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Everything posted by l2ebel

  1. first give me gta3 mta 0.4, than i will search for them
  2. icy: just make a second install of vc than you can mod everything you want w/o having to worry about messing up mta
  3. @ mods and admins: we could really use a forum section for servers.. to contact ULK go to irc.multitheftauto.com/#ulk or search for deathb on these forums closed
  4. omg Ransom plz never ever start such an award crap again plz
  5. stolen ideas? lol but i dont think they got cops on horses in
  6. ROFL, you should put this in your sig Gamefreek: how the hell did you get the packer on top of the mall? i tried that shit many times
  7. yes it is, pc1 runs a server, uses the client to connect to itself and pc2/3/4... connects to the server of pc1 its is really easy, just read it here: http://mtavc.com/sbs.php maybe a Search would have given you an answer
  8. in gta3 0.4 yes, dont think it will be in vc too but im not sure get ready for being dodo-roadkilled lol @ |2ebel In VC you wont be able to drive on the road with the skimmer unless you want to ride fast as a snail 1:dodo = plane of gta3, skimmer = plane of vc 2:the skimmer SUCKS 3: when i say dodo-raodkill i mean to choose a target on ground and fly him over w/o landing 4: i said there will be instant roadkills in gta3, not in vc
  9. if the cop would only aim straight it would make an awesome dev screen funny pics there
  10. and Opium....stfu Theo:about 0.4, i would say 1-4 weeks <-- im only guessing but since its time for final testing and fixing some eventual bugs afterwards its pretty near
  11. heh no wonder, look at its col model
  12. in gta3 0.4 yes, dont think it will be in vc too but im not sure get ready for being dodo-roadkilled
  13. nah forget about 0.3b, 0.4 is coming very soon and you cant modify anything like health...
  14. Excuse me? y the hell do you have to know if/what someones dling?
  15. ok plz stop the damn names or ill lock it /topic
  16. yes once or twice a week, damn i wanted to create a lil T2 funclan
  17. too late nice service since ive never seen a 100% savegame pack for gta3
  18. what about "davie" sounds totally gay @trx dont mess things up again! its the core! DUH
  19. bling! a light goes on i didnt understood it coz i seriously didnt expected that you would ask for a mod to pass the crc maybe with the next core
  20. just ignore me, obviously i dont get it what is it that you want? pass the crc? for what reason when you cant use custom cars?$ if im talking bs set on /ignore
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