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Everything posted by Haxardous

  1. I get literally the same amount of usage..
  2. Projects owners over the years were expecting a large number of people that may get interested into their work but they pretty much don't want to do sacrifices anymore because they noticed that it requires multiple achievements requires to be achieved before running their project or getting it into a public scene because if they don't, they'll pretty much fail, you might have the time, idea's and good financial status to get your project done but it might get abandoned for just not having the right number you were expecting back then before starting your project, the more people interested in your work, the more your project will succeed, that's how things going. There've been tens of ideas been done before here in MTA but they basically become forgotten with the time unfortunately, people started to realize that and come up with the "Multi Gamemode" idea that included other ideas into a single gamemode also, there're some "Cops n' Robbers" project that still resisting the trend waves by adding those trends into their project, just like when "CIT2" added a Battle-Royale minigame and just like FFS when they've added a "Rocket League" themed minigame to prevent their community to even care about them.
  3. that's really common since GTA:SA is really a CPU demanding game (because GTA:SA is an old game and made to work perfectly on older computers) also, at most cases it depends on the server script optimization since it really plays the major role on the performance side, you can notice that every server has it's own unique FPS rating. these CPU usage jumps are caused on what you're doing and how the server managed to make their script, they're pretty much expected and common so no worries.
  4. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetElementSpeed Ask for scripting help here: Peça ajuda para o scripting aqui: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/71-scripting/
  5. Haxardous

    Server List

    It usually takes up to 6 hours & just double check the ports if they're open or not https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ports/ otherwise If you're really sure checkout this forum post:
  6. please head to this forum instead, this section is for client/server support only: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/71-scripting/
  7. try resetting your chat layout settings.
  8. Contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) because as you mentioned that it's happening on multiple servers, they might help you for this issue since they're responsible for your pinging issues. additional note: if you're using a shared connection with your parents or friends or whatever.. ask them about their usage because they might be overusing the internet recently.
  9. Haxardous

    game crash

    There's a problem with DirectX drivers recently to who do have an Nvidia or Intel GPU, AMD GPU's seems to be not affected yet, unfortunately, there's no "complete fix" for this issue to play on Fullscreen mode. There's two option you can try: 1. Switch to Fullscreen Windowed mode. 2. Stay with Fullscreen mode but avoid using "WN Key (Windows Key)", ALT-Tab or going to the desktop by anyway. (which I don't recommend)
  10. Head to Settings > Interface > Layout > Scale and set both values to 1.1 X 1x1.
  11. there's no 1.5.8, MTA is jumping to 1.6
  12. Installation: extract files to C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\MTA\cgui\images replace & launch the game. Mediafire Dropbox Google Drive
  13. this is not the right place for this post, please post it here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/71-scripting/
  14. https://qaisjp.github.io/wiki-dump/wiki.localhost/wiki/Main_Page.html
  15. It’s happening only with people that have an Nvidia GPU, it seems like AMD GPU’s are not affected, probably related to OS version & the GPU.
  16. you guys should really read the post again
  17. you can literally find an answer for that without writing all that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shader
  18. this can be done by scripting, having it as a feature will just waste the developers time in my opinion
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