Well I've seen two cases were betas, alphas, and even official demos have deterred people from purchasing a game. I seen this with Half Life 2 and with UT3. People would judge the game before it even had an official final retail release, and say its "Crap". On the contrary, every time someone has seen a leaked video, or played a leaked version of GTA4 I always hear "fucking epic". This might be different than other cases though, as I am hearing that the leaked versions are the "final" versions. Either way, Rockstar shouldn't have to worry too much, because this time around it might be helping them. I doubt there will be any lost high hopes because Rockstar North has a tendency of releasing pleasing games, for even the most stubborn nub. Wanna catch a nice quiet slice? Check youtube.com, or justin.tv and search and you might find a video. Usually youtube won't have it (usually fake crap). If you search justin.tv you'll find LIVE STREAMS of people playing leaked versions. I found two, both of which are gone now because people have to sleep sometimes. But I have a feeling there will be more.