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Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.6 is released! Hi there! We've been working hard and today we're proud to announce the release of MTA:SA 1.6. You will receive an automatic update soon, but if you don't have MTA installed, you can get it from the home page. Statistics This is the 27th 1.x.x release 623 days of which 553 for beta release 12 backwards incompatible changes 26 new functions 1 new event 5 deprecations 289+ bug fixes and changes 956+ commits (mtasa-blue) (mtasa-resources) 199 new open GitHub issues (see list) 102 resolved GitHub issues (see list) 92 closed GitHub issues (see list) 44 new open GitHub pull requests (see list) 219 merged GitHub pull requests (see list) 107 closed GitHub pull requests (see list) 45+ contributors of which 17+ are new (see list) 100+ total contributors (see list) 23 vendor updates Download This release is not backwards compatible with previous releases. This means that you cannot use 1.6 to play on 1.5.9 servers. If you're a server owner, please take note of the Changes in 1.6 wiki page, more specifically the Backwards Incompatible Changes. You may need to update your scripts for 1.6. Servers: binaries are available. Don't forget to backup and update your default resources. WANT TO DOWNLOAD THE MOD? CLICK HERE (Win7/Win8/Win10/Win11) Important notice to Windows 7 and Windows 8.x users If you are using Windows 7 or 8.x, please upgrade your system to Windows 10 or 11 as soon as possible. Windows 7 and 8.x are no longer supported by Microsoft (since January 2020 and January 2023 respectively) and most software (including Google Chrome and Steam) which means you are running an insecure system. Multi Theft Auto will also eventually drop Windows 7 and 8.x support sometime in the future, so it would be a good idea to start looking at upgrade options right now. Thank you! CEF in MTA is no longer updated for Windows 7 or 8.x. This is because CEF no longer supports those versions of Windows. This bad for security, so please upgrade to Windows 10+ and MTA to 1.6+ We currently provide two variants of the MTA client, one for Windows 10+ and one for Windows 7/8.x and you can find the download links also conveniently on our home page by pressing the Download button, which reveals a dropdown with the two options. Merch If you feel like getting some of that official MTA swag, check out the merch store here: and wear that MTA gang drip at school or work. Our Spreadshirt store has been discontinued in favor of Streamlabs. AMX (SAMP) amx is a software package that allows the execution of unmodified San Andreas: Multiplayer 0.3.7 gamemodes, filterscripts and plugins on Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.8 and higher servers. It is open source, and a prebuilt binary for Windows is available for testing purposes right now. The AMX team hopes that more people get involved with the development on GitHub as they need some help! Check out our GitHub repo for more information on how to use your SAMP scripts in MTA! 1.6 Highlights This update is meant to focus on fixes and changes, that were held back for a few releases in the past due to their compatibility-breaking nature, rather than new features, but there are already a lot of features planned for the next release! Here's a list of highlights for this release: Many high FPS related inconsistency issues have been fixed by @MerlinMagic Script support for custom IMG containers, and ability to set model flags. Thanks to @TheNormalnij A number of graphical effects Added support for vehicle sun glare effect. Thanks to @Nurupo and @TheNormalnij Added corona rain reflections. Thanks to @lopezloo Added big sun lens flare effect. Thanks to @Nurupo Added dynamic ped shadows. Thanks to @lopezloo Grass should now render correctly. Thanks to TFP-dev. ARM support for MTA server is here! This support should still be considered experimental. Thanks to @botder Added new Default 2023, GWEN Blue and GWEN Orange GUI skins. Thanks to @Haxardous Added missing GTA special character skins (3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 42, 65, 86, 119, 273, 289). Thanks to @Allerek Pictures taken with the camera weapon are now saved in higher quality. Thanks to @lopezloo Many stability improvements Many synchronization improvements Many varying size fixes, quality of life improvements, updates and security enhancements to both core and resources! Updates to all language translations from our Crowdin If you are a scripter, you really should wanna dig in to these improvements! Show off your creations on our #showroom channel on our Discord server and have a chance at getting your work featured on our social media pages. Read the 1.6 release notes for a complete set of changes and more information about the improvements listed above. Watch or star our GitHub repository to keep on top of all the things we're working on. Important script changes In this version of MTA there are numerous backwards incompatible changes and refactors that may affect old code. Bloodring Banger (504) is now defined as doorless, to fix animations to be consistent with single player, this also causes setVehicleLocked to not lock the vehicle anymore, as entry happens through the window. callRemote callbacks currently set the error code to nil when there is no error. In 1.6, to be consistent with fetchRemote, the error code reported will be 0. See GitHub #294. Since July 2016 if you provide an invalid string like "randomstring" when a function expects a number, the string will be treated as 0 and raise a script warning. In 1.6 this will be an error. You will still be able to provide strings containing numbers (e.g. "100" and "12.34"), this change only affects invalid strings. See GitHub #1043. When providing a width and height of (0, 0) to createBrowser or guiCreateBrowser you will encounter a script error instead of a warning. The warning was introduced Feb 2019. See GitHub #1069. Some functions expect only unsigned integers (positive numbers), and since Jan 2016 providing negative numbers would be a warning. This will now be an error. See GitHub #1070. Since Aug 2015, we replaced the custom mtalocal:// URL scheme with http://mta/resourceName/blah.html. This mtalocal:// URL scheme will now be removed. See GitHub #1071. The previously unused z argument in getElementsWithinRange now calculates elements in 3D space instead of 2D