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Everything posted by Tut

  1. Banned for cheating and then some time later banned for trying to spoof your serial to evade the ban, so wait for it to expire
  2. Looks like it's the tyregrip property that you're looking for. Alternatively you could edit the vehicle's handling if you'd like the effect at all times. Handling settings to play around with are tractionMultiplier and tractionLoss. brakeDeceleration, steeringLock and engineAcceleration can also be finetuned as greater acceleration power means you would lose traction a lot easier, whereas less brake power would result in even less braking ability. Reducing steeringlock makes it harder to take turns at lower speeds. If you don't want to edit all vehicles' handlings, perhaps you could make a script that increases and decreases those handling properties by percentage of their original values.
  3. The teams has extensively reviewed all serials that we banned for this reason and we will not remove the ban nor discuss it with you. Find another game.
  4. We were able to detect use of wallhack cheats on two popular RP servers in November AND today - ? - the ban was due for expiry December 11 but we have gone ahead and applied another 7 days for your repeat offence
  5. Should probably have secured your PC and prevented your brother from buying + installing cheats on your device... If this is something you'd like to take up in court, then just know that we have the rights to ban any player. Of course we do not intend to ban legitimate players from the game and therefore we review every serial extensively to make sure we issue our bans correctly. We banned your serial for cheating activities and thus we have no option but to permanently disable it. I have closed your forum account as we are not going to have any further debate with you about this.
  6. Closing this as you're not following any of our instructions. We will also not be responding to any further appeals for this ban. Whether or not the ban is invalid will be found out in our regular checks.
  7. @PandFort I'm closing this as reports should not go in public forums. If this happened on Discord then it's best that you report the conversation to Discord. Going forwards you may also want to implement a buyer's payment policy so that your future customers are required to pay while making the order/assignment or e.g. halfway through the assignment/order
  8. It's a permanent ban for use of paid hacks and will not be removed, nor will we have any further debate anywhere about this ban.
  9. We prefer Github or Community Resources for hosting files and code as suggested above, and Imgur or any other well-trusted image host - it's really just to ensure that our users aren't led off to strange or dangerous websites. I have closed this thread so that you can create a new one if you'd like @Fierelier p.s. you can also attach files directly to your post and use that to host the image.
  10. Tut

    BYE ban

    @Paddy December 5 we identified an error made by us and thus the ban was removed. It was not a temporary ban and has no effect on your history. Apologies
  11. @Du21 nothing wrong with this ban, you will just need to wait for it to expire. I have removed a few sensitive details from your post that you may not want to post in public forums. We don't ban for HUD mods
  12. You should probably have banned him from your house (or secured your device), as the cheating activities on YOUR computer has resulted in a permanent ban. We are not accepting appeals for this ban, and will not debate it further.
  13. Sounds more like you downloaded a hack that had a virus... we reviewed all serials with care prior to issuing bans for the ban reason shown on your screen, and will not accept appeals for those bans.
  14. We can't keep merging your duplicate appeals into the original post every week, so to prevent the idea that spamming leads to a response, I have closed this appeal and we will not be responding to any further appeals from you.
  15. The ban is only temporary, and you have yourself to blame for trying to spoof your serial.
  16. I have moved your question into the Client support section for best results
  17. Tut


    The email set in your server configuration is close to the one that you have shown in the video (which was removed for your privacy). Sign in to your email account and you should see the problem with what you entered in the toplist form. @noSnooping
  18. Tut

    pls :C

    Check out our response earlier today. I will note that if you continue to evade forum bans or spam ban appeals, and we are able to identify you are the user of that serial, you will find your MTA ban extended
  19. Merged duplicate appeals into original...
  20. Making 5 separate appeals is not necessary, besides the entire appeal is taken from someone else's appeal. We banned you for cheating NOT doxxing. The ban is temporary so we will not be accepting appeals for this ban as indicated in this forum's description, but for the record it is correct
  21. The ban for cheating won't be removed and we will not debate this ban anywhere
  22. @Kaikek we do not accept appeals for temporary bans, but for the record the ban is correct
  23. Tut


    The ban will not be removed
  24. We have already given you a final response on your other forum account and will not be having any debate with you (previous appeal https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/132196-ac-4-trainer/)
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