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Daten MTA-Server: mtasa:// Teamspeak: Discord: /t4ycERa Forum: Wer wir sind Realmode ist und soll ein deutscher/österreichischer Reallife-Server sein, welcher später auch Roleplayelemente enthalten soll. Das Server läuft mit dem Script von @Sorginator, namens Ekonomie . Nun wurden weitere Funktionen hinzugefügt, beispielsweise der ÖAMTC oder auch die zentral gelegene Kirmes. Die Fraktionen Die Polizei ... ist eine der 4 Hauptfraktionen auf Realmode. Sie sorgt für Recht und Ordnung und übernimmt Aufgaben wie die Verkehrsüberwachung oder auch Personen und Objektschutz. Aber auch das Verhindern von Überfällen und kriminellen Aktivitäten gehört zu ihrem Aufgabengebiet. Der Rettungsdienst ... sorgt sich für alle medizinischen Angelegenheiten auf RM*. Sie sind für allmögliche Notfälle da, wie beispielsweise ein Sturz aus großer Höhe, welcher einen Bruch eines Knochens verursacht hat oder auch eine Blutvergiftung. Die Gangs ... sind die dunkle Seite von Realmode. Diese verdienen sich ihr Geld durch kriminelle Machenschaften. Zuallererst gibt es zwei Gangs, die Mafia und die Triaden. Es ist allerdings auch Möglich an einer der 4 Standorte, eine eigene Gang zu eröffnen. Jobangebote Derzeit gibt es auf Realmode 6 Jobs, welche verschiedenste Schwierigskeitsgrade und Bezahlungen anbieten. Hier werden zwei gelistet: Der Holzfäller Hier hast Du die Aufgabe, Bäume für unseren lieben Willie zu fällen und zu bearbeiten. Der Raffineriejob Bei der Raffinerie hast Du die Möglichkeit, die Tankstellen San Andreas mit ausreichend Kraftstoff zu beliefern. Fahre mit einem Tankwagen sämtliche Tankstellen an, die Kraftstoff benötigen. Zerstreuung & Unternehmen Arenen 3 Arenen hat RM zu bieten. Die Kampfarena, wo Du gegen andere Spieler deine Kampflust ausüben kannst, die DD-Arena sowie die Derby Arena. Außerdem gibt es auch eine Kartbahn bei der Du Kartrennen fahren kannst. Zufallsereignisse Hin und wieder passieren Zufallsereignisse wie Verkehrsunfälle auf der Autobahn oder Helikopterabstürze, bei denen Du aus den Wracks nützliche Gegenstände oder kleine Schätze finden kannst. Aufgaben und Quests Überall in San Andreas sind NPCs verteilt, bei denen Du verschiedenste Aufgaben lösen darfst. Als Belohnung erhälst Du entweder unsere Ingamewährung Coins, mit denen Du bestimmte Extras kaufen kannst, oder Geld. Bekleidungsshops In Kleidungsgeschäften wie Train Hard, Victim oder Sub Urban kannst du verschiedenste Skins erwerben. Schau' auch mal in anderen Geschäften nach, wenn dein Wunschskin nicht auf Lager ist. Transfender Hier ist es Dir erlaubt, dein Privatfahrzeug zu tunen. Egal ob eine verstärkte Karosserie oder einen Peilsender angeschafft werden muss. Hier wird jeder Tuner glücklich. Tankstellen An jeder Tankstelle kannst Du dein Fahrzeug wieder mit Treibstoff füllen und auch Snacks, Getränke und Reparaturkits kaufen. An manchen Tankstellen ist es auch möglich, sein Fahrzeug reparieren zu lassen. Denn: Bei einem Totalschaden fährt Dein Auto nicht mehr weiter und bedarf einer Reparatur durch den ÖAMTC oder durch ein Reparaturkit. 24/7 und SuperSave! Bei solchen Shops kannst Du Kleinigkeiten wie Handyguthaben, Sandwiches und anderes Zeug kaufen. Außerdem ist es hier möglich, Pfandflaschen abzugeben. Autohäuser ... bieten Dir die Möglichkeit, ein Fahrzeug zu kaufen. Jedes Autohaus, sei es in San Fierro oder Los Santos haben andere Fahrzeuge im Sortiment. Falls Du in einem Autohaus dein Traumauto nicht findest, schau' einfach in einem anderen vorbei! Möbelhäuser In einem Möbelhaus kannst Du bekanntlich Möbel kaufen. Wieso? Du kannst dein eigenes Haus selbst mit Möbeln ausstatten und dekorieren. Auch hier gibt es je nach Filiale ein anderes Sortiment. Restaurants Nach einiger Zeit musst Du etwas essen um nicht zu verhungern. Dafür sind Restaurants gut, hier kannst Du schnell etwas für unterwegs mitnehmen oder etwas vor Ort verzehren. Schlusswort Auch wenn es Unmengen an (Reallife-)Servern gibt, die zu Grunde gegangen sind und MTA seine besten Zeiten überstanden hat, versuchen wir unser Glück mit einem Script, dass nicht jeder Server verwendet. Denn wir finden es erste Sahne und werden nach und nach weitere Ideen und Vorschläge umsetzen. Trotz dieser recht kurzen Vorstellung möchte ich dazu einladen, unseren Server einen Besuch abzustatten. Wir freuen uns über jeden Spieler, egal ob jung oder alt. Du bist willkommen. Noch sind wir nicht eröffnet, wir werden noch einige Feinschliffe machen. Dennoch kannst Du dir sicher sein, es wird schon bald ein Starttermin bekannt gegeben.