space. See GitHub #1994. Flamethrower ammo is no longer multiplied by 10. See GitHub #481. Server-side createBlip now syncs blip size and color regardless of icon ID, previously only icon ID 0 had its size and color synced to clients. See GitHub #1399. Server-side givePlayerMoney and setPlayerMoney cap has been raised from 99.999.999 (8 digits) to 999.999.999 (9 digits) to match the maximum native UI value. See GitHub #2654. Players are now synced when exiting vehicle. See GitHub #2084. Server-side objects that were unbreakable by default, but would have been breakable client-side by default, are now breakable by default also server-side (commit). Deprecation: Changed getCameraShakeLevel, setCameraShakeLevel to throw a warning on use, please upgrade to getCameraDrunkLevel and setCameraDrunkLevel instead (commit 2651903). You can use the upgrade console command to automatically upgrade your scripts to use the new functions. Deprecation: Changed givePedJetPack, removePedJetPack and doesPedHaveJetPack to throw a warning on use, please upgrade to setPedWearingJetpack and isPedWearingJetpack instead (commit 804c66b). You can use the upgrade console command to automatically upgrade your scripts to use the new functions. What happens to 1.5? 1.5 installations will be kept intact, to let players and server owners switch over to the new version whenever they feel they are ready. However, new features and changes will only be available on 1.6, so please upgrade! Note, that you can have both 1.5 and 1.6 installed at the same time on your computer to allow you to switch between if you want. MTA will prompt you to switch to the correct version if the server doesn't support your current version. What's next? We already have new features lined up for 1.6.1, and you can find them on our 1.6.1 milestone on GitHub. Multi Theft Auto depends on community input and contributions. To keep a project like MTA going we need LOTS of people. You can help in the following areas: Testing and bug reporting Whenever you encounter a bug or recognise a need for improvement, we can't fix it until you tell us your problem! We're continually working on new features and fixes for MTA, and this always needs testing. Join our Nightly release stream and make sure you keep in touch with on Discord and report issues on GitHub. Programming If you know C++ you may be interested in helping improve Multi Theft Auto's client. Working on open-source software may seem scary, but the best way is to try! Read GitHub's open source guide, and then find an itch to scratch, or scratch your own! Documentation Documentation is important, but also time consuming. If you enjoy writing and have some knowledge of English, or you would like to translate the English version to your native language, you’re very welcome to do so. Just head over to our wiki, create an account, and start editing! Support Do you like people? Can you give calm and thought-out responses to users needing help? Then you can spend some time providing support to those who need it. Many answers can be found on our wiki, so make sure to take some time to read it. Then, either join our chat or forums (linked below), or simply help us sort out issues and answer questions on the GitHub repository. Translation We moved to Crowdin from our old Pootle setup, and people have been actively contributing fixes and new translations. Thank you all! Work is still not over, though, as translations may update in the future or new ones may come along, so keep an eye on Crowdin Want to translate MTA to your own language? Awesome! Visit us on Crowdin. As soon as your translation is approved, it will be pushed to our repository for use in future releases. Donations Keeping the MTA downloads, master server and websites alive costs money! If you want to help us sustain our financial expenses, please donate! Show your creativity! We are actively looking for new creations on our #showroom channel on Discord, as well as #mtasa on Twitter for content we would like to repost on our social media pages and pin on our annual recap forum post. Follow us on our social media channels: Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, Reddit, LinkedIn. Thank you! Thank you to the following communities and community members for their donations since last release: @Blokker_1999, NEXTRP, MTA DayZ Ultimate, DubaiRP, INCEPTION-MEDIA, Purge Roleplay, @Arran, @0xCiBeR, @IIYAMA, fransg, Badandy, Nasser Alshahrani, @JessePinkman, Complex Roleplay, FoxG, Grand Roleplay, Lopaha, Matrix Network, @Platin, San Andreas Roleplay, Scott Malone, ChefaoDev, DonNiko and 6 others who did not provide a name. (If your name is missing or you want to change your entry above, please let us know on Discord!) Thank you very much to the following community members for their work towards this release: @4O4 @Addlibs @AGENT_STEELMEAT @Allerek @androksi @Arran @BCG2000 @botder @ccw @cleopatra @darkdreamingdan Dark-Dragon DarkDrifter Nacim @Disinterpreter @Dutchman101 @efex @Exilepilot Fernando Rocha @Haxardous @Inder00 itslewiswatson @JessePinkman @Jusonex @lopezloo @Lpsd @Lvrent lyncon @Megadreams @MerlinMagic @Mkl @Mvrat @myonlake @NanoBob @Nurupo @pieT @Pirulax @qaisjp RatajVaver ricksterhd123 @samr46 @Santi @Sarrum se16n @srslyyyy @Strix@TEDERIs TeteX1 TFP-dev @TheNormalnij Tracer @turret001 vahook vyn666 @Xenius @xLive @Zango and many others who contributed to our Wiki and helped out with issues. (If your name is missing or you want to change your entry above, please let us know on Discord!) Thank you also to our translation contributors on Crowdin: Khazarli, Vampire, FernandoMTA, Shady, xLive, turret001, markenzy, Danx, Zorgman, Maestro-17, deihim007, pieT, mcak105, Hydra45, efex, NetroX, Megadreams, Citizen, WhiteGren, nitrocat21, Pablo, azzmanfilms, Caram1lo, AzukieGTA, MrBad, acedia, YozoraWolf, kordy, Stoned, mdmnmtasa55, Xocopinho, sorinalex36, Haxardous, djebzer, Abasalt_Yar, Nick026, Hydrogen506, Rataj, amirjfp, RidwanRF, q8X, mbeltowski, antimarte, guillaume.dorczynski, morpp, Derbo, Pawcio, Lachuks, Insigne, raikopajusalu52, phammybear, dronor589, Koizumi, R3L4X, Danial123, lenovoactin, i7amod., Shuubaru, Driver, datuna22, TRtam, Dezash, 0xCiBeR, Nebla, Stickey21, xxxx, PatrikX23 You could be on this list! We're always on the lookout for new contributors. Contribute on GitHub, translate on Crowdin, and chat with us on Discord. We have channels for scripting, general support (bugs), mod development, and many more! Thank you to all beta testers for the past couple of months of feedback and bug reports! And one more thank you to every member of the MTA staff who helps support this forum and Discord. Without your efforts, this project would not be nearly as successful as it is now. Also a big thank you to the new MTA helpers team who support our users on this forum and Discord! Finally, please give a to our newest staff members @Vinyard and @Zango; newest helpers @The_GTA, @Reyomin and @Vampire; as well as newest contributors @androksi @BCG2000 DarkDrifter Nacim @efex Fernando Rocha @Inder00 @JessePinkman lyncon @MerlinMagic @Mvrat @Nurupo @Santi TFP-dev Tracer @turret001 vahook vyn666 -- Have a good one! — MTA Team
