. 1.0 8. Everytime 9. I used both the installer and the zip. Yes i allowed it to make shortcuts
  17. Same here im not sure how many hits it was, but ive counted 14, if anyone counts more just let me know
  18. lol i made a thread earlier called "Heli Juggling Record" maybe u are blind and didnt see it
  19. I've decided to make a thread for the juggling record, seeing how it can turn into a real competition. There are 2 catagories, 1 for "Time in the air" and the other for "Number of hits". I'll start it off with my record Time in Air: 32 seconds, SM|Gamefreek: http://www.thegamersalliance.com/videos/heli_juggling3.wmv Number of Hits 14 hits, rebel36: http://www.thegamersalliance.com/videos/hj-rec1.avi
  20. see Zero thats why u have Newbie under ur name. It was made by Aeron, who has made a couple other game modes for MTA. Like slothman said it only runs on the official server, but i think a certain admin has to be on to start it Btw: it also runs on Robpol86's server
  21. Ye well its not hard to change ur ip, and i dont think a Dev like ur post, u are stupid for making this thread, there are enough cheaters out there so why show more ppl how to cheat. ppl like u and Snowmane are the reason why more ppl are cheating
  22. No DJ, MTA:VC 0.3 isnt gonna use Core 0.4, which is gonna feature the master ban list.
  23. Well Rawk didnt know i did this, when he came back i told him to stay paused for a sec. so shh!!!!
  24. Gamefreek


    Ye its not just in the MTA community, other gaming communities use it WAY more. BTW how did this topic come to be? Did u just think what did someone mean by the word "gay" when they called u it?
  25. I got bored one day when Rawk was AFK, so i got a heli and chopped him up. Then i decided to see how long i could keep him in the air. Here is the results Click Here
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