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Everything posted by robhol

  1. robhol

    weird acl bug

    Check logs. ??? Profit! You can see it pretty easily if someone has been giving out admin. Runcode is usually disabled and masked by default, so unless you copied your ACL from an old server installation, it's not likely to be the issue.
  2. robhol

    MTA and SAMP

    In the case of Kye, it's probably because he has some kind of childish grudge (as proven by his steadfast practice of having people moderate anything on his forum that's even neutral) against MTA, probably coupled with a little fear because deep down he realizes how infinitely more powerful MTA is and how his convenient income source would disappear if people started moving in significant numbers. We're not trying to continue the war, and those who are 1) have no official support, in MTA's case it's been explicitly discouraged, 2) have good reasons for their relatively SA-MP-hostile opinions. Also, this topic says very little that isn't true, this is not the kind of completely unfounded attacks and lies that SA-MP have scened/spread against MTA the whole time along. There needs to be some place on the net where you can actually try and have a decent discussion about the two mods. In fact I'm happy to have you post here - discussion and openness between the "fans" of both mods is probably a good thing as long as it takes a civil form. I'd like nothing better than the two parts of the SA multiplayer scene stopping the hostility, (frankly, it's getting boring) but as long as one part's management holds the kind of grudge that Kye does, it's not going to happen, because it' results in him doing things that are pathetic and unfair. That kind of trolling is already officially discouraged by the MTA team. We get SA-MP trollers too, not to mention the constant flow of idiots who just whine about the editor and then turn around back to SA-MP. I don't get what you mean by "straying away", because any mod is straying away from the original game in one way or another. That's kind of the definition of a mod, it does something the original game doesn't. MTA doesn't "stray" away significantly more than SA-MP does; except you can do a lot more. The only thing that's "missing" in MTA are built-in script things that are based on SCM scripts - these can be scripted (usually at least as well) in MTA's own Lua engine. I have never used the MTA map editor, and I have plenty of objects in my SA:MP game mode. Not everyone on SA:MP uses it, just so you know. No, but many do, and this is a perfect example of an extremely pervading hypocrisy. Apparently the map editor is the only MTA-related topic you can talk about wihtout being banned. Well, without immediately getting banned, because apparently you can even get banned for releasing maps that don't work because SA-MP can't handle them. Right there, you just made an attack at Kye, and in an obvious attempt to make MTA seem better, you said "the one that players should support". When you say things like that, you are being arrogant. How is it fair to say which mod people "should" support? It's up to the players. Kye deserves attacking, to be blunt about it. He's done so much stuff that being pissed at him is a perfectly unremarkable and natural reaction. Don't drag that "but zomg it was so long agoes" argument into the mix, I beg of you, because that's bullsh!t and I think you know it. Kye is still going strong and there can't be much doubt about it outside of his tightly controlled personal "bubble" on the net. i though you were serious until i read that oh and yes, pressing a key is definitely harder than remembering and typing in a command name, computers in general made our lives really really hard. you can barely survive a week with them near you. Here is an example of an MTA player just shooting at a SA:MP player for no obvious reason at all. There is a quote somewhere in this thread which moans about SA:MP players doing this exact same thing to MTA players, well it's happening both ways, buddy! Oh, come on. For one thing the opinion of Member X or Y is still not the "official" opinion and as such there's not that much point in whining about it. When people come in here whining and claiming SA-MP is better, you can't really claim that counteracting that claim is an illogical thing to do. I'd also ridicule you if you tried convincing me that the sun is cold or the earth is flat (the latter of which people have actually tried..) The way you spin this conversation off is odd. I was there at the time, and you were just attacking Kye in his own channel. He posted your info after you told him that you didn't think that an event in the past where someone else did the same to Kye was a big deal. And now you're making a big deal about it here, which is just plain hypocriticism. Once again, you avoid giving the whole story. Trolling. Officially discouraged. Not the responsibility of the community to ensure this doesn't happen. Next argument please. (This has also happened in reverse, so don't make us out to be the only bad guys here, that's just laughable.) That post there was in reply to SugarD-x, who raised some valid points. Fedor_s used some nasty language earlier in the thread, yet you did not warn him for that. And what does this even have to do with the matter?? Kye does not get that money. Woet does, and in return, Woet supplies an IRC network, and hosts the SA:MP websites, master list, and hosted tab. He also spends a considerable amount of time maintaining these services, and for you to discredit him is very rude. Oh, of course... Kye doesn't profit at all. Hosting an IRC server or two, a database and a web server? I doubt it runs anywhere in the vicinity of a thousand or so euros per month. As I said at the beginning of this post, Kye does not care about MTA, and does not want to hear about it. So don't post questions about OTHER mods on HIS website, and there won't be a problem. Kye does care about MTA... If he didn't care (look at how this topic is handled by the admins and learn from it) he would not see the need for ruthlessly deleting anything mentioning it in a neutral or quasi-favorable way. I think we both realize this topic is not in any way a source of "hatred" - it's been a relatively serious discussion (or at least an attempt at one) and some place on the net, one should have that option, even if you don't on the SA-MP forum. I see no reason at all why this thread should be locked - we are not SA-MP. Indeed, but what is the point? Where is this discussion going to go? At the end of the day, a thread about SA:MP on the MTA forum is only going to be a harbor for people that want somewhere to give SA:MP a bad name. The discussion with you probably won't go well from your point of view - your claim is frankly stupid and a bit hypocritical. Since when has the SA-MP management ever cared about neutrality? And by extension, why should we? At least we actually have valid arguments and know what we're talking about, which is more than I can say about ~99% of all the "SA-MP people" when talking about MTA.
  3. robhol