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1.6 has now been released! Original post: Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.6 is ready for testing! Our next major build is coming along nicely, so we are keen to let you guys into the action ASAP. Main highlights Two of the main exclusive highlights of this release is the script support for custom IMG containers, and ability to set model flags. Big thanks to @TheNormalnij for his efforts on making these happen! There are also numerous other changes such as updated translations and main menu texts, new GTA skins, improved sync, improved GTA camera screenshot quality and many other bug fixes and improvements which you can find on our Wiki page. By having you join us to test 1.6 we can make sure we catch any new bugs and fix them before the full release. Backwards compatibility 1.6 is not compatible with the older MTA:SA versions (including the most recent release - MTA:SA 1.5.9). This means that you need to connect to a 1.6 server if you wish to test the 1.6 client. There were a bunch of technical reasons for this incompatibility and they were all necessary for us to continue improving the mod. Currently 1.6 includes 12 backwards incompatible changes which you should be aware of. There may be more incompatible changes to be added during this testing phase. Please check out our preliminary release notes on our Wiki page. Public test servers We are hosting a number of official 1.6 public test servers during the 1.6 testing phase for you to try out. Welcome! After the testing phase is over, our public test servers will be shut down. Full release schedule We are planning a full release of 1.6 around May–June if testing phase goes well. To guarantee a smooth transition for your server, we recommend that you try out and upgrade your scripts on this new testing version before the full release. There will be a new announcement once 1.6 is fully released. Keeping your 1.6 up-to-date Once you've installed 1.6, MTA will automatically prompt you to update to a newer version whenever there is an update available, including once we release 1.6 in full - so no need to download and reinstall 1.6 again. What happens to 1.5? 1.5 installations will be kept intact even after the 1.6 release, to let players and server owners switch over to the new version whenever they feel they are ready. However, new features and changes will only be available on 1.6. Note, that you can have both 1.5 and 1.6 installed at the same time on your computer to allow you to switch between if you want. MTA will prompt you to switch to the correct version if the server doesn't support your current version. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD MTA:SA 1.6 BETA If you spot a bug in MTA, please report it here, or if you spot a bug in of our default resources, please report it here instead. See you in game! --MTA Team
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- mtasa 1.6.x
(and 3 more)
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Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.9 is released! Happy autumn! We've been working hard and today we're proud to announce the release of MTA:SA 1.5.9. You will receive an automatic update soon, but if you don't have MTA installed, you can get it from the home page. Statistics This is the 26th 1.x.x release 355 days 49 new functions 16 new events 0 deprecations 77+ bug fixes and changes 334 commits (see comparison) 189 new open GitHub issues (see list) 81 resolved GitHub issues (see list) 135 closed GitHub issues (see list) 71 new open GitHub pull requests (see list) 207 merged GitHub pull requests (see list) 53 closed GitHub pull requests (see list) 38 contributors of which 11 are new (see list) 94+ total contributors (see list) 13 vendor updates Download This release is (mostly) backwards compatible with the older 1.5.x releases (1.5.8, 1.5.7, all the way to 1.5). If you're a server owner, please take note of the Changes in 1.5.9 wiki page, more specifically the Backwards Incompatible Changes. You may need to update your scripts for 1.5.9. Servers: binaries are available. Don't forget to update your default resources. WANT TO DOWNLOAD THE MOD? CLICK HERE (Win7/Win8/Win10) Twitch We hosted a community livestream event at the end of July which was very nice! We hung out and played MTA with you on various servers. You can watch a recording of the livestream on our YouTube channel at We wish to do more of these livestreams soon! Merch We launched a 100% non-profit merch store on Spreadshirt earlier this year! If you feel like getting some of that official MTA swag, check out the merch store here: and wear that MTA gang drip at school or work. Check out for merch! AMX (SAMP) amx is a software package that allows the execution of unmodified San Andreas: Multiplayer 0.3.7 gamemodes, filterscripts and plugins on Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.8 and higher servers. It is open source, and a prebuilt binary for Windows is available for testing purposes right now. The AMX team hopes that more people get involved with the development on GitHub as they need some help! Check out our GitHub repo for more information on how to use your SAMP scripts in MTA! 1.5.9 Highlights This release includes many additions, improvements, and fixes: You can now use the new onPlayerResourceStart server-side event to trigger when client is ready! Thanks to @Lpsd You can now detect element interior or dimension change through two new client and server-side events onElementInteriorChange and onElementDimensionChange – should reduce some of your code! Thanks to @Patrick and @Strix You can now edit element bone behavior