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Queria saber se é possivel assim que o carro for destruido no desmanche por outro player, fazer com que o dono do carro receba a mensagem de que seu veiculo foi destruido. se sim como? abaixo é o codigo que estou tentado implementar esse funcionamento. local blipLocal = createBlip(1768, -2040, 14, 24) local marker = createMarker (1768, -2040, 12.7, "cylinder", 3, 255, 155, 30, 150); local acceptCar = true; local timerCurrent = 300000; setTimer(function() if (acceptCar == false) then setElementVisibleTo ( marker, root, true ); setElementVisibleTo ( blipLocal, root, true ); acceptCar = true; outputChatBox("#FFFF00[DESMANCHE] #FFFFFFO DESMANCHE ESTÁ A PROCURA POR VEICULOS NOVAMENTE.", root, 255, 255, 255, true); end end, timerCurrent,0) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), function ( ) outputChatBox("#FFFF00[DESMANCHE] #FFFFFFO DESMANCHE ESTÁ COMPRANDO VEICULOS.", root, 255, 255, 255, true); end ) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, function (player) if (acceptCar == true) then local carPlayer = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player); if not (carPlayer) then return end acceptCar = false; valueCar = math.random(2500, 15000); destroyElement(carPlayer); givePlayerMoney(player, valueCar); outputChatBox("#FFFF00[DESMANCHE] #FFFFFFPARABÉNS VOCÊ RECEBEU #00ff00$"..valueCar.." #FFFFFFPOR VENDER ESTE VEICULO AO DESMANCHE.", player, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox("#FFFF00[DESMANCHE] #FFFFFFO DESMANCHE ACABOU DE COMPRAR UM VEICULO E ENCERROU SUAS ATIVIDADES.", root, 255, 255, 255, true); setElementVisibleTo ( marker, root, false ); setElementVisibleTo ( blipLocal, root, false ); end end )
New Release, Stealth:PREMIER Alpha Hello, everyone.. we're releasing new modified stealth gamemode according to STEALTH, i can explain full server with all functions, but better thing is you can try this out! Server IP : mtasa:// We're looking for STAFF team who can manage server via admin panel, if you're interested.. contact me in PM, also u must be active in server, only some ppl interested about stealth so, come lets do more with stealth gamemode.. here some screenshots:
HUMAN WORLD PRO FREEROAM: SERVER PASSWORD = humanworld Scatterbrain: Someone asked me earlier... seeing as most missions are just for fun, I'd say my place is ROLEPLAY. NO RULES for regular players. You'd think that wouldn't work but we simply over power the cops, and neutralize the hackers with funny scripts. If i get enough donations I'll put the server's files on MTA community. Plenty of strangers and freaks to meet here, even if the server is empty, I've created strangers at several ? symbols everywhere including: Sweet, GTA SA myth series people. and plenty serial killers and fraudulent workers to mess with including cops., I've added jobs, and un-balenced them, and plenty more. I un-balanced the jobs because who wants to work? We are here for FUN not working for in-game cash. (We are new and just starting, so pardon me if the server has no one online!) Watch out for parked cop cars, Player cops can attach their vehicle to yours, then speed-cam ticket you. We have bases for Groups Turfing, selling drugs via a marker around ur player, We have Aliens, alien missions, ufo's and alien events. We have added a Jesus ped that can make you fly, and plenty more! The strangers and freaks include but are not limited to: The grim reaper, ISIS attacks, Racist country hicks, Cannibals, Insurance fruaders, Mountain freaks, store robbers, drug dealers, Off duty Cops, and aliens with gravity guns. Each ? is a different random event. Take the tutorial at the beach to get FREE starting money!!! My youtube account RAW VIDEO: NOTE: this video was before the major updates. This was last year. Last BIG update March/1/2017 when I uploaded all my offline mods to the server. and the Latest update was: April/14/2017 From now on I'll upload mods to MTA community, or my website it's online.), so that I may give back to the community! I use my website because it's easier to upload all my files at once, and just let you go through them. EXCLUSIVE CHEAT CODE ONLY FOR MTA FORUMS: /hang10forfree = free flying surf board. Please do not hand out cheat codes to other players. It is very rude, and ruins the game. NORMAL players must pay $25k at the beach for a surf board. TO FIND THE SERVER: Search for "HUMAN WORLD" in the in-game master server list. IF there's a password, it's 'humanworld' say Shamont sent you! before you reply to this topic... just know.... I don't care!
