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Everything posted by Blokker_1999

  1. We can't ban an entire range, suppose someone is in the same range u r in, and we ban that persons range, i think you would be mad at us since you can't play either
  2. Allright i will say it once more. A lot of people don't seem to get the concept of ADSL by stating some wrong facts. It is true that if you have an internal modem or USB modem with ADSL you still see the dialing window. This means you are not online 24/7 since you need to "dial in". This off course is not a problem. However, most ADSL providers do request to "hang up" the moment you have ended ur business on the net. Now the biggest error ADSL users like to make is stating that cable users have to share there connection while they don't. This is not true. Both Cable and ADSL users go trough a shared connections. There is however a big difference. With cable the sharing starts from the moment the signal leaver ur house. ADSL has a line of it's own until it comes neer the (what we call in dutch) telephone central (the places where all lines from one area come together to get routed further). From this place onward you are again on a shared line to your ISP. With ADSL you get mostly a constyant speed, how? because your ISP limits the speed. Same with cable but most cable providers are faster then ADSL providers. Since ADSL is still "dialup" you still have the same problem that you had with your old 56K or ISDN modem, sometimes it just loses connection and you have to dial in again. The benefit of ADSL is that it is much simpler to install. With ADSL u got a signal splitter in the other end of the line while with cable u need to split the signal in ur house.
  3. ashdex, most mods do not work with the standard unaltered MTA and even less wil work with 0.3 so there is no reason to change the EULA. The EULA does not change any technical specs about MTA but it describes ur rights and ur duties. It states what you may and may not do with our software. Disobbey it and you may not use our software anymore
  4. different wheelsize has an impact on the speed and therefore does change gameplay and that is prohibited. When we say any mod, we mean any mod. It is in the fucking EULA which you agreed to follow when you installed the game. If you don't read it, don't complain.
  5. Ok, my turn. it isd not because you are a member of GTA WO that we have to listen to ur crap or comply to ur wishes.. We know for a long long time that cheating is a problme, we do not need u to tell us again that mod are being used. If you think it is that simple, why don't u do it urself?????? Your topic title implied specificly that this topic is about getting mods, now i didn't read ur original post but i think it deserved some editing. But not in the way it was done. And since you reported something that has been reported a million times before and since you reregistered after a ban you get the rank of forum idiot. And i think you would do the same on ur forums if we posted a bug that had been reported on ur forum a 1000 times
  6. At this moment, MTA is talking with http://www.gangsofgta.com to become the official competition system.
  7. Since a couple of days some cheaters have declared a war against MTA. It seems they don't like it that we take there sites offline. The biggest problem is comming from Mr. Kine . He has started advertising this mod in our official servers telling everyone that our servers support this mod. Let it be clear that MTA does not support any mods of any kind and people caught using these mods will be banned from our servers Furthermore i would like to add that the next core generation will work with a master ban list. Cheaters and mod users will end up on this banlist. This means that they will be unable to join any server. Not just official ones, but all servers.
  8. i think there is something wrong with your computer. A normal PC shouldn't blow a 350W PSU
  9. well, u don't need any special hardware, i have heard people running it on linux on a 486. But it does require a high speed connection. The only way to know if your connection can handle it is by testing since there are no precise figures available
  10. The Gang from Cudda Kine (i beleive the name is TradeMark) has been suspend until further notice. They are no longer allowed to participate in any competition from this board or it's affiliates. This due to the use of cheats and map addons. Cudda Kine has been warned more than once and he keeps building sites for his map and hacks. A second and new gang : [dRuG] is also excluded from any official event!
  11. The ping has nothing to do with it, i suggest you try it on a LAN and try shooting each other then it would be the same as in online play. Furthermore the ping o MTA is wrong. We even have seen people with a negative ping which off course is impossible
  12. let me guess, you bought a computer with a kick ass graphx card (a GF FX or an ATi that requires an extra power source) together with some other power consuming equipment and placed it all in a cheap case with a cheap power supply. I suggest you buy a new power supply from 340W or 400W
  13. that's not it, if the browser had problems with php it shouldn't show anything on the site since it is build with a templateparser and wouldn't parse the site then
  14. Everything looks fine over here. I use netscape myself and i justed looked at the site with IE6 and nothing to see
  15. Since 0.3 is build on the same core as 0.2.2 nothing has happend to the netcode. But we have been working on the shooting. We have always used an offset for it because if we let the game do it's thing you would miss everytime. It still isn't perfect, but it is improved. The driving looks a lot smoother as well due to the fact that the backwheels aren't skidding anmore
  16. I had to reecnode it and reupload it. It is available now
  17. You need the correct codec. We have encoded them in DivX (http://www.divx.com) It can be downloaded for free from there website
  18. thanks for the cream, it made dinner so much better
  19. for those of you who do not know what punkbuster is: PB is a product from Evenbalance, it is used in some popular games like Q3A, America's Army, ... to stop cheaters. This service is free and updates to pb are made on a regular basis. A team is always searching for new cheats and hacks and adding countermeassures. Why we don't use it? First of all we don't have access to the source code of GTA which is required to implement software like PB Secondly, i doubt the ppl at evenbalance are willing to spent there time in a small mod like MTA And third : ur such an idiot, if it was that simple, y wouldn't we have tought about it?
  20. It is Christmas and the MTA Team decided to give the community a present. Our present to you is a first movie from MTA:VC 0.3 that has been recorded in an experimental Spectator Mode (which may or may not be included in the next version). In the movie you will see the new animations that we have been able to implement, as well as the unlocked backwheels that has been a long-standing problem. We hope to release another video in the next day or two showing regular gameplay. So enjoy your Christmas present from us and give a big thank you to eAi for putting this one together! You can grab the movie here, enjoy!
  21. well, u received the idiot tag for a reason. The gtat patch has been long lost, some sites still have it. But in a couple of weeks there will be a new version for GTA3 (and anticheater, this topic is about GTA3, a game that GTAt doesn't even support) GTA WO has nothing to do with online gameplay, it can be used with GTAt or MTA. At this moment there are people playing it with MTA, but i don't see anyone playing it with GTAt, in fact i don't see anyone playing GTAt. And MTA isn't going downhill. The next version is gonne be so much better over the previous ones. People know what we can do while GTAt is all talk and no show
  22. I don't like the way ur talkin. The official servers run a special designed program for adminning, we can not be on them 24/7. If you feel you have been banned without reason, then you should contact MrBump who maintains the servers. Then, It seems you are a big GTAt fan so i suggest not to play on MTA but on GTAt. Buying is out and selling the source? good luck my friend. Thirdly, making donations is impossible. Wojjie Networks is our sponsor, but does not take any donations, only sells services. Furthermore, MTA itself does not receive any money either, therefore you can not be a paying player and therefore refunds are impossible. This is one of the reasons why we do not accept money, ppl like you who think they can make profit out of nothing!
  23. as we have told a million times before : we do not keep things out of the game on purpose, if they arez not in the game it is because we can ot yet get it to work. Boats will come one day
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