through 7 new bone manipulation functions! Great for some dynamic animations. Get started at setElementBonePosition and setElementBoneRotation. Thanks to @Saml1er More vehicle customisation options! You can now edit vehicle dummy positions per vehicle. See setVehicleDummyPosition. Thanks to @botder More audio customisation with sound effect parameters! See setSoundEffectParameter. Thanks to @Strix and @Sarrum More client download transfer box customisation options! See for example onClientTransferBoxProgressChange. Thanks to @botder and @CrosRoad95 You can now allocate custom objects and vehicles through engineRequestModel. One of the most sought after features in a long time. Thanks to @TheNormalnij You can now use scalable vector graphics (SVG) in MTA! See svgCreate for more info. Thanks to @Lpsd You can now use peds and vehicles as the camera target. Thanks to @TheNormalnij A lot more features for scripters to build even more immersive experiences with! Many synchronization improvements! Many varying size fixes, quality of life improvements, updates and security enhancements! Many default resource fixes, refactors and upgrades, including webmap working once again! We have also improved the detection of world objects in map editor (editor_main resource), so you can select many more objects that you couldn't before - such as bushes, fences and many more! You can now also remove world objects inside interiors. This should help mappers a lot. If you are a scripter, you really should wanna dig in to these improvements! Show off your creations on our #showroom channel on our Discord server and have a chance at getting your work featured on our social media pages. Read the 1.5.9 release notes for a complete set of changes and more information about the improvements listed below. Watch or star our GitHub repository to keep on top of all the things we're working on. Important future script changes This will be the last 1.5 update and in the next version of MTA there will be numerous backwards incompatible changes and refactors that may affect old code. We will try to focus on making migration from 1.5.9 to the next version smooth for everyone. From 1.6 onwards we will be making at least the following changes: callRemote callbacks currently set the error code to nil when there is no error. In 1.6, to be consistent with fetchRemote, the error code reported will be 0. See GitHub #294. Since July 2016 if you provide an invalid string like "randomstring" when a function expects a number, the string will be treated as 0 and raise a script warning. In 1.6 this will be an error. You will still be able to provide strings containing numbers (e.g. "100" and "12.34"), this change only affects invalid strings. See GitHub #1043. When providing a width and height of (0, 0) to createBrowser or guiCreateBrowser you will encounter a script error instead of a warning. The warning was introduced Feb 2019. See GitHub #1069. Some functions expect only unsigned integers (positive numbers), and since Jan 2016 providing negative numbers would be a warning. This will now be an error. See GitHub #1070. Since Aug 2015, we replaced the custom mtalocal:// URL scheme with http://mta/resourceName/blah.html. This mtalocal:// URL scheme will now be removed. See GitHub #1071. This list is incomplete and we may introduce more changes later. What's next? Our eyes are now on the next version of MTA, which will break backwards compatibility in many ways as we work to refactor MTA's codebase. We are looking to host more community livestreams in the future, especially when we get further into the development of the next version of MTA. Stay tuned for more info most likely starting next year! We are also still working on our community 2.0 website with an internal goal of having phase 1 of development finished by August 2022. Latest news on this is that we've had major advancements on our stack which has been long overdue. We have also continued design on both backend and frontend. We will keep you updated should any news on this project surface. Multi Theft Auto depends on community input and contributions. To keep a project like MTA going we need LOTS of people. You can help in the following areas: Testing and bug reporting Whenever you encounter a bug or recognise a need for improvement, we can't fix it until you tell us your problem! We're continually working on new features and fixes for MTA, and this always needs testing. Join our Nightly release stream and make sure you keep in touch with on Discord and report issues on GitHub. Programming If you know C++ you may be interested in helping improve Multi Theft Auto's client. Working on open-source software may seem scary, but the best way is to try! Read GitHub's open source guide, and then find an itch to scratch, or scratch your own! Documentation Documentation is important, but also time consuming. If you enjoy writing and have some knowledge of English, or you would like to translate the English version to your native language, you’re very welcome to do so. Just head over to our wiki, create an account, and start editing! Support Do you like people? Can you give calm and thought-out responses to users needing help? Then you can spend some time providing support to those who need it. Many answers can be found on our wiki, so make sure to take some time to read it. Then, either join our chat or forums (linked below), or simply help us sort out issues and answer questions on the GitHub repository. Translation Want to translate MTA to your own language? Awesome! Visit us on Pootle. As soon as your translation is approved, it will be pushed to our repository for use in future releases. Donations Keeping the MTA downloads, master server and websites alive costs money! If you want to help us sustain our financial expenses, please donate! Show your creativity! We are actively looking for new creations on our #showroom channel on Discord, as well as #mtasa on Twitter for content we would like to repost on our social media pages and pin on our annual recap forum post. Follow us on our social media channels: Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, Reddit, LinkedIn. Thank you! Thank you to the following community members for their donations this year: @Arran, @Azukie, @Dmi7ry, @IIYAMA, Malone, Berni, @NoHear, lupinek, @Flatliner_, @Sarrum, Shine, @Trumavarium Thank you very much to the following community members for their work