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- deutschsprachig
- reallife
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Hello everyone. Before anything else, this script works client-side and it will not disrupt the server-side balance and it will NOT cause lag. It's a showcase, download is not available yet but there is a test server you can join. Explanation: This is a script we've been working on. It introduces peds all around the map with custom attitudes of their own. All killed peds will drop some amount of cash, and their weapon if they have one. When you alt tab, the "game" will pause like the single player. The bullets and the peds will freeze. When you alt-tab back on, everything will continue from the last second you left it on. Peds: Peds will be minding their own business and they are not hostile unles provoked. They will react to world events such as someone walking past them, gunshots, explosions, vehicles near them and obstacles. They will put their hands up when threathened and start running or fight back. Some of them will defend when attacked,ome of them will run. Some of them will even defend others from trouble. A few of them have some custom behaviors but I won't spoil that. Most of them will be unarmed but some of them will carry weapons. They prefer melee weapons such as a bat or a knife, but there are some paranoid nutjobs who can't go outside without a gun. Cops: If the police is near, commiting a crime will alert them and your wanted level will increase. As your wanted level goes up, more dangerous cops will start chasing you. You can stay away the police in order to reduce your wanted level, or find bail pickup I put around the map. All of them can be found in their original San Andreas locations, as well ass some I have added to suit the gamemode. That's not all though! If a ped kills another ped, the police will be agressive towards them instead. If a ped punches another, they will respond back. Some of them will defend their friends, some of them will bail etc.- This makes the world feel alive. Military/Swat: They will be introduced when your wanted level is above 4 stars. They will carry more dangerous weapons such as Deagle, M4 and MP5. They will reward you with really good EXP when killed, but they are really challenging. Gangs: In suitable ares, gang members will spawn as groups. They will all carry weapons and they will defend their group when one of them is attacked. Mafia: The mafia will spawn in certain areas, mostly being San Fierro. They are not agressive unless provoked, and they are REALLY dangerous. They will grant good loot and experience if you have the balls to mess with them. There are more features I couldn't show off because I don't want to make the video too long to sit through. Check the description in the video if you want to play-test the script. Have a good one! Screenshots:
- 19 replies
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- san andreas npc ped ai peds gangs cops wanted mafia
- cops
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Ai Galera da uma força no meu 1 server de MTA ! da uma passadinha la e de aquela moral PCC -ON | CV- ON | EB- ON | CHOQUE- ON Sistema de Voz ''Z''
RS:RPG (Realistic Soldiers Role-Play-Game) RS:RPG is a roleplaying themed MTA server including a lot of unique and fun features including... Gangs & turf wars. Police squads. Civilian Companies. Events. Bank robberies. Assassinations. VIP Jobs. A lot of unique donator rewards. Many G/S/C rewards. Easy start! RS:RPG concludes of a few very passionate individuals who wish to get this community to greater heights. The team is professional and work hard to keep everything working, constantly working on updates and continuing to keep people interested with fun events and a lot more things to do in-game. But we are running short on staff currently due to recent events of betrayal and other issues. We would love to look for new passionate, enthusiastic and hard working individuals to help out with the staff team, enforcing the rules and keeping up the fun in the server. We would also love to recruit new scripters for the development team as we only have one developer so if you know how to script and you're interested it would be a huge help. Unfortunately the developer would not be paid under our circumstances but if any of you are interested in being a part of a great community please do not hesitate and contact us. | | \/ If you're interested join us here - or mtasa:// For more information about the community or what we do visit our discord where we are mostly active.
