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Everything posted by Tut

  1. Tut


    Temporary bans cannot be appealed, it is correct though
  2. The ban will not be removed
  3. This was the third time we temporarily banned you within a few months of each, no reason to shorten the ban
  4. Kam's doesn't export vertex normals, only smoothing groups. If you cannot resolve this by tweaking the model's smoothing groups, then you will need to use The Hero's DFF plugin instead. https://gtaforums.com/topic/838479-dff-importer-and-exporter-for-3ds-max/
  5. I've had a reply saved for your appeal when I would reach it in the queue, but since you're in a hurry: The ban will not be removed
  6. I have moved your duplicate appeal into the original, there is no need to create multiple appeals.
  7. The ban for cheating is correct
  8. We have banned you on two different occasions this year, and both are correct
  9. Tut


    Banned for cheating, and it will not be removed
  10. It's too late to think about not cheating again - the ban will never be removed
  11. Unbanned September 6, apologies from the team
  12. Your friend sent you a cheat rather than a time cycle weather mod. The ban was temporary and has since expired
  13. If you're unable to see a ban duration when connecting to a server, then try installing the default MTA client and connect to any server. Closing this as it's since expired
  14. We have only ever temporarily banned you on two different occasions. If you're unable to see a ban duration when connecting to a server, then try installing the default MTA client and connect to any server. Closing this as it's since expired
  15. Everyone in the team has seen you guys sending death threats and framing Dutchman with poorly photoshopped quotes of him, and it's something we have been observing coming from a circle of people lately. This is of course not acceptable and is why we have issued permanent bans to keep these types of people out of the community. If someone has LEGITIMATE concerns with any member of staff, they can direct those to myself or MTA Team and every complaint will be reviewed.
  16. Cheater reports can go to Dutchman101 in a forum or discord private message
  17. I understand, we'll get you a response as soon as we can
  18. We did perform extensive checks on your activities and the ban remains permanent
  19. Tut


    Banned twice - first for cheating, and later for attempting to spoof your serial to evade the temporary ban
  20. Please have your friend submit an appeal themselves including their MTA serial and we will have this checked if still an issue
  21. Trainer bans means we caught you cheating (or attempting to cheat) on MTA, double check there are no cheats that run or could potentially interfere with MTA
  22. No error made here, and the ban will not be removed.
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