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Everything posted by zerb

  1. £65 can defiantly snatch a bargain just to run this measly game. It’s just cat and mouse on deciding what’s best for you, either purchasing online or paying a little extra for the product in store. My PC is just a microwave compared to yours but even my little GeForce FX 5 series card does her job.
  2. I never knew there were two 5’s and 6's in the first 10 numbers, I learn something new everyday on this board. Suggestion number 8 is a good call. When you see a friend playing on the same server their clip could change colour or have a symbol of recognition. A buddy system could be implemented so users can add people to their list.
  3. zerb

    Forum suggestions

    I don’t see no reason to change the layout only because of what you were previously used too. I would hardly call these forums a mess. The categories are split into their own separate sections with the old and ancient being thrown into the archives pile.
  4. Is this just a scam to visit strangers in your region?
  5. zerb

    MTA Startup

    I always thought that illegitimate issues would come into account here, maybe not.
  6. I second for Cyrillic also, if possible.
  7. zerb


    There has been small talk about the shooting not being as precise as it could be, I’d point that out to you. Also, as mentioned above it would be more adequate to play on a server which has lower ping for yourself.
  8. I pretty much had the same problem but the only way I came round this block was to close down my entire security software. I presume the firewall could have been the problem here but who knows. It could even be down to your .exe which is causing you to crash.
  9. EdwardTobia, do you have a dedicated website at all? I only presume you haven't because nothing is mentioned.
  10. It’s not everyday a creation of such is neutralised into the community scene and by the looks of things this could be something which awakens and brings in plenty of new faces. I wouldn’t be surprised if I dropped by within the future.
  11. RPG will always live on and with their togetherness of about 6 or 7 players they should attract another 3 or 4 players within each month to keep alight the torch of 0.5, even if it was blown out after the first week of release. It’s all abroad the SA bandwagon for the meantime.
  12. I’d rather shoot guns then be infected with herpes. Cheers chap!
  13. zerb

    MTA Land

    You got quite an imagination haven’t yah son? Roll back SIM CITY 1989.
  14. zerb

    New GTAIV Trailer

    Aye the cinematic effect is on a whole new level son.
  15. Do you have the right valid .exe? Link
  16. zerb

    Quick question

    I have had problems accessing MTA ever since I started using AVG, I did have Norton installed previously. Whenever I’ve come across to playing I’ve always closed down the “Control Center” and manage to come away with no interruptions. Just thought I’d give a word.
  17. Gentlemen.. 7 advent door's opened, 17 to unlock, It’s a beautiful thing fellas!
  18. Ready to be tickled.. teased.. whipped.. slow & hard by Santa once again, The Pleasure of a Reindeer, MC - Dasher !
  19. zerb

    GTA Songs

    Cyndi Lauper. Full stop.
  20. XP user, though I have recently been compiling and running simple C programs under the Linux OS system for general interest.
  21. When reinstalling “unselect” the MTA error reporter option during the installation process, this normally does the trick.
  22. Vicer should join him. It’s for the best.
  23. zerb


    Just felt like blowing the dust off this thread for a certain person. Apple's much-hyped iPhone has finally hit shelves in the UK. JonChappell (wherever he is in life), finished queuing yet or did the £250+ stay safe?
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