What's the meaning of the server's name; I think y'all wondering what's the meaning of this name? why this name exactly? isn't that bull:~? Well, I got the answers, I was in a server before with a friend of mine called Samer aka Baseplate, the server was named Utopia Prosperous Gamers, I loved the idea of Utopia which is an imaginary island which is an ideal place or state. then comes Democratic Community, this expresses the transparency and democracy in our server, our Administration team will handle all the situations democraticly, no dictatorship nor personal decisions, and everything will be infront of players' eyes. About the community; UDC is a project which has been developed since probably 1 year. It's a CnR/RPG/RP project, in this server we're trying to make things as much realistic as we can, we try to give the player the best RP experiance in a RPG/CnR server. We can say this server is based on CIT (Community of Integrity and Transparency) but we got our unique ideas and code. Our goal is the make a completely enjoyable atmosphere for our players to enjoy and not get fed up. Nevertheless, we won't hide the truth that we got some scripts from MTA community (not more that 3 tho). Objectives; Reach a decent amount of players. Make realistic scripts and improve the gameplay. Make this community to the top. Create a funny and enjoyable atmosphere for the players. Features; Login panel: An advanced UI and simple interface to make it easier for the players. Vehicles System: An advanced and Realistic vehicles system that hasn't been used in any other servers before. Spawners System: An advanced vehicles system, it's not really realistic but does the job. Jobs/Employment System: An advanced employment system which contains "SOME" of the jobs as we're still developing the rest of the jobs, you can find jobs all around SA marked with blips in the map. Groups System: Simple UI that allows players to understand the system faster, it contains alot of features for the leaders, and will be improved in further versions. Rules Panel (F1): DX based UI which contains all server rules. Banking System: Realistic banking system, which offers different payment methods (using UDC Card) which is a unique idea that hasn't been used before, the banking system is synchronized with players' accounts using a specific PIN Code that the player should enter. Turfing System: for a better CnR experiance we offer you the best choice which is turfing, actually it might be only for criminals since police officers can't turf, but this feature is well designed and has alot of perks. Fuel System: We tried to make this as much realistic as we could so we made a fuel system which synchronizes fuel refilling with vehicles type (i.e: a truck pays more than a bike to refill) Customs Shop (Credits: Al3grab): While searching the community to gain time, we found this epic modshop resource made by @Al3grab. Housing System: Make your own real estate, or have your own house, this system isn't finished, but V1.0 is ready to be launched (in further versions you'll be able to buy apartments and add your own furniture). Future Resources Ideas; Criminal Boss & Police Chief systems. Progress: 45% More CnR events and Police events. Progress: 0% Battle Royal Mod event (PUBG event which occurs each 30minutes). Progress: 3% Garages System (GTA V garages system, just like GTA V ). Progress: 0% Business System (Build your own company and start investing in stocks market !). Progress: 0% Drug Farms (Buy a drug farm, farm drugs and hide it from cops, make it secure with bots and cops will barely find you). Progress: 0% More Jobs and Current jobs improvement. Progress: 30% Tolls system. Progress: 0% Release Date & Grand Opening Party; Saturday, January 13th, 2018 - 19:00 PM GMT (20:00 GMT + 1) We have already planned a big party for the grand opening, this will contain giveaways, gifts, music, fun, introductions. Party will mostly occur in Santa Maria Beach, Los Santos, where we will drop drugs, weapons..etc and players will have to find it in order to gain it, there will be competitions, races,..etc and alot of fun waiting you ! Social Links; Forums Facebook Page (New) Temporary Unofficial Trailer;
