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Everything posted by orappa

  1. Posting this poll won't let you find out the number of girls playing MTA - it'll only let you find out the number using the forums. Some people have said that they've come across girls playing the game, but I've never come across one using the forums.
  2. Hang on, do you mean "modes" or "mods"? The dev team were asking for suggestions for new game modes, some of which will most likely be included with 0.4, and if not, with a later version.
  3. Yeah, but less than 2MB, most likely. Anyway, what does it matter? You still can't play it.
  4. I think they're doing that for 0.4.
  5. It's as good as uninstalled. You can't play it, and the only stuff left are some registry settings and maybe a couple of DLL's in the System folder.
  6. Don't forget to delete the GTA entry under the Uninstall key of the registry, as this will display the game as being installed under the Add / Remove Programs dialog.
  7. orappa

    Driver 3 website

    Er... are you sure the second one is an in-game pic? If so, bloody hell! It's way better than the screenshots that I've seen floating around the net.
  8. I don't think you can get 1GHz P3's any more, so I think you'll have to look on eBay. Should be able to get them quite cheaply. Or you could get the cheapest new processor - the cheapest one I can find (in the UK) is a 1.7Ghz P4 which is priced at £30, which is approximately $50.
  9. Yep, and you can only be sued if someone wants to sue you, and Rockstar love the idea: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=128
  10. orappa


    Oh, I see what you mean. Wrong forum.
  11. orappa


    I think he's asking why everyone has high pings on fast equipment.
  12. Wow! I remember having an 80MB hard drive on my 486. 80MB was a real luxury in those days...
  13. Yep, can't see any problems there.
  14. orappa


    I expect that'll be fixed in 0.4 (fingers crossed).
  15. Yep, connection is the No.1 thing affecting performance. No.2 is the specs of the server.
  16. Yep, should be Ok. I found that DDR massively improved performance on my system. The HDD doesn't really need to be that big if it only has CS and Steam on it, so you could save a bit of cash there. RAM-wise it looks ok, and the CPU will probably be fine because HL needs a minimum of a 266, lol. Are you planning to have bots playing as well? This will affect server performance.
  17. orappa


    Are Belkin routers not very good then? I get high pings on a LAN with certain games.
  18. orappa


    How about making it like single player, where the wanted level of the robbers rises with the more crimes they commit, and this unlocks extra weapons and vehicles for the cops.
  19. Yep, it has been mentioned before, but presumably if enough people mention it, the developers will look into implementing it.
  20. orappa

    my suggestions

    I was thinking of something like a utility where you check boxes and enter values and it creates a file which can be imported. For example: Teamplay - Yes / No Vehicles - Yes / No And you could change objectives for each team, etc. And it could have an event structure, whereby, for example, Player 14 captures the objective >> Player 14 becomes the target for the other players >> Player 14 gets killed >> the objective becomes the target - a bit like CTF.
  21. orappa

    Duel Moniter MTA

    I can't really see much use for a dual-monitor situation in MTA / GTA. Flight simulators I can understand, because there are so many switches and stuff (snore) that they clutter up the screen.
  22. CS uses a dated engine so it doesn't require much work to get decent performance, plus it'll be dedicated. CPUs are fairly cheap these days, so you could get a 2GHz and plug it full of RAM, and that should be super-fast.
  23. orappa

    my suggestions

    I've heard loads of good suggestions regarding game types - more than the MTA team could possible add in a lifetime. Could there not be a way for users to make their own gametypes? Regarding No.4, I reckon some bastard will make a script that spams the admin's inbox with loads of these requests.
  24. RAM's not too expensive, so plug the machine to its maximum with memory. A fairly fast CPU and network card wouldn't go amiss either.
  25. orappa


    Bots would be quite useful for me because the GTA maps are so big and it's not much fun with only 2 or 3 people over a LAN. Obviously, don't drop everything to implement bot support now, but it's something that could be considered after v1.0.
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