towards this release: @botder, @myonlake, @Pirulax, @TheNormalnij, @sbx320, @Dutchman101, @Strix, @qaisjp, @Zango, @Sarrum, @Lpsd, @Jusonex, @Woovie, @cleopatra, @Saml1er, @Patrick, @TEDERIs, @ccw, @fastman92, @Allerek, drop-club, @CrosRoad95, @iDannz, @JeViCo, @STR6, se16n, @FileEX, delinx, emre1702, @Disinterpreter, @LosFaul, @NanoBob, @pieT, PauloKim1246, ecastro98, @Luxy.c, Unde-R, TeteX1, @The_GTA, @leetIbrahim, @mertcan4555, @Lvrent, @Inder00, @Arran, @iDannz, @xLive, jlillis, ricksterhd123, @srslyyyy, @androksi, Yamsha75, @AfuSensi, Dark-Dragon, umithyo, brenodanyel, Mkl21, 1lyncon, Dante383, @turret001, Dezash, @Deihim007, @0xCiBeR and many others who contributed to our Wiki and helped out with issues. (If your name is missing or you want to change your entry above, please let us know on Discord!) You could be on this list! We're always on the lookout for new contributors. Contribute on GitHub, and chat with us on Discord. We have channels for scripting, general support (bugs), mod development, and many more! And one more thank you to every member of the MTA staff who helps support this forum and Discord. Without your efforts, this project would not be nearly as successful as it is now. Also a big thank you to the new MTA helpers team who support our users on this forum and Discord! Finally, please give a ? to our newest staff members @androksi, @Pirulax, @Sarrum and @xLive; newest contributors colistro123, @Pirulax and @TheNormalnij, as well as our newest addition to the MTA team @myonlake! Have a good autumn! — MTA Team
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- mtasa
- mtasa 1.5.x
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.6 is released Today the MTA team is delighted to announce the release of MTA:SA 1.5.6. You will receive an automatic update soon, but if you don't have MTA installed, you can get it from the home page . There are many changes and improvements across the board, but one feature stands out as being especially exciting: custom animations! This has been a feature on our radar for many years, and @Saml1er was the one who decided to make what many have considered a dream, a reality. Take a quick look at this video of custom animations in action to get a glimpse of what's possible: Changes This release includes many additions, improvements, and fixes. Find the complete set of changes, and more information about the improvements listed below, in the 1.5.6 release notes. If you'd like to keep on top of all the things we're working on, why not watch or star our GitHub repository? Here is a heavily cut-down selection of features and fixes. Highlights: New features Ordered roughly by reverse chronological order New languages Bulgarian, Indonesian and Chinese (Traditional) (a3217) New server console feature for arrow command history (#274 by myonlake) New ACL property ModifyOtherObjects.resourceName for one resource only (6614d) New element functions getElementAngularVelocity, setElementAngularVelocity (#73 by lex128) New chat function clearChatBox (#215 by CrosRoad95) New vehicle functions getVehicleRespawnPosition, getVehicleRespawnRotation, setVehicleRespawnRotation (#334, #338 by l0nger) New goggle effect parameter "noiseEnabled" parameter to setCameraGoggleEffect (#324 by samr46) New drawing function dxDrawCircle (#266 by CrosRoad95, Saml1er) New jetpack functions setPedWearingJetpack, isPedWearingJetpack (#243 by Dezash) New element function getElementsWithinRange (de149) New GUI functions guiWindowIsMovable, guiWindowIsSizable, guiEditGetMaxLength, guiEditIsMasked (#272, #255 by FileEX) New fire function extinguishFire (#207 by CrosRoad95, #252 by myonlake, also 7838b) New world functions getPedsLODDistance, setPedsLODDistance, resetPedsLODDistance (#231 by CrosRoad95) New GUI scrollbar functions guiMemoSetVerticalScrollPosition, guiMemoGetVerticalScrollPosition (#248 by myonlake) New GUI functions guiMemoIsReadOnly, guiEditIsReadOnly (#236 by FileEx) New special property "underworldwarp" (#208 by CrosRoad95, #222 by myonlake) New vector support for collision functions (#217 by myonlake, #163 by Pawelo / 4O4) New animations functions setPedAnimationSpeed, engineLoadIFP, engineReplaceAnimation (Saml1er, with some help from Icensow, raw data loading courtesy of #247 by samr46) New colshape function isInsideColShape (#195 by tederis) New vehicle function for client-sided setVehicleHandling (#192 by Renkon) New world sound parameter to setWorldSoundEnabled to stop sound immediately (44844) New ped weapon function isPedReloadingWeapon (#149 by Neproify) New debug hooks pre/postEventFunction added to addDebugHook (#126) New event parameter "deleted" add to onResourceStop (98502) New vehicle function isVehicleWheelOnGround (#146 by ZReC) New command reloadacl (#131 by Timic) Enable switching camera view mode for trains (#125 by ZReC) New encode functions encodeString, decodeString (#184 by SDraw) New pickup events onPickupLeave & onPlayerPickupLeave (#176 by emre1702) New account functions getAccountIP, getAccountsByIP, getAccountsByData & setAccountName (#164 by emre1702) Highlights: Bug fixes and tweaks getChatboxLayout now works as advertised (#254 by myonlake) Return 2 vectors for ele:getBoundingBox (#305 by Pirulax, #332 by Addlibs) Fix inconsistencies in reading userdata in Player functions (#308 by Addlibs) Improve debug info for garbage collected files (#312 by Dezash) Fix crashes with account functions when using empty strings (faa57) Missing bShallow for server-side water (#240 by myonlake) Fix spawnPlayer rotation not working properly (#258 by myonlake) Fix false elements in getElementsWithinRange (#300 by Sergeanur) Removal of the /whowas command (0cffa) Improve connect to disconnect you less frequently (7fc29) Make connect port argument default to 22003 (d698b) Fix many bugs related to animations, jetpack and choking (#229 by myonlake) getVehicleType not being consistent server/client side (b08f3) Fix custom CEGUI skins accidentally breaking dxDrawRectangle (4e57a) Ignore colorcodes while tabbing in chatbox (#238 by Timic) Various bind tweaks, please tell us if something is broken (by emre1702) Fix empty string in getVehicleNameFromModel (instead of false) (#219 by emre1702) Weather blending improvements (#204 by emre1702) Fix 'stream_title' meta tag when the playback is started (#206 by Sergeanur) Fix problems when using a controller with more than 7 axes (382a3) Console no longer displays