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hey this is also my first post :)

anyways i have wanted a multiplayer gta3 for a LONG TIME

this is great and it actually works (not like a few other scams i heard of)

anyways do we still have to enter one car, then enter another and press f12 or f11(i forget which one)- or is it whereyou just enter the game?

[edit] as i was browsing the forums i found out that my answer was no [/edit]

just curious!


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Confirmed. You are not allowed to alter the contents of the gta3.exe, and then publish them. It isn't a big deal, since to start Multiplayer, you'd select which server you want to play on, select a gametype and then load up gta3 and start a new game. Though I agree, it would be real cool to have a Multiplayer option on the main screen, then set all the options like server and modus there. But that's not gonna happen anytime soon.

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  cookievengeance said:
Who really cares if it's illegal? They're not going to come running after you for it, are they? Surely you weren't stupid enough to put your actual name on the net?

Are ytou a dumbass or something? Rockstar knows MTA exists, and would take legal action if they did that. The've done it before, and they will do it again.

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The MTA team wrote a letter to R* telling them about the mod and they replied. They are obviously keeping an eye on it etc, so we do care if its illegal.

We don't want to rip off the people who made the game now do we?

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rockstar has never made their games very mod-friendly.

i haven't looked in a while, but last i checked, max payne didn't have many good mods going for it.

I think i read somewhere in the old forum that rockstar has a "hands-off" policy when it comes to game mods.

Probably meaning: "sure, you can make a mod, but we're not going out of our way to help you"

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hmm, what is this thing they call IP? I mean what good is it?

and yes they would use your ip to track you down and prosecut you to the full extent of the law, its how americ works, dont you love it? the land of the free! as long as you say and do whatever the goverment wants you to.

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uhuhuuhhuhuhuhuuhuhhuhuhh... yum

ok that sounds absolutely wonderful.. but how well will it work on 56k? i mean: synced traffic n peds n players.. wow

:evil::evil: I HAVE 56K!! :evil::evil:

this will own the hell out of ggm. i wonder how GoE is going to counter this?!

also about ingame menus: this would take uber-vb skillz or C.. but:

-write some code that draws to the gta3 graphics buffer.. to draw the ingame menu.. it wouldnt actually be a menu or part of gta3.exe.. but by changing\overwriting graphics in gta3 menus.. you could make an ingame menu. that would fix the problem..

-also techinically doesent a no-cd patch edit the exe? is that illeagle? i thot it was only illeagle if your pirating? if its not.. then there could be the MTA patch when updates the exe

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hi i just got to questions, what May the file size on the mod be?

and what about save games? if somone who had beat the game plays whit somone who only are on portland have trouble to play whit etch other or do the server tranfer the save game to the other player before they start the game?????? :?

thats it, im exited to see the releash! and sorry for my bad english!!!


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MTA RULLZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  Iggy248 said:
Alright this is off topic but im gooing to answer the guys question, u can find it probally by typing in "true matrix max paine" on google or whatever

Not if you spell it like that. It's actually True Matrix mod for Max Payne, and you can find it on 3dactionplanet.com/maxpayne. Also, most Max Payne mods can be found on http://www.maxpayneheadquarters.com, just not today, because of the april fools joke thing.

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  trx said:
Synced peds AND traffic? SWEET! Good Job guys, that's already a step further than i thought it was gonna be. OOh, Capture the Whoop will be in there too? =) Glad you guys were able to use that. Keep it up!

What about the dodo bomber? I wanna drop bombs!

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