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Everything posted by Tut

  1. In the future, please use the Turkish language board for advertising your services: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/95-turkish-türkçe/ If not, please write an English post in the Looking For Staff board: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/149-looking-for-staff/ Make sure to read the stickied posts prior to posting. I've moved it there, thanks for understanding!
  2. I don't understand what you mean by encrypting the archive. Is that something you can do, and why would it change anything for you to play the game? Note: it's not the most appropriate section, but we'll move it elsewhere. Please in the future, consider which forum section makes the most sense for your topic.
  3. Tut

    Create new vehicle

    No. You can't create new ID's, nor assign vehicles the ID's used by world objects. You can use this function but only for peds: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EngineRequestModel What you could do is use custom vehicle variants. I haven't tried it myself, but I read some people use setVehicleComponentPosition to move x component to somewhere isolated far away. Doing this, you would be able to have as many different chassis, doors, bumpers as you like, inside of just one DFF.
  4. I think I saw older SAMP versions on https://www.moddb.com/mods, try using the search function there. I'm not sure if they have a page for previous versions on SAMP forums. Might be worth asking there.
  5. Object boundaries are stored in collision files. These are the safe frames for when an object will render. When you scale an object, you only scale the visible mesh and not the collision. This means that your model exceeds its allowed boundaries.
  6. Tut

    Mapping glitches

    You need to add it to a .Lua script. I'm not big at scripting but I think it'll work in both client and server sided scripts. You can also start the resource 'runcode' and in F8 (console) type srun setOcclusionsEnabled ( false ) and it should take effect. It's either 'srun' or 'crun'. Make sure that you're logged in as admin on the server.
  7. Tut

    Mapping glitches

    It looks like a case of occlusions. I can not confirm this as of yet. Can you please add this code to a script and run it (or runcode it) and see if it resolves it. setOcclusionsEnabled( false ) If it's resolved, I think you may be able to disable occlusions within that area by creating a colshape. I'm not good at scripting though.
  8. I don't understand your question entirely. Can you please elaborate on what you're asking?
  9. Tut

    need to help

    I'll just note that you're receiving help on MTA discord. For future posting in this forum please keep it in English. If you rather receive help here, please upload the file and describe what type of model it is. It's important to know since ped, vehicle and world models require to be exported differently from eachother.
  10. Moved to Arabic section. Please use it (though see if any of its subsections are better) for future posting in said language.
  11. I'm moving this to the Russian section. Please use this for future posting if you're not going to write in the English language. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/100-russian-русский/
  12. Does this occur with original bike models? Is the world object a custom object?
  13. Tut