Como es esto? tengo estas funciones la primera es la función de que si te rompes los huesos no puedes correr ni saltar... La segunda es la función de que si tieens sueño no puedes correr pero SI saltar... Cúal es el problema? pues es que cuando te rompes los huesos puedes correr pero no saltar.... La verdad no se que pasa es como si estuvieran mezcladas las funciones (mal colocadas nosé). function checkBrokenbone() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "logedin") then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "brokenbone") or getElementData(localPlayer,"sleep") <= 0 then if not isPedDucked(getLocalPlayer()) then end toggleControl("jump", false) toggleControl("sprint", false) else toggleControl("jump", true) toggleControl("sprint", true) end end end setTimer(checkBrokenbone, 1400, 0) --------------------------------------------------- --sleep function checkSleeping() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"sleep") <= 20 then if not isPedDucked(getLocalPlayer()) then end toggleControl ( "sprint", false ) else toggleControl ( "sprint", true ) end end end setTimer(checkSleeping,1400,0) Se supone que la idéa sería que si me rompo los huesos no pueda correr ni saltar y cuando tenga sueño no pueda correr pero SI saltar.... Cúal es la solución chicos?????
Hi everyone, i found a script with works on team system, i edited the script to work with gang system, but dont work, the player can enter in the vehicle without being in the gang.. here is the code.. Kami = { createVehicle ( 422, -1217.5534667969, 1830.9927978516, 46.3984375, 0, 0, 0 ), } for i,car in ipairs(Kami) do setElementData(car,"Gang","kami") end addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", root, function(player) local gangName = getPlayerGang(player) and getGangName(getPlayerGang(player)) if gangName ~= getElementData(source,"Gang") then cancelEvent() end end)
HUMAN WORLD PRO FREEROAM: SERVER PASSWORD = humanworld Scatterbrain: Someone asked me earlier... seeing as most missions are just for fun, I'd say my place is ROLEPLAY. NO RULES for regular players. You'd think that wouldn't work but we simply over power the cops, and neutralize the hackers with funny scripts. If i get enough donations I'll put the server's files on MTA community. Plenty of strangers and freaks to meet here, even if the server is empty, I've created strangers at several ? symbols everywhere including: Sweet, GTA SA myth series people. and plenty serial killers and fraudulent workers to mess with including cops., I've added jobs, and un-balenced them, and plenty more. I un-balanced the jobs because who wants to work? We are here for FUN not working for in-game cash. (We are new and just starting, so pardon me if the server has no one online!) Watch out for parked cop cars, Player cops can attach their vehicle to yours, then speed-cam ticket you. We have bases for Groups Turfing, selling drugs via a marker around ur player, We have Aliens, alien missions, ufo's and alien events. We have added a Jesus ped that can make you fly, and plenty more! The strangers and freaks include but are not limited to: The grim reaper, ISIS attacks, Racist country hicks, Cannibals, Insurance fruaders, Mountain freaks, store robbers, drug dealers, Off duty Cops, and aliens with gravity guns. Each ? is a different random event. Take the tutorial at the beach to get FREE starting money!!! My youtube account RAW VIDEO: NOTE: this video was before the major updates. This was last year. Last BIG update March/1/2017 when I uploaded all my offline mods to the server. and the Latest update was: April/14/2017 From now on I'll upload mods to MTA community, or my website it's online.), so that I may give back to the community! I use my website because it's easier to upload all my files at once, and just let you go through them. EXCLUSIVE CHEAT CODE ONLY FOR MTA FORUMS: /hang10forfree = free flying surf board. Please do not hand out cheat codes to other players. It is very rude, and ruins the game. NORMAL players must pay $25k at the beach for a surf board. TO FIND THE SERVER: Search for "HUMAN WORLD" in the in-game master server list. IF there's a password, it's 'humanworld' say Shamont sent you! before you reply to this topic... just know.... I don't care!