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Future MTA Game Modes.

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- British Bulldog Tag -

One (random) player starts as IT and chases everyone else, once somebody is tagged they also become IT and have to tag others and so on until everyone is tagged.

Tagging could be just touching an opponents vehicle or shooting/punching an opponent not in a vehicle (no need to kill them).

Points can be allocated to the chased based on time remaining untagged. The taggers get points for each tagging. The rounds should be relatively short allowing multiple rounds and an accumulation of points leading to an overall score.

extra stuff:

  • To help the taggers, only the chased players appear in the radar. This would put the fear of death in a chased player not knowing where his foe is even in the early stages of a round.
  • The taggers can see everyone in the radar.
  • There should only be two colured icons in the radar, taggers and chased.
  • During the early stages of a round it might be a little boring for the chased players until there are more taggers so it might help if a chased player dies they respawn as a tagger. This would encourage chased players to kill each other to stop them from earning points.
  • Since the playing arena is so large or incase the starting tagger is useless the rounds could be timed. All who survive to the end untagged could share points from a common bonus total. This also encourages the chased to kill each other.
  • Incase the starting tagger is useless at tagging someone there might be a time limit until the first tag is made, if the player fails they're penalised (minus points) and the round restarts with a new tagger.
  • Starting taggers earn more points than subsequent taggers.

Whatever you guys decide to develop, fast and furious game play is all I want!

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I know its about the same idea as fugative.. But a bounty hunter mode where the all these bounty hunters are out to get the bounty and try to keep each other from geting it.. The winner could be awarded with money weapons or a nice car...

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Im surprised no one has posted an idea like this one yet...


The Setup:

_1. Replace all the vehicles with Ring Racers, they tend to land on their tires more after rolling. Mabey reduce the total number of them to something like 12-18.

_2. Place the cars in a central location, mabey like Starfish Island.

_3. Randomly spawn 1 PCJ on either the east or west island with a nice assortment of weapons next to it.

_4. Make it indestructible, except to water.

_5. Randomly spawn a Finish Line/Safe Zone on the opposite island that the PCJ is on.

_6. Enable the Radar to show both the Finsh Line/Safe Zone and the PCJ regardless if it has a rider on it or not.

The Rules:

_1. All playes start at the same location. (Oh, somewhere like your recentlly open USED CAR LOT.) :lol:

_2. The 1st player to reach the PCJ becomes THE ACE.

_3. The ACE's goal is to reach the Finsh Line/Safe Zone by any means he can. (ex. he can drive as fast as he can or destroy his pursuers cars with weapons or by forcing them to bang into things while chasing him)

_4. The Pursuers goal is to STEAL the PCJ and become THE ACE. Only 2 ways are legal...

__a. Jack the rider.

__b. Ram the bike till the rider falls off. (at this point you have to make a choice...Just steal the bike or run over the rider till he dies and get his weapons and the bike.)

_5. The Pursuers ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE WEAPONS until they become THE ACE.

_6. Players CAN respawn if they are killed.

The Point System:

If a Point System can be used for this, then this is how I would set it up:

5 points For becoming the 1st ACE of a NEW ROUND.

1 points For every Pursuer you kill

3 points For STEALING the ACEs PCJ

0-15* Point Pool for Reaching the Finish Line/Safe Zone (keep reading) :P

(each round is 15min long, for every minute that passes the Point Pool goes down by 1. So the faster you get to the Finish Line/Safe Zone the more points are awarded. This should help balance the fact that some players are good at racing and evading, while others are good at killing.)

Yes, No, Good, Bad, What the Hell are you thinking Chaoswolf?!?!

What do ya think about it?

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  Slap said:
- British Bulldog Tag -

One (random) player starts as IT and chases everyone else, once somebody is tagged they also become IT and have to tag others and so on until everyone is tagged.

Tagging could be just touching an opponents vehicle or shooting/punching an opponent not in a vehicle (no need to kill them).

Points can be allocated to the chased based on time remaining untagged. The taggers get points for each tagging. The rounds should be relatively short allowing multiple rounds and an accumulation of points leading to an overall score.

extra stuff:

  • To help the taggers, only the chased players appear in the radar. This would put the fear of death in a chased player not knowing where his foe is even in the early stages of a round.
  • The taggers can see everyone in the radar.
  • There should only be two colured icons in the radar, taggers and chased.
  • During the early stages of a round it might be a little boring for the chased players until there are more taggers so it might help if a chased player dies they respawn as a tagger. This would encourage chased players to kill each other to stop them from earning points.
  • Since the playing arena is so large or incase the starting tagger is useless the rounds could be timed. All who survive to the end untagged could share points from a common bonus total. This also encourages the chased to kill each other.
  • Incase the starting tagger is useless at tagging someone there might be a time limit until the first tag is made, if the player fails they're penalised (minus points) and the round restarts with a new tagger.
  • Starting taggers earn more points than subsequent taggers.

Whatever you guys decide to develop, fast and furious game play is all I want!

Well, im going to try and improve on this a bit...let me know:

During the early stages of a round it might be a little boring for the chased players until there are more taggers so it might help if a chased player dies they respawn as a tagger. This would encourage chased players to kill each other to stop them from earning points. Since the playing arena is so large or incase the starting tagger is useless the rounds could be timed. All who survive to the end untagged could share points from a common bonus total. This also encourages the chased to kill each other.

Incase the starting tagger is useless at tagging someone there might be a time limit until the first tag is made, if the player fails they're penalised (minus points) and the round restarts with a new tagger.

Starting taggers earn more points than subsequent taggers.

