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You know you've played too much MTA/GTA when:


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You mount the kerb during a driving lesson and expect the nearest pedestrian to give you the finger and shout something obscene.

You go too fast around a corner and look at your instructor questioningly, expecting to be given a Two Wheel Bonus.

You think traffic lights are just to make the surrounding puddles of water glow attractively.

You think 'I could take off in a Dodo here, it's long enough' when drivign down a straight stretch.

You consider hitting the edge of the roundabout to see if u can do a barrell roll.

You see a sailor in the street and feel the urge to shout 'NADE SPAMMER'

You wake up in the morning and can't move for a few seconds and figure its just the spawn delay.

You cant believe the farrari you are trying to steal is locked.

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You desperatly try to glitch your way into the house to save time.

You wonder why you can't change the weather into summer.

You try to change the time so you can get more sleep.

You start kicking of people of bikes, whilst checking the police detection.

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You know the name of all mta team members out of your head and write them down in class

You dream you play GTA/MTA

You wanna steal the beatifull car driving on the street

You think that you can do a little wheely onto the wall and make a good backflip

You hit a car at a little angle while pulling your steer (on bike) to make a very big spin

you wonder why your vehicle didn't blow when you got into the water

you think you can jump off a really high building and only lose 40hp

you can respray your car and the police wil go away

why you can't choose your carreer

when you see yourself in 3rd person view sometimes/always

this is based on a regular day of my life :P

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You mount the kerb during a driving lesson and expect the nearest pedestrian to give you the finger and shout something obscene.

You go too fast around a corner and look at your instructor questioningly, expecting to be given a Two Wheel Bonus.

You think traffic lights are just to make the surrounding puddles of water glow attractively.

You think 'I could take off in a Dodo here, it's long enough' when drivign down a straight stretch.

You consider hitting the edge of the roundabout to see if u can do a barrell roll.

You see a sailor in the street and feel the urge to shout 'NADE SPAMMER'

You wake up in the morning and can't move for a few seconds and figure its just the spawn delay.

You cant believe the farrari you are trying to steal is locked.

LMAO, thanks for that.

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you yell out escape when your about to be hit by someone irl and think you'll just wait for them to get bored and leave =p (or freak the shit outta them)

You think about trying to 'glitch spin' off the back of trucks with your bike - which you learnt to steal by playing gta =)

When you say to othes that your a full member of 'whatever' gang irl - and start thinking of a stupid hand signal to give others to show your part of your gang

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You try to type 'asprine' when you're not feeling okay.

You yell 'armour-n00b' at a passing police-officer.

You think you can grind a rail with your bike when you pass one.

You always rapidly lean up when driving your bike.

You always sprint when walking.

You never use sidewalks.

You always neglect any kind of traffic-signs.

You think that you can enter any vehicle as passenger.

You try to enter a car with 26 people.

You think you can fly helicopters.

You think the driver of a car will let his car be stolen without a budge.

You freak out when it starts to snow, since you've never seen it before.

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nice one mad boy

you wonder why you get pulled over for speeding at twice the limit

then tell the officer - why you pull me over i didnt ram you at all, just those 2 cars over there

You wonder why your in a comba (yes i know thats bs) after trying to ram a truck off the road with your regular road car

you tell people you have Vechicsplophobia (alme i know) - fear of random exploding vehicles - and that the best solution is to get into the nearest vehicle, or on a bike to avoid the blast (even if its 1 metre from the explosion)

yeah the best ones were taken =)

your adicted when you ignore all traffic regulations (might have already been said)

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