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E3 and MTA

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Ok, here is some information, we're currently finishing some final bugs in 0.4, when these are fixed, we'll have a few playtests of each game, fix bugs and release. We can't give a release date, because we don't know how much we'll have to do, and we're doing this in our spare time. As for the new core, we're confident that it'll completely revolutionise the way MTA is played, and once 0.4 is out of the door, we’ll be releasing some information on what it is. Do remember that there will be three itterations of 0.4, one for each island, though obviously these shouldn't take anywhere near as long as 0.4, but we should be implementing more than just the new map into each itteration (i.e. new features).

None of this is set in stone.


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Do remember that there will be three itterations of 0.4, one for each island, though obviously these shouldn't take anywhere near as long as 0.4, but we should be implementing more than just the new map into each itteration (i.e. new features).

When you say 0.4, do you mean the client or the core?

Thanks for the info, btw.

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