A lot of this would stack really wierd, but, How about the tagger gets a set time limit to tag someone, if not, they lose their points accumulated and become a chaser, a random person, or a set person becomes a tagger in their place. I think there should also just be a time bonus for however long you stay a tagger or a chaser which is added at the end of the match or whatever. I also think that in addition to the killing each other they should just lose points and not become a tagger, unless you limit the amount of taggers. Also if you could somehow implement a proximity bonus for the chased for being a certain set distance away from the tagger without being tagged, the bonus increases as distance decreases. Although that would be very difficult to distinguish someone being found or someone trying to get a bonus. Anyways thats my add-ins, use them if you want.

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I think more original games are cooler than just race (which is fun though:)) or run and shoot. How about, for ex., copper wars? Like a battle between 4 coppers?

Or, for instance, one player drives a truck (he kinda carries some important stuff) and for ex. 1-2 players are defending him. The aim if the rest is destroy that truck, and no weapons are allowed.

Or, lets say, 1 person drives the car fast and 1-2 players use coppers to follow the car. The rest of the players use pickups, where 1 person is a driver and another one sits in the back of the pick up with some powerful weapon trying to take off the coppers. So, that's 1 in the car, 1-2 coppers and 2 pick-ups with 2 persons in each.

What do you think?

I have plenty of other ideas:).

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All right:). Let me think of some interesting ones..:)

(Btw, to make copper wars better they should take place above the sea, so people won't be able to jump out of the copper and survive. Only 1 winner!:)).

So.. For instance.

Kinda, mixed race. For instance, first u gotta drive a fast car, then u get a boat, cross the river, get to the other side and take a copper, fly through checkpoints and land, lets say, near the ammunition. There you take a gun, shoot the targets, take a car and drive to the start as fast as you can.

Like a biathlon:).

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I don't know if anyone has played tokyo battle or not, but basically, you are put in a tank that can take about 3 direct hits, kill a tank, health is put down, giving you about 1 hit's repairation. Two teams (of course in an area like vice there could be plenty more) they allot about 2 mins per battle, wicked fun in arcade, probably could make a great minigame. Dunno if it's possible or not, but you'd need to mod the tank properties, and some kind of team markers.

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Hello...... I've only played on-line today with Vice city and love it to bits.........

All I was wondering is that will we be able to play on-line with the traffic and pedistrians

Nays :wink:

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IF ever, not soon, because they alll have to be synchronized like normal players (if everyone is to see the same ped at the same time at least) so basically a serveer that can handle 32 users, every cpu ped would decrease the number of human players, because it uses the same bandwidth to tell it's coordinates.

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i dont know if anyone else has come up with this idea, cuz im too lazy to read through ten pages of posts, but:

since mta0.2.2 has established a way to make money by doing a trick, there should be a mode that allows you to use this income.

some examples:

-buy weapons

-buy cars/bikes/heli/boats

-buy prostitutes to enhance health/armor beyond the "100" limit.

or wutever else. seem like a good idea to me, but i could be just as rong as i think im right. its up to you to make that decision.

by the way, great job with the improvements with 0.2.2

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i don't know if anyone put anything like this, but i think a game based on smuggler's run would be cool, where u have to pick up packages and then take them to ur base.

-team play

-play in a small area, bases close together, like on opposite sides of little havana or sumthing

-the packages would randomly generate between bases

-have something like 3 packages at a time

-to pick up the package, u must be on foot

-have weapons generate at the diff bases

-keep score by #packages (duh!)

-time limit 5 mins, then scores reset and winning team announced if possible

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I think a new type of gameplay should be stunt hunt, where you go face to face with another player trying to kill the player by doing stunts which damage them and knock down there health slowly. the only way to counterattack is to stunt which will damage them and maybe if you get a double it will do lots of damage and give you a health boost so you can last longer. A team based attack could also be made and when you die you remain dead until one team is fully knocked out.

That is one type i thought of


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i like the stunt hunt idea. Although perhaps once the money is linked to the scoreboard it would be more realistic to replace health with money?

i.e. you pull a stunt now u get money, perhaps we could remove that from your opponent at the same time, and the first to bankrupt the opponent wins.

great original idea tho.

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i think a game like soccer would be funny. you would have to drive cars and the goals r ends of a street. the ball would be a bike. i dunno, that sounds dumb i guess but its pretty fun to just go around knocking a bike around and into other cars and stuff :P

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The Seaplane should be used in races, boats too, and ppl should be able to shoot from the heli, as in Diaz's mission with Lance as pilot (would make the fugitive or whatever -scenario more interesting).

RP -scenarios could be nice, you should have the ability to talk only to those nearby (x-ample: Text flowing over your head by the same size as name 'n hlth), and there wouldn't be blips in map showing ppls locations. Only in special situations there should be text like: "Enemy seen in Downtown area".

There'd be one boss in a gang, who could place blips into teams radars. People could also make some places their teams spawning areas, by buying them. The money coming by completing missions and killing enemies.

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  dystopia said:
I don't know if anyone has played tokyo battle or not, but basically, you are put in a tank that can take about 3 direct hits, kill a tank, health is put down, giving you about 1 hit's repairation.

Yeah I used to play that in the arcade and it was fun. Maybe instead they can make a Urban Warfare mode. 2 Army Teams (split up on the 2 main islands) and they get tanks, hunters etc and try to kill each other. Probably you couldn't enter any buildings but hey for the size of Vice City it'll still be fun.

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Why not just have a free mode with bots in there? or is that possible yet?

Me and some of my friends wanted to use a squad based process into vice city.

Either from leading cops into an area and having a destruction derby or having someone in the back of my farm truck takin out choppers and FBI trucks.

It might be a bad idea but i would think it is fun :)

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