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Everything posted by eAi

  1. This has always been the case.
  2. Plus it looks as if it will be easier to code Blue mods than it would for normal VC ones. It depends what you call easier, its more flexible - you can do much more - and its a high level language (c++) and theres no size limits. It should also generally be marginally faster than scm.
  3. Popularity of any game goes down as it gets older. People always like old releases more than new ones, look at CS, look at Natural-selection, look at TFC, look at DOD. All these games have people saying how much better 1.3, or beta 2 or 2.1 or whatever were, but in the end newer releases are better "products" - more stable, more features, more accessable. Most of what makes old releases "better" is nostalgia, nothing more. eAi
  4. We hope Blue will offer people whatever they want. Some things aren't going to be initially in, others aren't possible, but generally we've got a superb base that can be expanded as required, unlike the old core. We'll be open to reasonable suggestions after the first release. eAi
  5. You're wrong. You can't hide any apps from the task list. You can hide them from the Applications list, but thats kinda pointless in 2K/XP + eAi
  6. How can anyone judge this? Even we can't judge this.
  7. As I've said quite a few times. We don't envision there being one mod per server. We won't be encouraging or supporting that (at least initially). We aim (notionally at least) to have a similar system to other multiplayer games - teams develop mods and release them, server owners download and install them. Initially there may be quite a few mods (look how many HL2 mods there are now, for example), but over time people will lose interest in the bad ones and the good ones will be supported (survival of the fittest). Creating a good mod for blue (or any other game) takes time, beyond the very basics. We expect most mods will stay within the preset GTA world, but of course you could start again and make your own map. Using the GTA world considerably reduces the ammount of time required to create a mod - no art or mapping required.
  8. eAi


    Its not rhobust enough to open source it. Blue will offer you the ability to do all that the admin+ system can do and huge ammounts more. That'll have an SDK. eAi
  9. FlashDot, if you can't contribute some marginally eloquent and readable posts you will be banned. You're welcome to have your opinion and voice it, but voicing it in a combination of swear words, caps and text-slang/1337-speak doesn't make a readable post.
  10. What about quality and quantity. Haste no speed is ok lol U can get the quality u re talking about each day. There is quality, u just need "more" quality. FlashDot, not a single one of your posts I've read, including this one have made sense or been worthwhile. Please think before you post.
  11. As has been said before, if anyone thinks they have somthing to contribute to MTA, don't hesitate to contact me or anyone else on the team using the forums or IRC. eAi
  12. One day we could have peds. Its not our our to-do list for blue or 0.5.x.
  13. Yes, thats a graphics problem. It could be triggered by the way we use (or missuse) some of the dx functions. Try updating or downgrading your gfx drivers.
  14. We'll be bundling it with Downtown. Its got 3D graphics now too
  15. The database had got to 1.99GB and wouldn't accept any more records. We've got more than enough data anyway. Now you should get a nice thank you message instead.
  16. We've stopped collecting error reports for 0.5. Thank you to everyone who reported errors, especially if you took the time to write a note to explain the error.
  17. eAi

    Bored at work...

    http://www.8bitjoystick.com/archives/ja ... ed_cds.php http://www.jumpstation.co.uk/x-disk/x-disk.html
  18. They are physically different exe, hence the incompatibility issues with MTA. Perhaps they check that value, but that seems kinda strange if they've already removed the "offending" stuff...
  19. We will be offering some form of guide to help with mods, but in the end it'll still be fairly hard work...
  20. Error messages have text for a reason
  21. We hope Blue and SA will bring back anyone who has left.
  22. I might dissagree with that, but lets not go there eAi is my fav though.
  23. Remove the file MTAErrorReporter.asi from your VC folder and it should work fine.
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