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turret001 last won the day on November 29

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About turret001

  • Birthday 27/02/1996

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  • Global Moderator


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  1. Your topic has been moved to the English Advertisements section. If you wish to advertise your server on Turkish subforums, please write it in Turkish language.
  2. turret001

    Update ?

    Don't misbehave, he was trying to help you.
  3. Sorry, no. Your serial is used to identify you. We can't change serials.
  4. Happy new year! Here are some screenshots from my gallery: TGB Jukebox @Zango in the restroom: TO SHO!!!
  5. hello and welcome to MTA Forums! I've moved your topic to the Russian section of our forums. Please keep in mind that the rest of the forums is English only.
  6. Hi @Terwyq, you would be better off creating a topic under https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/71-scripting/ This topic is only used to report community resources that violate community guidelines.
  7. Merhaba macten mta açmak için crossover kullanıyorum ancak herşeyi tam eksiksiz yüklememe rağmen MTA başlattığımda mtanın introsu geliyor ve crash veriyor kodu 

    Version = 1.6-release-21848.0.000
    Time = Sat Jun 17 14:56:44 2023
    Module = C:\ProgramData\MTA San Andreas All\1.6\GTA San Andreas\gta_sa.exe
    Code = 0x80000100
    Offset = 0xFFC00000

    EAX=0177FB10  EBX=80000100  ECX=00000000  EDX=0177FB24  ESI=0177FBBC
    EDI=0177FB28  EBP=0177FB78  ESP=0177FB04  EIP=7B012157  FLG=00000203
    CS=0107   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=0117  GS=0023

    yardımcı olursan sevinirim

  8. arka planda çalışan başka bir program/hile yüzünden yasaklanmışsın. eğer başka bir oyun için bile olsa hile açtıysan ve bunu açık bıraktıysan anti hile sistemine takılmış olabilir. 2 gün sonra yasaklaman otomatik olarak kalkacak
  9. Please post your appeal in English and make sure to include your MTA serial in your post. How to find your serial: launch MTA, press the F8 key and write serial into it. Now, select your serial and copy it using CTRL + C, then paste it into your new appeal topic.
  10. You need to include your serial address in your topic so that we know who you are. Please post a new topic and add your serial address. How to find your serial: launch MTA, press the F8 key and write serial into it. Now, select your serial and copy it using CTRL + C, then paste it into your appeal topic.
  11. you already have an open topic, no need to post a new one. don't post new topics or try and bump old ones.
  12. turret001

    mta araba bugu

    merhaba ilker, video gizli gözüküyor. youtube.com gibi bir siteye yüklersen videoyu görüntüleyip buna uygun bir çözüm sunabiliriz.
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