Attention I have created this topic to tell you everyone that I am going to freelance in MTA:SA. As you don't know I am working with MTA:SA since 2013 and I have a lot of experience. If you are interested in any of MTA:SA (like DayZ) resouces, scripts or other things, just tell me what you want and I will sell it to you. Also I can teach you how to make some kind of scripts/resources/models/etc. by yourself, how to add it to the server. I can be your server scripter/mapper/hacker/etc., just hire me. Don't be shy You can contact me via e-mail ([email protected]) or skype (herokileris), or here in the forum (this topic or pm). For example, some of the scripts I have made and I can sell you: Vip - (in DayZ) gets more blood, restorations when eating, using medics, drinking... Also gets more stats after each spawning in the map. Animals in the map spawning and has an inventory in which they drop randomly Raw Meat after death. Respawn timer works perfectly. Zombies changed their status from walking or running, how they walk like randomly in the game, they scream, moan, bite your neck, infect you. Also I have a lot of DAYZ zombie models and sounds. Weapons system - each weapon has own model and shooting sound, inventory space slots, the name, the spawning chances, damage, ammo use, crosshire (including and snipers). Hold your breath system - when you aim, your crosshire moves, you can hold your breath and stop moving crosshire by holding a key like for example: for a 5 seconds. There are sounds added also for it. Sounds for you and others when you use medics, food, drinks, etc. like in the real life depending on the distance. Armour, hats, helmets, masks, caps and other clothing systems. MORE AND MORE. Group system. Scoreboard system. Give/Set items system. Map bugs fixer. Radiators, engines, tires, rotors, scrap metals, tank parts, etc. system for vehicles. AND MORE. I have all .lua files.
__ السلام عليكم__ -:واما بعد .اولا: ياريت اللى مايفهم بالبرمجة شى اصلا نصيحة لاتضيع وقتك هون* . بردو لاتضيع وقتك هون mta ثانيا : اللى هيقلى انا ابرمج فى* شى اساسى طبعا! linux ثالثا : نبداء بالشى المهم اول شى لازم يعرف فى نظام* .ip,tcp,udp,ports,other.....وثانى شى لازما يعرف فى مجال الشبكات يعنى مثال& . ثالث شى يالحلوين يحط فى حسابة انة مايشتغل على فى بى اس عادى يعنى بختصار فى مودم منجر& رابع شى الوقت مهم ولله بسبب تكالف الباهظة الفى بى اس يعنى يخلص الاستضافة فى يوم اقصى& .شى 24 مفهو م ماعم امزح نرجع بقى لعنوان الموضوع *-- كيف يعنى اكبر استضافة عربية --*! قق $$$يب راح اجوابك الحين $$$ 35 vCPUs ,200 GB memory -1 HDD :10000 Tb -2 Internet speed :2000 mb and Unlimited -3 4-Servers : America, Asia and Europe the cost : 1500 $ in month بختصار الموضوع كله بلكلمتين :ا اذا انطبقت عليك هالشروط ببساطة تقدر تنورنا اسكيب الحين عبر اللينك اسفل الموضوع* ثانى شى لك اجرك اللى تطلبة او فى بى اس بمواصفات محددة لمدة شهر او ادمن فى اللوحة لمدة سنة ولك تشغل4 سيرفرات لاى لعبة تبيها * اخر شى : :بالاخير Thanks for watching my Topic !
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