an error message when pressing the key of a disabled MTA control (23dad) Fix crash caused by calling client-side setPlayerNametagShowing with a ped (554a2) Fix server crash on server-window resize (becf0) Download This release is backwards compatible with the older 1.5.x releases (1.5.5, 1.5.4, all the way to 1.5). However, if you would like to take advantage of all of these useful changes, you will need to go and download the update! Servers: binaries are available, and don't forget to update your default resources. What's next? We're continually working on new features and fixes for MTA. If you're happy to report bugs and crashes do try out our Nightly release stream. You can do this by going into Settings -> Advanced -> Auto updater -> Update build type. Change to "nightly" and hit "Check for update now". Only do this if you like crashing and like filling out bug reports. We're also working on a brand new community: we want your suggestions, ideas and feedback! If you have any questions or would just like to chat with the community, do check out our official Discord server. We have channels for scripting, general support (bugs), mod development, and many more! Thank you! Thank you very much to the following community members for their work towards this release: Addlibs, ArranTuna, CrosRoad95, Dezash, Dutchman101, Einheit-101, emre1702, FileEX, forkerer, Icensow, jlillis, l0nger, lex128, lopezloo, MIKI785, myonlake, Neproify, Pawelo / 4O4, Pirulax, Renkon, samr46, SDraw, Sergeanur, tederis, Timic3, ZReC, and many others who helped document on the wiki, reported bugs, and helped out with issues. (If your name is missing or you want to change your entry above, please PM @qaisjp) You could be on this list! We're always on the lookout for new contributors. Contribute on GitHub, and chat with us on Discord. Finally, everyone, please give a ? to the newest maintainer of Multi Theft Auto: @Saml1er. Until next time, The MTA Team
Summer is over, but fear not, we have got a new release for you - Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.5! This release is focused on bugfixes (most notably, some popular crashes were fixed with help from @Dutchman101 - eg. this one, code cleanups and under-the-hood improvements for developers (migration to a Docker-based environment and support for VS2017 and GCC-6). It may look like it is not much of an update, but the amount of such smaller changes should be a good incentive to update. In other news, we have enabled some additional forum account security features for your convenience - namely a possibility to set a security question(s) for the account and support for Authy and Google Authenticator two-factor authentication. You can enable them in your Account Security settings. Release Highlights updated CEF elements and fixed red/blue color swap issue with Intel VGAs added 'localhost' to the hardcoded CEF whitelist modified launch patcher to work with more exe variants added black outline option for chat text fixed #4166 ("Engine Sounds of other Helicopters and planes missing unless you get in a Helicopter or plane.") fixed #9681 ("Unable to hear proper engine sounds when sitting in car as passenger") fixed #3944 ("Radio titles do not always show.") fixed #8590 ("createEffect with some effects places it's sfx sounds to position 0,0,0") added guiGetCursorType(), isResourceArchived(), getDevelopmentMode(), setDevelopmentMode() (used to be client-only, now it's also server-side), debugSleep(), setVehicleModelExhaustFumesPosition(), getVehicleModelExhaustFumesPosition() improved client connections through firewalls fixed FOV setting not updating censored onClientConsole for login command potentially fixed crouchbug resource pack: various changes in admin, editor, freeroam, headshot, ipb, joinquit, killmessages, play, and realdriveby ... plus more! A complete list of changes can be found here (recommended read) and here (incomplete, from r11302 upwards). List of changes to the resource pack can be found here (starting from and including Apr 22, 2016 upwards). Want to download MTA:SA 1.5.5? Click here to download the build for Win 7+. Looking for a legacy build for XP/Vista? You can download it here. Or you can click here to go to our home page. Once there, click the Download button at the top center of the page, then choose your build and you are set. Linux server packages are also available. This release is backwards compatible with other 1.5-based builds (1.5.4, 1.5.3, 1.5.2, 1.5.1 and 1.5). However if you still use these versions, why not upgrade to the newest one? It works just as good, or even better. Community credits for this release: AboShanab, Arran, CrosRoad95, Dezash, Dutchman101, emre1702, Gothem, lopezloo, Necktrox, qaisjp, Sergeanur, ZReC ^ Have you contributed to MTA:SA 1.5.5's source code/resources pack but were not mentioned in the above list (or maybe you would like to modify your entry above eg. change your nickname or add a link to your Twitter/Github)? PM @jhxp with a link to your contribution (for missing entries only) and you will be added ASAP ^ See y'all. -- MTA Team
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Happy Spring Break! We have got a new release for you - Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.4! This release includes security updates for the server that protect both you and us, so we recommend all server owners to upgrade as soon as possible - see the steps below for tips on that. Failure to do so may affect your server's visibility on the Master Server List in the ingame server browser. Aside from security fixes, there are some feature updates in this version for the client as well, so regular players are more than welcome to update. What do you need to do to upgrade your server properly Stop your server, then upgrade your server binaries like usual. You can also upgrade your server resources if you use any of the default MTA:SA ones. Start your server, and when it is running, stop your server again (This will step will ensure mtaserver.conf is upgraded) Edit your mtaserver.conf file, and find <owner_email_address> (it should be just below the <servername> parameter) and insert a valid e-mail address that we can use to contact you, should there be an issue with your server. This e-mail address IS NOT visible publicly and will only be used for means listed earlier. That is, only if those occur. Save the mtaserver.conf file, then start your server