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Everything posted by Blokker_1999

  1. face2gace is not cheating, he is in a palm tree and u can get in it, have done it myself. And it's not because someone kills u first all the time that that person is cheating. I have seen f2f die
  2. p2p is impossible since then you need to send ur data to everyone which means that you need the same up and download speed. On a server with 12 ppl you would need something of 25 to 30 kb/s uploadspeed which isn't cheap
  3. because it would take to long. It would take a lot of code cause there are hundreds of files and checking all files would take minutes
  4. the new version that is released works. Get it from our downloadsection and not from any other site, chances are they didn't update yet
  5. Some people cant use 1.0 because we get grapic glitches , and now we dont have unlocked backwheels...I need to use 1.1 otherwise I get corupted grapics , Could you unlock the backwheels in 1.1 too??? I would realy appriciate it... Xanni now this proves u r a forum idiot. Almost everyone now knows that the graphx corruption fixed by 1.1 is also fixed in the Detonator drivers version 45.23 and upwards
  6. A lot of people are having problems with the newest MTA:VC 0.3 client. It could be that you cannot see any other players in your game. This problem is caused by a so called 'radar' bug. We've finally found the problem and released a fix, MTA:VC 0.3rc2 (release candidate 2). Mind that this release is just a patch for the client executable (MTAClient.exe). If you haven't already, you need to install MTA:VC 0.3 in order to make this patch work. So, if you want to play MTA:VC 0.3, please mind to download & install MTA:VC 0.3rc2 as well. Get MTA:VC 0.3rc2 now by clicking here! We hope this bug didn't changed any feelings about MTA:VC. Anyways, have fun playing MTA:VC 0.3!
  7. as we have told before : spec mode is not in the game
  8. there is the same amount of cars in stunt and FFA
  9. Alright there is a big bug in MTA:VC 0.3 symptoms: *radar not working *no players visible *chat works the team is looking for a fix, check the relevant topics in the MTA:VC general discussion. Do not ask for a fix cause there is none at the moment. Up to date information can be obtained on IRC, from the moment there is a fix it will be uploaded and announced on the frontpage
  10. Yes, A dev is responding, well i'm not a dev, but i'd like to share my experience. I have had this problem once during a test. all i did was reinstall it again. I think (but this has to be confirmed) that some file remains and doesn't get overwritten. If anyone feels like testing it : uninstall everything (GTA and MTA) remove there directorys (GTA dir, MTA dir and mta.ini in the windows folder) and then install everything again, preferably in a different location
  11. follow this thread http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?p=60752
  12. the problem has been reported and i will look into it
  13. in the menu wait for the text to appear, then move to the char you want and press enter only 1 time, not twice or more cause that will cause a crash, then leave ur keyboard alone till ur character is loaded at spawn
  14. MTA has a no warez policy. Can't buy it? bad luck
  15. Well, it may seem a bit early for most of you, but we can assure you, this post is right on time. The new year has entered the globe in the far far east. To be more precise, on the islands of Kiribati and Kiritimati. If you wanna enjoy 2003 a little longer then i suggest you take the first plane to Hawaii (still 24h to go) or to Midway Isl, Samoa, A. Samoa (25 hours to go ). The team wishes everyone a Happy New Year and may 2004 bring us luck and happiness and of course new versions of MTA .
  16. yes, we know it works. And it will come in verry handy when we get our round based gamemodes. So when ur dead u can't play till the round is over
  17. You know what, i'm gonna lock this one down, congrats, u made a first lockdown of a thread in the news section guys. I'm sick and tired of people stating the same thing over and over again. The first reaction were positive, but when the negative came it went downhill. All of a sudden people were commentating on a system that doesn't even excist. You know it was gonna fail and that it will ban the wrong people for the wrong reasons, while the team hasn't even started with the creation of the system You were nagging about the fact that you couldn't get of the list or that your ip would be blocked without reading the fact that we still have to start designing the system and that it is highly unlickly that it will be based on IP adresses. You are complaining about the fact that people wouldn't have a choice while it had been stated many times that the server admins will be given the choice. Let this be a lesson: *When you reply in a thread, make sure you have read everything, not just the first post and then start complaining about it. I know 40 replies is a lot but it is as bad as not using the search function And more important : don't say that a system won't work or that a system is bad while the system hasn't even entered the first stage of design yet.
  18. r u an idiot, can't u read i have stated 3 times now that the server admin can decide whether or not to use the MBL on his/here server. It is never up to the user but always up to the admin like in every god damn game. And if you wanted to piss me off, well you all succeeded in it
  19. death_entry, i don't know if you have read everything or not, but first of all : almost all online shooters have an MBL systems, secondly the system still has to be developed and thirdly server admins will be given the opportunity to not use the mbl
  20. let me put it this way: What would you like most : that the cops arest a 100 people from which 95 are criminals or that they arrest no one since they might arrest an innocent one? No system is perfect.
  21. The master ban system has been planned for a long time. It is in almost any game. Think of WON, STEAM, PunkBuster, ... We haven't come up with the idea, but we will do our best to make it a fair system. The technical details like how to get on and off the list have not yet been completed. We never stated we are gonna ban people by IP, something you do say. And yes even know people say they are banned wrongfully, but how do we know if they are banned wrongfully, we don't. And you know what, you are so against the system you are sounding like a cheater who is trying to destabelise things before they have started. You know no facts yet you have made up your mind that it is bad
  22. Abuse of the ban list will happen, nothing we can do about it, it happens in every game that has such a list. Half my old SOF2 clan is on the PB MBL of SOF2 because of the fucking clantag. When playing on jolt public servers (jolt is a company that rents gameservers) they got banned because they played with the clantag (which was also the name of our sponsor, a company where u can rent gameservers). Banned without warning, directly on the MBL. Abuse will always happen. No matter what system you use! By default al servers wil run the MBL, but server admins will have the possibility to disable the MBL which will not be recommended and will mark servers as servers where cheaters could be on
  23. actually, most games ban on GUID or other keys made from ur CD Key. Since GTA has no CD Key we have to look for something else
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