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Everything posted by paul527

  1. Yeah, I don't get why its so damn hard for politicians to pass laws to prevent this, but, its most likely that they don't know what the internet is all about anyways, just listen to Senator Ted Stevens.
  2. double post I forgot to mention that most people here are too young to have jobs, so, this thread is kindof dead
  3. paul527

    MTA Land

    see, this is why you got your ass banned last time. You're in no position to talk about time, it seems you had lots of time to spam the entire forums with useless garbage. Don't mind SanZor, I like MTAland hahaahh, I bet you got 1000 times more spam than i got, cause you havent posted anything useful yet! Ok then, please explain the meaning of " happy block " which you have typed back in your SanZor noob days? If you can't, just listen to Shibz and shut your face. Thank you for your time.
  4. I always wondered why Rockstar didn't put Tornado Sirens in SA
  5. paul527

    MTA Land

    see, this is why you got your ass banned last time. You're in no position to talk about time, it seems you had lots of time to spam the entire forums with useless garbage. Don't mind SanZor, I like MTAland
  6. This thread I came up with while me and my friends were sharing funny stories from work. So I thought it would be cool to hear what you guys had happen to you while you were on the job. ONLY POST REAL THINGS THAT HAPPENED TO YOU ! Some Conditions: If you work for volunteer work that is fine, but no stories about doing chores for your relatives. If your family lets you work with them at their job, pay or not, that is fine. If you are self-employed, unless you are a business owner, i don't wanna hear about your "Federal Boobies Inspector" job that you never had a client (thank god nobody wears those t-shirts anymore). I think I'll start with a little thing. While at work, in the building's kitchen, I went to wash my hands and saw this: " faucet may drip on hot side, had to steal parts from store that was closed, best i can do " well it works, and drips too. Good job mystery thief plumber.
  7. paul527

    Rigs Of Rods

    So yeah, if you don't like the default key binds (which you probably won't) you can set them in the file I just mentioned
  8. paul527

    Rigs Of Rods

    There is one thing you'll need to change when playing online and thats the chat button. By default its the " ENTER " key. Goto the file keymap.txt and change it to something more common, oh I dunno, maybe like " T " ? The line starts with "ENTER_CHAT" and when you're done should look like: ENTER_CHAT T Then find the line "TRUCK_INFO" and change it to blank, or something else that hasn't been bound (almost all the keys have been bound) mine looks like TRUCK_INFO
  9. paul527

    Rigs Of Rods

    http://rigsofrods.com/ Download it. Play it. Any questions?
  10. A: well by lookin at it-IMA FIRIN' MAH LAZER BLARGGGGG Q: no?
  11. paul527

    Drive By

    lol CJ throwing baseball bats at people while driving, or just swinging it around like he's playing mailbox golf
  12. Ugly? or just badass? Clicky badass wins
  13. lulz urs sucks. hey can I borrow your computer? i need to eh, test the peripherals...
  14. I want to know the first one too. Tell meh plz
  15. A: most likely your pet kangaroo Q: Are you still angry about when Phil pwned you years ago?
  16. True, but most servers ignore copyrights. Also I forgot to mention that a sound on/off toggle could be scripted in with any form of spectator music
  17. A: more like you got pwnafied Q: Blackdragon drives a catbus to work?
  18. A: hahaha! PS: calm down please, if you can't take BLASTA criticism get out Q: Caurtion Spitfire can't take jokes?
  19. A: i thought you already filled that position here in the forums Q: Caurtion?
  20. paul527

    GTA Songs

    fails astronomically every time...
  21. paul527

    Who Farted?

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