    need to help

    Hello. You can use the function engineReplaceModel for replacing an existing object ID with your custom object. Below is an example script which I personally use on my local development server. col = engineLoadCOL ("9504.col") engineReplaceCOL (col, 9504) txd = engineLoadTXD ("9504.txd") engineImportTXD (txd, 9504) dff = engineLoadDFF ("9504.dff") engineReplaceModel (dff,9504,true) ^file is "replace.Lua" The ,true enables alpha transparency. If your model doesn't use alpha you should not have to include it. <meta> <info type="misc" name="models" author="yourname" description="custom models for my server" version="1.5" /> <file src="9504.col" /> <file src="9504.txd" /> <file src="9504.dff" /> <script type="client" src="replace.Lua" /> </meta> ^file is "meta.xml" Simply create those 2 resource files in your resource folder and export the dff, txd, col models there.
  14. That's the low LOD model as it seems. Please try inserting this into your removeWorldObject line: model="5681" lodModel="5535" Replace the ID's with the ID's of your object. Normally the lodModel ID is around 1 higher or lower than the regular model To find the LOD: 1. Go into map editor 2. Press F 3. Press 'remove world object' button on bottom of screen 4. Hover over the world object you want to remove 5. It displays Model ID and LOD ID. 6. Copy the LOD ID into your removeWorldObject line. @enzoDs
  15. Please send pictures of the references so that people understand what you're looking for ! @TamerQamari
  16. There are open source resources on https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources, give it a search and you might come across a good few race resources to get yourselves started. I never went playing on Race servers but I heard well of MrGreenGaming and FFS. I'd give them a google search. As for host and development cost, I have no experience with those things.
  17. You may want to compress the image in the following for the smallest possible sizing: DXT1: ideal for opaque textures like bricks, or cut-out textures with no translucency DXT3: ideal for opaque textures like window frames cutout's with bits of translucency here and there DXT5: ideal for transcluent textures like glass and liquid What Magic TXD defaults to is uncompressed (or atleast closer to losless) and that's why your Magic TXD generated files are generally heavier if you don't select compression options.
  18. Ok, please send more details surrounding the model. I'll have to see your project scene and have you upload the files that don't work accordingly. I'd also like to know which importer/exporter you're using. Make sure that you're doing the collision properly.
  19. Please make sure that the texture assigned in the bitmap slot of the material is the exact name as the image you added with TXD workshop. The error you're getting is due to a missing texture. I also recommend using Magic TXD for modifying and creating TXD files. You can get it here: https://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=27862
  20. Okay, it'd be great if you post the errors here (debugscript, visual errors etc) so that people (not necessarily myself) are able to weigh in.
  21. I think you may be able to use Scene2res: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/32665-gtasa-scene2res-converter/ No personal experience with it myself, but I've seen some examples of the tool and it might be something you're looking for. What mod are you trying to add, please add links to the source. Have in mind that single player mods work and require different code from what MTA does.
  22. Tut

    No license plate

    Advise is given on MTA discord. It's proposing seeing how R* vehicle plates are made, how their UV's are mapped and how the materials are set up.
  23. This quickguide covers how you can remove objects like night lights and wires. SAMP editor method To install SAMP editor, simply drag and drop the packaged contents into your GTA SA installation. Run the application. https://www.moddb.com/downloads/san-andreas-multiplayer-map-editor Code for removing object in video removeWorldModel ( 16745, 1, 392.9141, 1511.5625, 21.5859 ) ^This is for the script.Lua file <meta> <script src="script.Lua" type="server" /> </meta> ^This is for the meta.xml file For those who want to load it into a .map file, the below code can be edited with your coordinates, ID and radius. <removeWorldObject id="removeWorldObject (objectname) (1)" radius="100" interior="0" model="9934" posX="-1724" posY="765" posZ="24" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"></removeWorldObject> ^This is for the .map file if you rather use map editor format Note: SAMP editor doesn't want to run if MTA (gta exe) is already running. Therefore you'll want to add SAMP editor into a separate gta sa installation. I use 3 (1 for playing, 1 for samp editor, 1 as clean backup) on my PC. This requires 12gb disk space. This lets you boot up MTA and SAMP editor without conflicting issues. Prineside method Prineside is a site containing IPL and IDE information about objects, it also serves a GTA map with position pinpoint functionality, allowing you to get the object ID easily by clicking a spot in the map. Use Prineside's Model search by location to pinpoint the location closest to the object of interest. This generates a list of objects within 500 meters from the pin, closest to farthest. Clicking an object page gets you its object name and ID. At the bottom of an object page you can get the position export. Repeat the steps from SAMP editor method for adding the coordinates to the code. Transcluent/transparent objects like shadows, telewires and small flowers may not have any clear thumbnail, in which case it's actually easier to spot them as they're the ones with an empty thumbnail. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/RemoveWorldModel https://dev.prineside.com/en/gtasa_samp_model_id/
  24. Thanks for the link. Do you know if this converts rotations properly? I've heard of some convertors not doing the rotations the expected way.
  25. Locking thread to avoid unnecessary bumping of an abandoned thread. Please use the forum messenger if you have to reach out to OP. As a side note the Showroom board suits the topic better.
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