again. Release Highlights Authorized Serial Account Protection is now enabled by default. To put it simply, this feature prevents players from logging in to an account on the server if their serial differs from the serial associated with that account. Naturally, this feature is configurable so you can restrict it to specific account groups and you can authorize more than just one serial for a specific account. You can also disable this in the mtaserver.conf file if you are sure you do not need the feature. Database Credentials Protection is now enabled by default. passwordHash() & passwordVerify() can now be used to store and verify passwords securely and efficiently fetchRemote() now supports parallel downloads with the queue name parameter setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled() now has settings for "sniper moon", "random foliage" and "extra air resistance" New scripting functions: get/setVehicleLODDistance() setElementDimension() now supports element omnipresence, which means that an element can be in all dimensions at once fixes for weapons/fists desync Corona markers should now have a correct attach offset position SQLite or MySQL no longer makes the server freeze if the connection is lost (#9520) Goggles no longer stay after player was killed (#9477) updates for CEF and other dependencies and redists fakelag command for testing sync issues fixes for some crashes and improvements for error handling for installation and startup issues removed max password length limit for server account passwords added server option to allow locally modified (gta3.img) vehicles added world special property "extraairresitance" to remove speed limiter on certain road sections (#7546) resource pack: various changes in acpanel, editor, freeroam, killmessages, playerblips, race and webbrowser ... plus more! A complete list of changes can be found here (recommended read) and here (incomplete, from r10623 upwards). List of changes to the resource pack can be found here (starting from and including Oct 29, 2016 upwards). Want to download MTA:SA 1.5.4? Click here to download the build for Win 7+. Looking for a legacy build for XP/Vista? You can download it here. Or you can click here to go to our home page. Once there, click the Download button at the top center of the page, then choose your build and you are set. Linux server packages are also available. This release is backwards compatible with the 1.5.3 (also 1.5.2, 1.5.1 and 1.5). If you use these versions, then you may as well upgrade to the newest one. Credits for this release: 4O4, Arran, Dutchman101, einheit-101, Fernando, lopezloo, Necktrox, next, Noki_, qaisjp, ZReC ^ (Have you contributed to MTA:SA 1.5.4's source code/resources pack but were not mentioned in the above list? PM @jhxp with a link to your contribution and you will be added ASAP) ^ Oh, and did you know that we have got our very own Discord server now? Click here for details on how to join our server. Take care. -- MTA Team
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A while ago we had published a release candidate build for the upcoming release for you folks to test. This phase went fine, so we feel that we are now ready to present you with the new stable version of the mod - Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.3! Just like before, this is an update for our current stable version series - MTA:SA 1.5. Contrary to this definition, it is rather a huge update which contains mostly smaller changes, but makes up for it with the amount of them. A lot of effort was put by @Jusonex and @sbx320 into cleaning the code and reorganizing the build system, both of which should make it easier for us to maintain MTA:SA's code base and simplify the compilation procedure. However, during the above mentioned RC testing phase we decided to revert some of the code clean-up changes and leave them for a future release due to problems they were causing. We feel it will be better that way as some of these changes simply need more work as they affect a lot of the code base, making it harder to pinpoint other issues that might be discovered. In the meantime, @ccw and @darkdreamingdan had worked on fixing bugs reported by the community. We also had updated several dependencies (third-party components which are used in our mod), including a bunch of utility libraries (such as sqlite, zlib, libpng or libjpeg) and the CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework) components. The latter especially is an important change which we had explained further in a separate post and also summarized briefly below. This update will be slightly troublesome for some of our players who are still using Windows XP and Windows Vista (which is, to be honest, a rather small amount). Regular 1.5.3 build will not work for such users, so we had prepared a legacy build just for them. Furthermore, such users need to be prepared that at some point we might drop support for Windows XP and Windows Vista for our future releases. Please read this post to learn more about this change and its consequences. Since the build system was reorganized, a lot of smaller changes which were originally made for 1.6 were also introduced in this version (as long as they were not breaking the compatibility), making it actually one of the biggest releases we have ever made (and also sort of a bridge between 1.5 series and the then-upcoming 1.6 release). You can check the list below for some of the most interesting changes, but we really recommend checking full lists of changes to check whether the feature or function you have always wanted is already available in this release: Added support for German Steam version of GTA:SA (thanks to Lakota, Mario and @Sh4dowReturns for feedback) Improved streaming of low LOD objects and increased limits Multiple popular crashes were fixed Code cleanups and improved internal error logging MTA:SA will now try to use the native screen resolution when first launched Fixed desktop resolution when minimizing with fullscreen borderless window mode Added client resource files path info to Advanced tab in Options window Added icon for Windows server executable and digitally signed the CEFLauncher executable New scripting functions: canBrowserNavigateBack(), canBrowserNavigateForward(), navigateBrowserBack(), navigateBrowserForward() and reloadBrowserPage() (developed by mabako); createTrayNotification() and isTrayNotificationEnabled() (developed