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Everything posted by robhol

  1. robhol


    What did I tell you earlier about coding in German?
  2. Nice initiative. Too bad people either don't need it or will ignore it.
  3. robhol

    The White Rabbit

    /me stabs norby89 with the periodic table
  4. - Where do you trigger the event? - Why use account[source] (is it defined and set to the appropriate value?) when you can use getPlayerAccount? - Don't code in German because it makes reading it a pain in the ass for people who might help you.
  5. Nope. Which is of course to say... nope. You'll have to wait like everybody else.
  6. Actually, the MTA transfer is a lot slower than it could be. However, I think that might be because of the resources containing tons of small files (admin, killmessages, etc.) and could be improved a lot by doing a basic compression on the client-side files.
  7. I think it would be nice if you learned Lua before posting example code that's just... dead wrong. It's nice you want to help, but broken example code just doesn't help very much at all.
  8. He already explained perfectly well what an exported function is and does. Read the wiki. Look at example resources.
  9. robhol

    Hi I am newbe here

    It's a mod for GTA that allows you to play online with people. You should try it.
  10. robhol

    Still Alive.

    I'm making a note here, huge success (but in the case of these two noobs, huge fail, because they didn't get it )
  11. Agreed, something like that would be useful.
  12. lot of scripts uses clientside money checking ;| Then that's the scripter's fault, it's completely avoidable.
  13. Performance-wise, that'd be a step down, I think. I seem to remember map files being a more efficient way, if they're not the same. Either way, the elements need to be sent to the client one way or another, so it won't eliminate or even help the issue.
  14. On another note, it's kinda odd that the same concern is not shown scripters. There should at least be some rudimentary way of protecting scripts that can't be circumvented by a simple google search.
  15. Map data. There isn't really any way to get rid of this, short of turning off your .map data.
  16. Ah.. the server owner's lament. I feel your pain. When ban evasion continues after an IP ban and a serial ban, you really need to look for other distinguishing traits. Does he use the same name? Is there something about him that's always the same (apart from cheating) that you could use to pick him out? Are you sure he actually changes his serial? Chances are small, but it might be that bans are actually removed. Checked the logs yet? You might be able to script an automatic ban, but you need to be careful - false positives in this case would be BAD. Worst case scenario is you and your staff have to keep banning the bastard manually until he gives up - and some of these retards can be horribly stubborn. Good luck...
  17. Uuh.. sorry to piss on your campfire, but.. function containsText(haystack, needle) return string.find(haystack,needle, 1, true) ~= nil; end Looks like you just wasted some time writing that huge function.
  18. No, no, no! Don't use it, ffs, it's a glaring security risk and a 12yo could hack it - use events. Transfer important data from server to client ONLY. Data on the client's side can be hacked.
  19. robhol

    FPS Lag.

    Valhalla is notorious for being the biggest lagfest of this century. Check in with a few other servers to confirm, though.
  20. I don't know if it's wrong, but the concept is idiotic. It's practically opening a door for hackers... and then putting glowing, flashing lights and a huge arrow towards it. Data should be synced on demand, and the client should not be trusted for an uncorrupted version of it. If your client can in any way change something that ends up on the server without validation, let alone actually being SYNCHRONIZED with the server without validation, you have made a huge mistake and a potential gaping security hole.
  21. Why is a locked door locked? Answer: at some point someone thought it might be a good idea to lock it. So they locked it.
  22. Wait. It can (and probably will) take several hours until slow-ass Game-Monitor picks up on the fact that your server is open. Sometimes it can take up to 24 hours. And learn to search, this has been answered ad nauseam.
  23. please learn to use the basics of a forum and the english language punctuation is your friend and its absence leads to your posts being brain wrackingly hard to read and the edit button is still not there for decorative purposes it's there so you can make changes and addenda to your existing posts.
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