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MTA Anti-Cheat Team
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Everything posted by Dutchman101

  1. It's a problem with your GPU, most likeky caused by the graphics driver. Please as I asked earlier, attach the MTADiag log so I can assist you in updating a few drivers that may play a role in this. Analysis of the crashdump: http://pastebin.com/tA0njnWy By the way, did you ever get messages such as ''The video driver isn't responding'' ? This type of issue was well-documented as many possible root causes: http://www.sevenforums.com/crash-lockup-debug-how/63320-stop-0x116-video_tdr_error-troubleshooting.html (error type is 0x116_IMAGE_igdkmd32.sys (from article), igdkmd32+119b0 / GRAPHICS_DRIVER_TDR_FAULT so it applies). It can be both hardware fault or software fault (ranging from faulty graphics card memory to DX files corruption and more likely graphics driver corruption or even a hardware/driver conflict, i.e incorrect driver forced onto the graphics card like by manual installation), for that read above article. It can also be GPU overheating. Does the BSOD occur only with MTA or any other game?
  2. Just post the solution here, so yes, others might benefit from it when they run into the same issue. No need to open some sort of ''tutorial'' or ''fix for'' topic for that.
  3. Who are you quoting, I said to try something else.. please take the steps I advised
  4. That's right, anyone saying it could use an update didn't think further than shouting that: besides script compatibility, many MTA-dependent modifications and fixes are integrated with LUA 5.1 that we use, it would take ages before devs would finish fixing the integration by re-adding all MTA-specific parts and patches done to LUA 5.1 through the years, from scratch. It'll be like starting from zero. LUA 5.1 was heavily adapted to work fine with MTA.
  5. If you're using 64bit Debian, simply get the 64-bit server build from https://linux.multitheftauto.com/ if you don't want to put time into adding 32bit libraries. Let know once you tried running 64bit MTA server
  6. Updating LUA version would break many existing scripts, therefore it wasn't updated for years.
  7. You'll have to wait for someone with more knownledge on the Linux side to come here, that's the only thing within MTA I'm not very experienced in. Are you trying to run the 64bit MTA server or regular? If you're running a 64-bit version of Debian you're obviously in the wrong unless you're able to find the 32-bit libraries. If you run 64bit Linux OS (in your case debian) then also run the 64-bit Linux MTA build, or else fix those libraries.
  8. Then do that, and let us know here about what the error turns out to be, with a specific error on why Linux MTA server isn't launching through TCAdmin we may be able to help you further.
  9. Mind informing us what resolved it, useful for anyone encountering this in future?
  10. If you bought that license, you're better off to contact TCAdmin official support. It's a configuration/setup problem of TCAdmin seen the symptoms such as PID 0 and non running state. Otherwise read the documentation to find out if you missed opening any TCAdmin specific ports, or other configuration steps you need to take. (I hope/assume you're using TCAdmin through hosting and not your own PC right, that screen is purely the web remote interface or not?)
  11. GALAXY NOTE 7: Grenade Edition! (cheaper than C4) After modeling the Note 7 into a GTA model I release.. Parody on recent Note 7 explosion/fire issues. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=13832 (applies to Grenades by default, can be changed into Satchel manually in the script) Note: this is a parody/making fun of actual recent events and by no means just a nice replacement of a weapon/a gun mod, so please don't try report this ''mod'' for community policy on mods.
  12. MTA already raises the max FPS limit from what it is in GTA SA, so that tool wouldn't have any effect. Therefore you cannot see it work/notice it, server decides and applies the FPS limit and you cannot override it with that tool. So if you mean you wanted to set MTA client FPS higher than server you're playing has its limit, you cannot. (and you never could, so it wasn't possibly broken by MTA 1.5.3) And, do I understand from your ability to test FPS increaser tool, your MTA works again so the issue is resolved?
  13. Please post the link from upload.mtasa.com here after uploading the file. Precisamos que você publique o link aqui (upload.mtasa.com)
  14. Don't forward in the ''virtual servers list'' but likely ''NAT settings''. (does that contain a forwarding table?) To see if your forwarding failed before trying that, enter your local IP / mac adress of server PC to DMZ Settings (the tab shown in that screenshot) See if the ports are opened correctly after enabling DMZ for your local IP, if not, your ports are filtered after going through your router or your router on its time has another signal supply (like it acts as a repeater of a main modem/other router) Also, if the DMZ switch makes it work, ensure you don't feel satisfied yet as that's also pretty unsafe to always have on and is bad to consider a structural solution; just see and reply here if that solved it.