by Necktrox); also resizeBrowser(), fileGetPath(), setVehicleWindowOpen() and more... Tweaks to dbQuery()/dbExec(), fileRead(), addDebugHook() and more... Fixed setBrowserAudio() not muting the sound correctly on some websites e.g. YouTube Fixed setCameraTarget() calculation (thanks to lex128) setVehiclePlateText() now works with any kind of vehicle, including motorbikes (thanks to lopezloo) Added blend parameter for setPedAnimation() (thanks to lex128) Added support for objects and weapons in ped damage events (thanks to lopezloo) Water elements are now limited to a specific dimension Fixed sniper scope disappearing after killing a ped (thanks to lopezloo) Fixed MTA sometimes not loading custom textures Fixed MTA slowly updating position of attached elements Security and performance tweaks for CEF Fixed CEF popups (e.g. <select> boxes) not being rendered correctly Added option to block server admins who login with an unrecognized serial Added duplicate log line filter for script debugging Fixed a connecting player being able to block resources from starting Tweaked logic of client resource file validation Added server logging for redirectPlayer Tweaks for admin, missiontimer, race, runcode and webbrowser resources (thanks to Dutchman101, Einheit-101 and PhrozenByte) Added map backups for Map Editor and changed its default fps limiter setting value from 36 to 50 (thanks to AleksCore for the latter) Removed the no longer needed VS2008 redist package from the installer ...and much more! A complete list of changes can be found here (recommended read) and here (incomplete, from r7816 upwards). List of changes to the resource pack can be found here (starting from and including Feb 18, 2016 upwards). Please be advised that UltraThing and older versions of ENB series mods are blocked in MTA:SA 1.5.3 due to their incompatibility with the MTA:SA web browser components. If you want to use ENB mod in 1.5.3, please update it to a newer version if your current one does not work. If, on the other hand, you want to use UltraThing mod in 1.5.3, you will not be able to do it anymore - sorry for that just like above - please update it to a newer version (v0.29 or above). Want to download MTA:SA 1.5.3? Click here to download the build for Win 7+. Looking for a legacy build for XP/Vista? You can download it here. Or you can click here to go to our home page. Once there, click the Download button at the top center of the page, then choose your build and you are set. Linux server packages are also available. This version is backwards compatible with our older 1.5 releases, but we still encourage everyone to update their clients and servers ASAP to ensure, that they benefit from bugfixes, security updates for CEF, performance tweaks or other improvements. We would like to thank the following community members for their contributions to the MTA:SA source code, resources or feedback for this release: Aboshanab, AleksCore, braydondavis, Dutchman101, Einheit-101, Lakota, lex128, lopezloo, mabako, Mario, Necktrox, PhrozenByte, qaisjp, rafalh, @Sh4dowReturns, zneext (Have you contributed to MTA:SA 1.5.3's or 1.6's source code/resources pack but were not mentioned in the above list? PM @jhxp with a link to your contribution and you will be added) We hope that you will enjoy this release. Also, please keep in mind that if you encounter a bug or a problem which was not present in previous versions, you can report it to our bugtracker. --MTA Team
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Hi there! Our next release is nearly done. However, to ensure that it meets our high quality standards, we would like to ask you guys to thoroughly test it before we release it. This release brings an important change to our release distribution system. Starting today, there will be two builds available for you to download: normal build - only works on Windows 7 and above legacy build - only works on Windows XP and Windows Vista A normal build is basically what we offered with our previous releases, with an exception that it now requires Windows 7 or above to run. The new thing is an legacy build, which only works on Windows XP and Windows Vista. This build uses the last CEF components version that works on XP/Vista, which is now outdated and insecure. To ensure that we will not leave some of our players in the dark, while keeping the rest of them secure, we decided to split the release into two builds. One which uses older CEF components and works on XP/Vista (legacy build), and the other one which has up-to-date CEF but only works on Windows 7 and above (normal build). We have elaborated more on this in a separate post which you can find here. MTA:SA 1.5.3 has a lot of other smaller bug fixes, tweaks and new features included and is a result of another change to our build system, which simplified the development and building process to us. This has also allowed us to back-port many of the smaller changes originally planned for the 1.6 release to 1.5.3. These changes should be compatible with the 1.5 series, but they still need to be tested to ensure that this is indeed the case. And this is where you guys come in. To help us testing the version, simply download the Release Candidate from links below, install it and play as you normally would. If you play on XP or Vista, download the legacy build, otherwise grab the normal one. This version is meant to be fully compatible with MTA:SA 1.5.2 or below, so just join your favourite server and give it a go. If you encounter a problem or spot a bug, you can report them to our bugtracker. Please use the search feature first to see if your problem was not already reported though... Updated Windows/Linux server packages are also available, and similarly, they are also compatible with 1.5.2 clients, so please test whether your servers work fine on 1.5.3 too. Click here to download MTA:SA 1.5.3 RC Normal Build (for Windows 7 and above) Click here to download MTA:SA 1.5.3 RC Legacy Build (Windows XP and Vista only) MTA:SA 1.5.3 RC Linux Server download page You can find the current list of changes for this version here. A summary of changes and credits list will be provided with the final release announcement post. Thank you for helping us make MTA great again awesome. --MTA Team
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- public testing
- release announcement
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