    Co Op Campaign

    You could rather easily script a typical "coop campaign" kind of gamemode, but if you want to simulate the original game with multiplayer, you'll need to rescript all the missions... I think you're gonna be in for a lot of work.
  4. At the moment, spreading serial bans would be a ridiculously poor idea seeing as they still don't appear to work properly. However, once the serial system is working again, we could rather easily make a ban system that makes Sprunkbuster go away and hide in shame.
  5. Big surprise.. The sun radiates heat and light. Water runs downhill. SA-MP mods delete posts and ban people who have a neutral opinion, let alone one that's in MTA's favor. It's just how things work.
  6. My thoughts are: they're biased idiots who either don't know what they're talking about or are in denial. Sadly, I don't see a better situation on the horizon. What should be done is "opening a door" for SA-MP communities like Mini Missions or Valhalla have done - this is an excellent way to provide SA-MP players with an opportunity to see MTA in a more neutral or fair light. Trying to convince "single" players or small groups is usually a perfect exercise in futility, simply because they won't listen.
  7. robhol


    Never mind colshapes. They're pointless. A better suited way is adding a list of coordinates for hospitals and medical centers, looping through them onPlayerWasted and checking which is the nearer.
  8. Most blind people aren't in the burglary business. I will admit that a lot of people who tend to get banned are idiots, but then again, many aren't.
  9. Been there... ... done that.... But it's a pretty poor reassurance as all one has to do is wipe the client-side resource cache.
  11. LMFAO. I'm considering printing this and framing it.
  12. robhol

    I'm drunk

    Quite some moron it must've been... wait... AHA! I see what you did there!
  13. PLEASE NOTE This is not a thread for REQUESTING scripters. This is a thread to avoid people requesting scripters, because there used to be dozens of those threads and almost NONE of them actually got what they asked for.
  14. robhol

    I'm drunk

    Will you also be bumping posts nearing five months with no activity?
  15. Looks good, although I'm not sure what you intend with the getElementType. It serves no real purpose and will throw an error if the input is invalid. In this case, however, your admin-gone-bad can just change his player name. Add the responsible account too. You'll need to get the player's (that is, admin's) account and then you can get the account name.
  16. Please see Step 1 and think. Can you output something to the server log via scripting?
  17. Step 1: Learn to wiki. Step 2: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnUnban Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit!
  18. robhol

    I get banned of this lol

    Sucks to be you, but discussing the management styles of individual servers here is pointless.
  19. KIHC is old and, to my knowledge, unsupported since the author hasn't been seen any time recently.
  20. 1:] Scriptable 2:] Could be scriptable but is really not necessary. If you need headlight color change, it's one script line, and putting it into the editor is just plain unnecessary. 3:] I'd rather they weren't and most permanent servers are hosted with the dedicated server. Servers that aren't permanent would probably not manage to stay up for long enough to be picked up. 4:] What is this? .. I don't even
  21. You could have taken a look at fifty other topics here, all of which would've said the exact same thing; no.
  22. robhol

    A Little problem

    Since you're apparently only here because of the map editor and don't seem interested in playing, let alone contributing anything to the community; WHY would anyone feel like helping you?
  23. robhol

    Big Problem

    You could require version 1.0.3 or newer to connect to your server. Or you could wait until 1.1 when backwards compatibility is gonna be raped anyways.
  24. robhol

    set nick

    My point was, what are you doing, inserting completely random arguments into handler functions - it will screw up and that's guaranteed because that's how function arguments work in Lua - the order is everything, the names are completely arbitrary and insignificant. As I thought should be fairly obvious once I showed you it was there, the issue here is the "hitPlayer" argument that has no connection whatsoever with a login event. What did you even put it there for?
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