  15. Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you in this topic. Also please zip up all .dmp (crashdump) files from C:\Windows\Minidump, upload to http://upload.mtasa.com and link it here
  16. To conclude this matter if you still read this, try one of the most basal things you'd think of - ask ingame admin to move you elsewhere (if you're in some dimension or place that does no longer exist, as you suggested yourself) or try force a respawn. Also very logical you could've tried another server (you havent tried? small effort..) or that respawn/move before assuming its an MTA issue and posting here.
  17. https://www.google.com/search?q=neshta+removal+tool or just a good antivirus scanner to also clean the infection. About the Wiki thing; there are many viruses out there that can cause MTA to not work or cause this CL33 error (I think more than this particular Neshta virus) and we happened to find out how 1 of them did damage that leads to MTA not launching; we shouldn't standarize that approach because most of the time support already ends once a PC becomes so much infected that MTA doesnt work. Just because we found out the mechanism that caused Neshta to impede MTA functioning, this workaround can do, as reversal of that is the registry workaround (some AV scanners or specific W32.Nestha removal tools can do the same, but because its unclear if even a random anti-virus scanner will, let's add a wiki page on recovering MTA after the virus was removed. (I will create it once I got time, or if you want you're free to do so) Also for wiki it should be clear this scenario/workaround is only verified for W32.Neshta virus (which is pretty common though) because attempting to apply the fix for CL33 or load errors caused by other viruses can make things go horribly wrong. (also as I said its a sensitive key, one wrong value and not a single app/program will load (PC unusable) and you'll have to replace the registry key back with automated .bat or so)
  18. Don't forget you didnt give him instructions to remove that virus yet, if he won't then the corruption could re-appear. Also recovering that registry key's value is tricky, if you do 1 thing wrong, not any Windows app will launch no more, not even regedit itself. (some automatic tool removers of the WIN32.NESHTA virus will automaticly repair the key too)
  19. So you got what you needed to find: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=10589 But from what you said in first post ; I understood you also wanted to know more about the code inside to modify something with ''how select vehicles that be in spawner when player hit..'' so that's why I suggested to clear more up about the part in scripting support you appeared to ask for. Now you found your needed resource (congrats), and turn out not (be more clear) to want scripting support, this will be moved to Resources section.
  20. You're asking 2 things on a different subject in here: - someone to remind you of which spawner that was on Community/link you it - wanting to know the inner workings, aka you'd favour to decompile it (won't get help with that here) or reproduce it with its features. (At most you can get scripting help here to develop a similar script that fits your needs, for that) It would've been better to create both questions in different forum sections (Resources, to ask for which one it was) and (Scripting, to get help patching it to your needs or develop similar) you can keep it like this (because what you want as script/need to get scripting support is reliant on identifying what resource it was) but I'm not sure if you'll see both questions answered to the best extent in that case. Furthermore I would suggest you just think of possible functions that resource you're talking about had, list them up here and get help here to script something that re-assembles it as much possible. (even if someone manages to remind you, you'll never get an idea of those functions from a compiled script).. just think of the functionality you want and you may even get function suggestions.
  21. @Rayene84 in your main post you're saying that you are just a player encountering a crash on 1 server (you asked the owner, he said this and that, etc etc) and your last reply you're implying it's your server. Your server files, your players etc. You're contradicting yourself.. and you said only happens to 3 players, if that includes you we need your MTADiag log, otherwise ask your players who have the crash for one. It's likely to just be some mod or script but we really need the log to find out more, if you cannot provide the log (that means lack of effort, its pretty easy) then atleast give the crash dialog info.
  22. As you can see I mentioned ccw (who might look into it) because it appears to be a master server issue in the combination as I said, of occasional fading in Recent servers, 0-player count listed, or the count not updating (indeed lagging behind) when it actually changes, that makes it different from the known problem Jusonex linked it to, on MTA's part. Your ASE port seems to be just fine.
  23. I can join in there without problems, just selecting the server in serverbrowser. This reduces the problem to what he mentioned and falls into repeat. (having answers) ^ As you can see @FaHaD the problem you mention isn't even his. I honestly have seen this very same issue on other servers aswell, think I start to understand it now. When saved in Recently played list (your server, Inception RP) it sometimes even indicates 0 players and fades out like it were offline after waiting a while. I can see that, and only seen that before on 1 other occasion but persistently (Owlgaming RP). But after clicking the servername which appears to be fading because it'd be offline, it will connect fine. So master server has a different problem than the one Jusonex mentioned. I think that ''loading..'' only when combined with a playercount amount that's hanging and not updating when it actually changes, and occasional fading and indicating 0 players as count, is a complex of issues that I just recognized as being familiar. In this combination, does @ccw maybe know more?
  24. Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you in this topic Also, does it happen only on that server you're talking about or also on others?
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